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Managing Admission Types in HIMS

Dr. M H B Ariyaratne edited this page Nov 24, 2023 · 4 revisions

Our Health Information Management System accommodates a variety of patient admission types to cater to the diverse needs of healthcare service delivery. Understanding these types is crucial for effective patient management and resource allocation.

Admission Types Overview:

Inward Stays:

These are the traditional hospital admissions where patients stay overnight or for extended periods in the hospital for treatment and care.

Day Cases:

These admissions are for patients who require certain medical procedures or treatments that can be completed within a single day, without the need for an overnight stay.

Home Visits:

This category includes admissions for patients who receive medical care and services at their homes, typically through scheduled visits by healthcare professionals.

Characteristics of an Inward Admission Type:

When managing an Inward Stay, the system allows for detailed characterization of each admission, which includes:

  • Name of the Admission Type: A descriptive title for easy identification of the admission category.
  • Day Case or Inward Stay: Classification of the admission as either a day case or an extended inpatient stay.
  • Code for BHT Numbering: A unique code assigned to each admission type, used as a prefix in Bed Head Ticket (BHT) numbering.
  • Admission Fee: The standard fee associated with this type of admission.
  • Default Room Allocation: Specifies the default room or ward for this admission type.
  • Room Allocation Requirement: Indicates whether allocating a room is necessary for this admission type.
  • Admission Number Count: The system tracks the number of admissions under this category.

Navigating the HIMS Interface for Admission Types:

To manage admission types, users can navigate through the system as follows:

  • Select Menu > Administration > Manage Inpatient Services.
  • On the Manage Admission Types page, you can access the section for Admission Types.
  • Click on the Admission Types button to view or modify admission categories.

Adding and Editing Admission Types:

  • Adding a New Type: Click 'Add' to clear the form, allowing for the entry of details for a new admission type.
  • Editing an Existing Type: Selecting an existing admission type displays its details, which can be modified as needed.
  • Saving Changes: After making any changes, click 'Save' to update the admission type details.


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