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This repository contains an example of a Lambda container image with a handler written in Rust.


Build development image

First, you build a development image whose base image is, which is the custom base image for Lambda container images.

You execute the command make develop-image.

Build the handler

You build the handler with the script cargo in this directory. This script runs the cargo inside the development container.

Run the Lambda container image on your PC

You can run it with make run. This make target runs the Lambda container. You can check the response of the handler by executing the following command in another console.

curl -XPOST http://localhost:9000/2015-03-31/functions/function/invocations -d '{"message": "ping", "id": 10}'

Build and Deploy

You build the production image with make image and push the image rust-lambda-container-example:latest to your ECR repository.

Then, you create a Lambda function with the image you pushed. It can be invoked by executing aws lambda invoke.


The image provided:al2 contains the AWS Lambda Runtime Interface Emulator. This emulator only support the invocation through the API Invoke, which can be called with aws lambda invoke.

The Runtime Interface Emulator does not support Lambda Function URLs emulation. The payloads of lambda events are different. That of Lambda Function URLs contains the information of the HTTP request.