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Dr. M H B Ariyaratne edited this page Sep 12, 2023 · 1 revision

Navigating to a Specific Page in the IDE from the Browser

In a JSF project, due to the way JSF handles navigation and page requests, there's a notable behaviour: the URL displayed in the browser often corresponds to the previous page, not the currently displayed one. This can make locating the source file of the currently viewed page in your IDE a bit tricky. To navigate to the correct file for editing, follow these steps:

Identify the Previous Page Name: Look at the URL in the browser. The part after the last slash, excluding the .xhtml or .jsf extension, typically represents the name of the previous page. For example, in the URL http://localhost:8080/myapp/login.jsf, if you're viewing the dashboard page, the URL might still show login.

Deduce the Current Page: Based on your application's navigation flow, determine which page typically follows the one identified in the URL. In our example, after login, the next page might be dashboard.

Open the IDE: Switch to your IDE where your JSF project is open.

Use the Search Function: Use the search or 'Find File' function in your IDE. Enter the deduced page name from step 2, followed by .xhtml.

Navigate to the File: The search results should display the corresponding .xhtml file. Click on it to open and edit.

Keep in mind that this method is a general approach and might vary slightly based on the structure of your JSF project and the IDE you are using.

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