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alad is a glad-like, header-only C/C++ OpenAL-loader library by Hypatia of Sva

Dependencies for compilation:


Include the single header

    #include "alad.h"

once with


to define the functions and global function pointers, and include the header without this symbol defined in all other translation units.

This will pull in all OpenAL symbols except the functions, by loading in the AL headers with AL_NO_PROTOTYPES and ALC_NO_PROTOTYPES defined. In order for this to work, you need up to date header files, download them from the master branch of openal-soft: (Currently to 1.23.1). alad can't currently check on whether or not the headers work properly, but compilation will fail due to undefined types. Keep that in mind if you have compilation issues and put those headers under <AL/alext.h> and <AL/efx-presets.h> (the others are included in alext.h).

There are three interfaces to initialize the API, the (recommended) simplified interface, the manual interface for explicit function loading and the legacy manual interface.

Simplified Interface (generally recommended)

The simplified interface initializes the library first with


which loads in all the core functions from the shared library. This should be enough to select a device and create a context. Once you've done that, call


which will load all extensions, except AL_EXT_direct_context, with the current context and its device. If an extension is not present, its functions will be NULL, check for that.

The ALC functions are only valid for the current context's device (and technically the AL functions also for the context). If you change the device, call aladUpdateAL(); again. (If you make another context current, you can also do that, but most implementations of OpenAL will not differentiate between contexts on the same device for functionality, although it is allowed by the specification.)

Once you're done using OpenAL, terminate the library with


this will unload the shared library.

The library should be named

  • OpenAL32.dll / soft_oal.dll on Windows
  • / on Linux/BSD
  • libopenal.1.dylib / libopenal.dylib on Mac OS.

and should be on path for LoadLibraryA / dlopen.

alad will attempt to load all function pointers in all extensions as currently described in the openal-soft headers, except AL_EXT_direct_context, (repo version from 14.03.2024, commit, the ones not available will be NULL, you have to check all functions you want to use for that. The ALC_INVALID_VALUE-Error-State of alcGetProcAddress is not being checked.

Manual Interface (only recommended for working with AL_EXT_direct_context)

In this Interface, you will directly be working with function pointers, and you will have to provide the loader yourself. There are three struct types: aladALFunctions, aladALCFunctions and aladDirectFunctions, which provide members for al and alc functions except AL_EXT_direct_context, and for the pointers of AL_EXT_direct_context respectively, where for the first two the common prexix al and alc is missing. The functions are loaded by the following utility functions:

    typedef void (*aladFunction) (void);
    typedef aladFunction (*aladLoader) (const char *name);
    void aladLoadALCoreMinimal(aladALFunctions* functions, aladLoader loader);
    void aladLoadALCoreRest(aladALFunctions* functions, aladLoader loader);
    void aladLoadEFX(aladALFunctions* functions, aladLoader loader);
    void aladLoadALExtensions(aladALFunctions* functions, aladLoader loader);
    void aladLoadALCCore(aladALFunctions* functions, aladLoader loader);
    void aladLoadALCExtensions(aladALFunctions* functions, aladLoader loader);
    void aladLoadDirectExtension(aladDirectFunctions* functions, aladLoader loader);

which together load all function pointers except alGetProcAddress and alcGetProcAddress (as the GetProcAddress member of aladALFunctions and aladALCFunctions respectively). These functions, unlike those of the legacy interface, can be intermixed with those loaded by the simplified interface. This means that one option is to first use the simplified interface to load the function pointers from the DLL, and then use these functions to optain explicit function pointers by functions like alcGetProcAddress2. The wrapping to get those functions to fir the aladLoader type, such as currying the device handle, is something that you will have to do yourself.

You might also want to consider defining the macro ALAD_NO_SHORT_NAMES, this will then not define names such as alGetInteger. Instead, after the default intialization aladLoadAL();, you will have to call aladAL.GetInteger. However, this also means you can define these names yourself without the use of #undef.

Legacy Manual interface (not recommended, description will not be updated)

The manual interface initializes the function pointers first with


for default initialization, or with


where my_alGetProcAddress is a loader function of type LPALGETPROCADDRESS for custom initalization, to load all the function via alGetProcAddress.

Default initialization will pull in OpenAL32.dll / soft_oal.dll on Windows or / on Unix respectively, and libopenal.1.dylib / libopenal.dylib on Mac OS (yet untested).

Make sure one of these dynamic libraries are on path for LoadLibraryA / dlopen, change the code below in alad_open_ or provide your own function loader.

The shared library will only be loaded once, you can call "aladLoadALFromLoaderFunction(NULL)" as often as you want to reload the pointers from the loaded shared library.

If you're unsure about loading with a function loader, intialize with


to load function pointers directly from the shared library. This only works for default initialization. This will however not load all function pointers, but only those necessary to create a context. Those are the core ALC functions and all Core AL functions not relating to buffers, listeners, sources, and also not alDopplerFactor, alDopplerVelocity, alSpeedOfSound and alDistanceModel. However, if you change the parameter to anything else (like AL_TRUE), all core AL and ALC functions will be loaded from the shared library.

If you want to use your own library, not available in default initialization, and want to load directly from it, you need to write a wrapper of type LPALGETPROCADDRESS of the form

    my_alGetProcAddress("[al-function]") = dlsym(my_lib, "[al-function]").

aladLoadALContextFree is not used here.

These aladLoad functions only initialize the Core API. To load the extensions you have to update the function pointers.

You can update those via the ALCcontext* context through

    aladUpdateALPointers(context, AL_FALSE);
    aladUpdateALCPointersFromContext(context, AL_FALSE);

which will load all AL and ALC functions, including extensions, via alGetProcAddress for the specific context by switching the current context temporarily. It will just use the current context, if the parameter is NULL. If you replace AL_FALSE with anything else (AL_TRUE makes the most sense) this will only load the extensions, and the core function pointers will remain unchanged

Update ALC pointers to those loaded with a specific ALCdevice* device with

    aladUpdateALCPointersFromDevice(device, AL_FALSE);

If you want to remove this reference to the device, reload them to the nonspecific pointers by calling "aladUpdateALCPointersFromContext" again. or by calling "aladLoadALContextFree()" if you need them without reference to any context. Calling "aladLoadALFromLoaderFunction" again won't do anything different from "aladUpdateALCPointersFromContext", since both call alGetProcAddress and are therefore just dependent on driver state. The last parameter again makes sure to reload the core, change the value to disable that.

Unload the library loaded with default initalization with


This will not unload the function pointers or set them to NULL, but they will be probably invalid after unloading the shared library.

alad will attempt to load all function pointers in all extensions as currently described in the openal-soft headers (repo version from 24.12.2022, commit, the ones not available will be NULL, you have to check all functions you want to use for that. The ALC_INVALID_VALUE-Error-State of alcGetProcAddress is not being checked. If a functionality you expect to be present isn't working, you might want to check the spelling of the strings in the internal "alad_load_alc_functions_" function.