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Python version used: 3.8.3 Python libraries: PyQt5

About IzzyCounter:

Program designed for Digitisation Department in National Museum in Warsaw. It count the exact number of photographed museal objects from provided files (each object has irregular number of images -> 1 - xxx). For example: in 1000 files could be only 8 objects or could be 500 objects.

Each input filename has to fit to pattern (accepted in National Museum):

inventory_number + (ordinal number) + .file_extension

note: -> no spaces included -> accepted filename characters: 0-9 A-Z a-z , - _ ! ( ) -> each inventory_number has to include 'mnw' -> accepted file extension: tiff, tif or jpg -> ordinal number (1), (01), (001) -> all are ok.


input: abc123mnw(1).tiff
abc123mnw(2).tiff abc123mnw(3).tiff

output: abc123mnw counter: 1

input: 123456mnw(1).jpg 123456mnw(2).jpg 123456mnw(3).jpg

output: 123456mnw counter: 1

Program take in consideration also multi-part objects (which could be quite error prone -> each part have it's own '(1)', but it is still one object and will be counted as 1)

input: aaa222_a-cmnw(1).tif aaa222_a-cmnw(2).tif aaa222_a-cmnw!a(1).tif

output: aaa222_a-c counter: 1

note: ...a-cmnw!a -> means it's an image of part 'a' from three-part object 'abc'.

input: zzz0345_1-2mnw(01).tiff zzz0345_1-2mnw(02).tiff zzz0345_1-2mnw(03).tiff zzz0345_1mnw(01).tiff zzz0345_1mnw(02).tiff zzz0345_2mnw(01).tiff zzz0345_2mnw(02).tiff

output: zzz0345_1mnw zzz0345_2mnw

counter: 2

note: ...1-2mnw means that image shows set of two objects. This 'set' images will not be counted -> program will only display in special section that there is an image of set. Beside set there are always images of particular parts of set which will be counted.

Sometimes two objects has to be photographed together. Then pattern is:

inventory_number + ',' + inventory_number + (ordinal number) + .file_extension

input: bas003_1mnw,mad008_1mnw(1).tif bas003_1mnw,mad008_1mnw(2).tif

output: bas003_1mnw mad008_1mnw

counter: 2

note: no spaces included

Before running app: -> install PyQt5 library from terminal -> pip install PyQt5 -> for checking functionality of program download sample files with proper filename content:

After installing PyQt5 library and downloading samples: -> run code from '' -> provide a sample files in dialog box and click 'count' button -> program will display counting result, lists of counted objects and list of eventual sets of objects. -> you can export all results to txt file by clicking 'ctrl+S' or choose 'export..' from file menu bar.


GUI counter app for National Museum in Warsaw







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