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Apriori Exceptional Preferences Mining (A-EPM)

This is a heavily modified version of the Python Exceptional Model Mining implemenation emm by MathynS.

📦 Installation

Either run .\setup.ps1 when pyenv-windows is installed on your machine with Python 3.12.0 set as local or global pyenv, or install the necessary packages (see /requirements.txt) in your Python 3.12.0 installation.

💻 Usage

🏃‍♂️ Run

A good example on how to use A-EPM is the executable file /

⚙️ Options

📅 EPM Class

Attribute Type Default Notes Options Description
algorithm str 'apriori' - ('apriori', 'best_first') Decide what algorithm to use to construct the subgroups
width int None When algorithm 'depth_first' is used: this, evaluation_threshold or both required. - Width parameter of the search: amount of subgroups to keep before moving on to the next depth step
depth int - Required - Depth parameter of the search: amount of iterations in the process, subgroups are described by at most depth attributes
evaluation_metric str or callable - Required ('rw_norm', 'rw_norm_mode', 'rw_cov', 'lw_norm', 'pw_max') Function to evaluate the subgroups with. You can choose one of the from our paper as a string or create your own evaluation function
evaluation_threshold float None Should be a positive float, except when using 'rc_cov' metric. When algorithm 'depth_first' is used: this, width or both required. - Quality metric threshold used to prune subgroups after each depth step.
frequency_threshold float None Required when algorithm 'apriori' is used. - Frequency threshold used to prune subgroups after each depth step for the 'apriori' algorithm. Example: a frequency threshold of 0.2 means that the subgroup should cover at least 20% of the dataset
n_bins int 8 Each depth step new bins are created - For int or float columns of the dataset not all options are used to create subgroups. Values are divided into bins for which the amount of bins can be specified
bin_strategy str 'equidepth' - ('equidepth', 'equiwidth') Method to create bins for int and float columns
bin_subgroups str 'both' - ('both', 'per_bin', 'per_split') When creating subgroups of bins, decide whether to make a subgroup on a split (e.g. x <= 5), a bin (e.g. 3 < x <= 5) or both.
candidate_size int width^2 - - Amount of subgroups to keep in memory each depth step while using the 'best_first' algorithm
log_level int 50 - - Choose the logging log level. When using a log_level of 0, the found subgroups will be shown in the console

load_data() method

This method only requires a single df argument with a dataset containing a ranking column.

🔍 search() method

Attribute Type Default Description
descriptive_cols str or list All columns except ranking column Single column or list of columns that can be used to create subgroups with

👁️ visualise() method

This method has a single optional subgroups_amount argument expecting an int. When this method is called (after calling load_data() and search()), this will visualise the minimum of (subgroups_amount, #subgroups) best subgroups.

⚠️ Warning! If no amount is given for subgroups_amount, all subgroups will be visualised.