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Reusable UI components for ARGO projects.


Local Dev


  • Install dependencies: npm ci
  • Start watching: npm run watch

Consumer project:

  • npm i <root_path_to_uikit>/dist --legacy-peer-deps


  • make sure to run watch first as dist folder is used
  • assets will require a restart of watcher
  • typescript changes often need vscode to restart the TS server
  • avoid default exports for anything that needs to be used by 3rd party


react-testing-lib with Jest test runner see Button.test.tsx for example


  • npm run storybook
  • npm run build-storybook creates static storybook build in ./storybook-static

Component Boilerplate

  • creating a new component: npm run create-component

Type checking

  • npm run type-check: trigger TypeScript type check for whole repo
  • npm run type-check -- --watch: runs the above with watch mode
    • Any npm run type-check triggers tsc, so any flag layed out here can be used
  • If using vscode (recommended), tsc can also be run as a task in the editor:
    • Cmd+Shift+B, then select tsc:build - tsconfig.json
    • This will report errors in vscode's PROBLEMS tab

Publish to npm:

  1. Increase version under uikit/package.release.json
  • Automated process (recommended)

    1. Merge that change to develop, and let the Jenkins pipeline handle it
  • Manual process (discouraged, but available)

    1. Run npm run build-uikit which performs the following:
    2. Run npm run publish-uikit to publish latest version to npm


react/react-dom are needed as dependencies for storybook project does not work if they are just defined as peerDeps


Stories are written in the older storiesOf style

  • No explicit export from module required
  • Use a constant string for story name
    • Stories can break easily when you use dynamic vars as story name ${__dirname} (too many '/', diff OS)