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Spot is a model-checking toolkit comprising:
  - a C++11 library with data-structures and algorithms for working
    with linear-time temporal logical formulas and ω-automata with
    any acceptance condition.
  - a set of command-line tools for easy access to those algorithms,
    with convenient interfaces to third-party tools also manipulating
    similar concepts.
  - Python bindings (including Jupyter interfaces) for the library,
    making it easier to play with and discover those concepts.


Some documentation can be found in the doc/ directory.

- doc/userdoc/ is basically a local copy of the web-site at  It contains several explanations and
  illustrations of the core concepts and tools; it has installation
  instructions; and also provide several code examples.

- doc/spot.html/ contains documentation for the C++ library.  It is
  generated automatically from the source code using Doxygen.

- doc/tl/tl.pdf contains documentation about the various temporal
  logic operators supported by Spot.  It provides semantics, syntax,
  and gives an exhaustive list of all implemented rewritings.

"make install" will also install man pages for command-line tools.
(These man pages can also be found in the spot/bin/man/ subdirectory
of the source tree.)  Additional documentation about these tools can
also be found in doc/userdoc/.

An important part of the documentation that is missing is the
documentation of the Python bindings.  Currently all we have is a
collection of examples, which are all collected at (or doc/userdoc/tut.html in the
source tree).  This is hardly ideal, but we do not have the resources
to maintain such a manual for the Python binding by hand.  If you have
an idea about how to generate a manual for the Python bindings
automatically, please do contribute!


This project started in 2003 at LIP6 (  The main author
moved to LRDE ( in 2007, and all regular
contributors are now at LRDE.  The web site was moved from to in 2015, so do not be surprised if
you find links to the old site.

Keeping in touch

If you have questions regarding Spot, or bug to report, please send
them to <[email protected]>.  This is a public mailing list which you
may subscribe to at
but you should feel free to post without subscribing.

We also run a low-traffic and read-only list for announcements of new
releases of Spot.  You may subscribe to that list at



Spot requires a C++11-compliant compiler.
G++ 4.8 or later, as well as Clang++ 3.5 or later should work.

Spot expects a complete installation of Python (version 3.3 or later).
Especially, Python's headers files should be installed.  If you don't
have Python installed, and do NOT want to install it, you should run
configure with the --disable-python option (see below).

Optional third-party dependencies

If the SAT-solver glucose is found on your system, it will be used by
our test suite to test our SAT-based minimization algorithm.

Spot used to distribute a modified version of LBTT (an LTL to Büchi
test bench), mostly fixing errors reported by recent compilers.
However Spot now distributes its own reimplementation of LBTT, called
ltlcross, so the use of LBTT is completely optional.  The last
modified version of LBTT we used to distribute can now be found at
If some lbtt binary is found on your system, it will be used in the
test suite in addition to ltlcross.

Building and installing

Spot follows the traditional `./configure && make && make check &&
make install' process.  People unfamiliar with the GNU Build System
should read the file INSTALL for generic instructions.

In addition to its usual options, ./configure will accept some
flags specific to Spot:

    Turn off the compilation of Python bindings.  These bindings
    offers a convenient interface when used in an IPython notebook,
    and are also used to build the CGI script that translates LTL
    formulas on-line.  You may safely disable these, especially if you
    do not have a working Python 3.2+ installation or if you are
    attempting some cross-compilation.

    Enable debugging symbols, turn off aggressive optimizations, and
    turn on assertions.  This option is effective by default in
    development versions (version numbers ending with a letter).
    It is equivalent to
    Disable development options.  This is the case by default in
    releases (version numbers NOT ending with a letter).
    It is equivalent to

     Enable the debugging version libstdc++
     Note that the debugging version of libstdc++ is incompatible with
     the regular version.  So if Spot is compiled with this option, all
     client code should be compiled with -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG as well.  This
     options should normally only be useful to run Spot's test-suite.

Here are the meaning of the fine-tuning options, in case
--enable/disable-devel is not enough.

    Control assertion checking.

    Whether warnings should be output.  Note that during development
    we consider warnings to be errors.

    Whether to compile extra debugging code.

    Whether the compilation should be optimized.  When FLAGS are
    given, use these as optimization flags.  Otherwise, pick working
    flags from a built-in list.

Layout of the source tree

Core directories

spot/             Sources for libspot.
   graph/         Graph representations.
   ltsmin/        Interface with DiVinE2 and SpinS.  (Not part of libspot.)
   kripke/        Kripke Structure interface.
   tl/            Temporal Logic formulas and algorithms.
   misc/          Miscellaneous support files.
   parseaut/      Parser for automata in multiple formats.
   parsetl/       Parser for LTL/PSL formulas.
   priv/          Private algorithms, used internally but not exported.
   ta/            TA objects and cousins (TGTA).
   taalgos/       Algorithms on TA/TGTA.
   twa/           TωA objects and cousins (Transition-based ω-Automata).
   twaalgos/      Algorithms on TωA.
      gtec/       Couvreur's Emptiness-Check.
bin/              Command-line tools built on top of libspot.
   man/           Man pages for the above tools.
tests/            Test suite.
   core/          Tests for libspot and the binaries.
   ltsmin/	  Tests for the DiVinE2/SpinS interface.
   python/        Tests for Python bindings.
   sanity/        Tests for the coherence of the source base.
doc/              Documentation for Spot.
   org/           Source of userdoc/ as org-mode files.
   tl/            Documentation of the Temporal Logic operators.
   userdoc/       HTML documentation about the command-line tools.
   spot.html/     HTML reference manual for the library.
bench/            Benchmarks for ...
   dtgbasat/      ... SAT-based minimization of DTGBA,
   emptchk/       ... emptiness-check algorithms,
   ltl2tgba/      ... LTL-to-Büchi translation algorithms,
   ltlcounter/    ... translation of a class of LTL formulas,
   ltlclasses/    ... translation of more classes of LTL formulas,
   spin13/        ... compositional suspension and other improvements,
   stutter/       ... stutter-invariance checking algorithms,
   wdba/          ... WDBA minimization (for obligation properties).
python/           Python bindings for Spot and BuDDy
   ajax/          LTL-to-TGBA translator with web interface, using Javascript.

Third party software

buddy/            A customized version of BuDDy 2.3 (a BDD library).
ltdl/             Libtool's portable dlopen() wrapper library.
lib/              Gnulib's portability modules.
utf8/             Nemanja Trifunovic's utf-8 routines.
elisp/		  Related emacs modes, used for building the documentation.
picosat/          A distribution of PicoSAT 965 (a satsolver library).

Build-system stuff

m4/      M4 macros used by
tools/   Helper scripts used during the build.
debian/  Configuration file to build Debian packages.

Local Variables:
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 LocalWords:  Python's BuDDy LBTT LTL Büchi lbtt gspn DIR GreatSPN Soheib Yann
 LocalWords:  Baarir Thierry Mieg CVS Università di Torino devel src libspot ac
 LocalWords:  ltlast ltlenv ltlparse ltlvisit  misc tgba TGBA tgbaalgos
 LocalWords:  gtec Tarjan doc html PDF spotref pdf cgi ELTL LRDE tl
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LocalWords:  optimizations kripkeparse  Automata IPython subdirectory
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