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Analysis functions for PQC measurements.

Install using pip

Install using pip (>= 19.0) in a virtual environment.

pip install git+[email protected]

Note: this does not install the bundled analysis scripts.

Install analysis scripts

Clone the git repository

git clone -b <branch/tag>
cd analysis-pqc

Create a virtual environment.

python3 -m venv env
. env/bin/activate  # env/Scripts/activate.bat on Windows
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --editable .
pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt

Run full-line script

python scripts/ /PQC/Tracker/Production/Data/VPX35953/ -HP -t*.html -o ../test-pqc

Use flag -t to select templates to render output files by specifying a glob expression with wildcard support. The flag can be set multiple times, eg. -t*.html for all HTML reports, -tresults.html for a specific HTML report, -t*.tex -t*.html for all LaTeX and HTML reports, or -t* for all.

XML files are generated with the -t*.xml flag. XML templates are located in scripts/templates.

For custom configurations clone and edit file scripts/config/default.yaml and use flag -c <name> to load custom configuration from scripts/config/<name>.yaml.

Run command deactivate to exit the virtual environment and . env/bin/activate again to activate it.

Full line analysis (for whole batch)

python scripts/ [-h] [-o DIR] [-l] [-H] [-P] [-t EXPR] [-c NAME] path
required arguments:
  path        path to the folder of the batch - the "HPK_VPX12345_001_2-S_HM_WR" folders should be in this dir

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -o DIR      override output directory location, a sub-directory will be created at DIR/analysis_<batch-name>/
  -l          lazy evaluation: skip if the measurement folder is older than analysis folder
  -H          create histograms
  -P          create plots (for each single measurement used)
  -t EXPR     select templates to render (eg. -t*.tex -t*.html or -t* for all)
  -c NAME     load custom configuration by name

Templates that contain stdout will be sent to the stdout stream automatically, all others will be located in DIR/analysis_/

Other scripts

Upload XML files to the database

Upload all .xml files in (including subdirectories) to the database: production (cmsr) or development (int2r)

python3 scripts/ -db <database> <path>

Analyze JSON

python scripts/ <path> <analysis>

Convert text to JSON

python scripts/ <input.txt> -o <output.json>

Note: the scripts requires additional dependencies to be installed.

pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt