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Revision of Forecasting economic activity using a text-classification model

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To run this project, one has to first download miniconda and Git and then create and activate the environment. To create and activate the environment first navigate into the root directory of the repistory and then type the following into the console:

$ mamba env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate final_project_schmidtfabian

To build the project, type

$ pytask

If you run into any trouble in doing so go through the steps of "Preparing your system" and "How to get started on a second machine" on this website that belongs to the template that was used to create this project.

To investigate the results of this project, you can then navigate into the bld folder of the repistory that was created after running pytask or read the pdf that is located in the root directory of this project. The src and the paper folder contains all the source code that is needed to run this project. Files with the prefix task_ are pytask files and are executed once you type pytask into the console. The tests folder contains all the tests that can be run to test the functionality of the defined functions in the source code. To run all the tests type pytest into the console while having the environment activated. Lastly, the file contains a description of the main changes of this version of the project compared to the previous version of the project.


This project was created with cookiecutter and the econ-project-templates.

Project by Fabian Schmidt


final-project-schmidtfabian created by GitHub Classroom




