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Querying Tabular Data in DeepLynx

Jaren Brownlee edited this page Oct 8, 2024 · 8 revisions

Querying Timeseries and Tabular Data in DeepLynx

DeepLynx's "Timeseries 2 (TS2)" feature was recently implemented in DeepLynx. TS2 allows users to upload and query tabular data. In the past, special data sources were required for DeepLynx to be able to ingest and process timeseries data within DeepLynx. There were several limitations to this approach, including a steep learning curve for creating these special data sources and difficulties related to large datasets- those with high dimensionality (lots of columns) and/or high volume (lots of rows). TS2 aims to solve both of these issues by providing a simple means for uploading and querying files as well as querying files directly within object storage which will cut down on latency and enable higher throughput for tabular querying and processing.

This wiki page aims to illustrate the process by which users can perform various actions using TS2, including file uploads, schema description, and querying. Currently there is no User Interface for TS2, but there are plans to include a TS2 UI as part of the new DeepLynx GUI in coming months. As such, this guide will use screenshots from a graphical API client to illustrate these processes.

Storage Options

There are two storage options currently available in DeepLynx: filesystem and azure_blob. You can configure your storage type by adjusting the FILE_STORAGE_METHOD variable in your .env file.


Filesystem uses a directory on your local machine as your large object store for DeepLynx. By default, this directory is set to the storage directory in the DeepLynx codebase, which is ignored by git. You can change where your files are stored by adjusting the FILESYSTEM_STORAGE_DIRECTORY variable in your .env file.


Azure blob storage leverages Microsoft Azure's blob storage capabilities. To use either azure_blob option, set FILE_STORAGE_METHOD to azure_blob. By default, the Azure Blob "container name" is set to deep-lynx. If you for some reason wish to change this, you can do so by setting the AZURE_BLOB_CONTAINER_NAME variable in your .env file.


If you wish to emulate Azure locally (using Microsoft Azurite), you will need to do the following:

  1. Download azurite docker image: docker pull
  2. Run the container: docker run -p 10000:10000 azurite-blob --blobHost --blobPort 10000
  3. Azurite ships with a default connection string. Paste the following string into the AZURE_BLOB_CONNECTION_STRING variable in your .env file: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=devstoreaccount1;AccountKey=Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==;BlobEndpoint=;"
  4. You will need to run yarn run build:dev to get the underlying Rust code to work with the azurite environment, as there are certain policies (such as using http) which are exclusively used for azurite and therefore exclusively available in the non-production build.
azure cloud

Alternatively, you can connect to an actual cloud instance of azure- this is how many deployed instances of DeepLynx operate. If you do so, ensure your connection string looks something like this: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=12345;AccountKey={REDACTED};"

Unlike for azurite, you should use yarn run build to build DeepLynx for this configuration.

File Upload

If you want to follow along with this tutorial, please download the attached files from this zip file:

  • 1million.csv alt text
    • this file contains a million rows and will be used to demonstrate data interpolation/data thinning. Being 1 million rows, it will also be used to illustrate TS2's performance with high-volume files.
  • device_a_temperature.csv alt text
    • this file contains timeseries data including a timestamp and temperature readings.
  • device_b_humidity.csv alt text
    • this file contains timeseries data including a timestamp and humidity readings. This file will be joined to the device_a_temperature file to demonstrate TS2's join capabilities.

In order to upload files to TS2, send a POST request to {{baseUrl}}/containers/:container_id/import/datasources/:data_source_id/files/timeseries with a multipart-form body to DeepLynx, like so:

alt text

Additionally, you can request a schema description as a part of the file upload by adding the query parameter ?describe=true to the request. This will send a schema description request to DataFusion. To view the resulting schema description, see the next section.

Schema Description

One of the features of the new timeseries system is schema description. There may be several instances in which a user would want to get a description of their file(s) before quering. For example, a user may not be the original uploader of a given file and therefore may be unfamiliar with its contents. Or there could be multiple files or a file from long ago and the user may want to familiarize themselves with the column names and datatypes before querying. There are a few different ways to initiate a describe request.

One such method was previously mentioned- adding the ?describe=true query param to a file upload. This comes in handy when you want the schema description to be available immediately after file upload. There may be other instances when you want to initiate a describe retroactively- in that case, you can POST to the following endpoint: {{baseUrl}}/containers/:container_id/import/datasources/:data_source_id/reports/query?describe=true with an array of file_ids in the json body, like so:

alt text alt text

This will return a report_id (provided there is no error), like the one shown in the screenshot above, which you can use to check on the status of your request, or you can try querying the file description directly as shown below.

To see the description results, simply send a GET to the following endpoint: {{baseUrl}}/containers/:container_id/import/datasources/:data_source_id/files/:file_id/description. If a describe has not occurred or has not completed, you will get a 404, and you should probably check the report status. Otherwise, you will see something like this (this is the schema description for the device_a_temperature file):

alt text


Queries can be sent using by POSTing to the {{baseUrl}}/containers/:container_id/import/datasources/:data_source_id/reports/query endpoint with a body structure like this:

    "query": "SELECT * FROM table_123",
    "file_ids": ["123"]

Table names will always be in the format table_<fileID> (as long as it the file registered as a timeseries-compatible file; see this section for more info). However, in many cases you're going to want a more complex query than a simple SELECT *. Below we illustrate a few example usecase queries:

Example 1: Record Interpolation

One use case users may be interested in is selecting a subset of their records in order to thin out results for a graph while still capturing trends. Here is an example of one such query (using 1million.csv). Say we want to select only every 100th record. The following would go into the query field:

    SELECT * 
    FROM (
        SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY \"Timestamp\") AS rownum FROM table_182
    ) AS t 
    WHERE t.rownum % 100 = 0 
    ORDER BY t.\"Timestamp\"",

Note that column names are encased within escaped double quotes (\"). This enables the csv's initial labels to be maintained, even if they contain illegal characters or spaces. Once the query is requested, you can request the status and download the results and you will see something like this:

alt text

Notice that all the values end with "99", indicating that every 100th record has successfully been returned.

Example 2: File Joins

There will be many cases in which it would be useful to query information from multiple files- like in our device_x files. One file contains sensor readings of the temperature, while the other contains information about humidity. We can join on timestamp like so in order to see both sets of readings side by side:

    SELECT temp.\"Timestamp\", temp.\"Temperature (°F)\", hum.\"Humidity (%)\" 
    FROM table_184 temp 
        JOIN table_185 hum 
            ON temp.\"Timestamp\" = hum.\"Timestamp\"

This query would yield the following results, with temp and humidity side by side:

alt text

Report Statuses

To check the status of your describe or query request, send a GET request to the following address: {{baseUrl}}/containers/:container_id/import/datasources/:data_source_id/reports/:report_id using the report ID returned from your initial request. If it is still processing, you will see something like this: alt text

If there was an error, you will see an error status with the corresponding error message, for example:

alt text

However, in most cases should see that the request has already been completed, like so (for describe):

alt text

or like so with the path to download your results (for queries):

alt text

Downloading Results

One of the benefits of the new TS2 system is that result files will be uploaded directly to file storage. The rust module handling TS2 requests then returns file metadata to DeepLynx so users can access the results. Result files can be downloaded and viewed using the same endpoint that is used for all other downloads. This can be done by sending a GET to this address: {{baseUrl}}/containers/:container_id/files/:file_id/download. The file ID for a given report will be captured in the return of GET report status. Results files currently are all in CSV format, meaning you can download them and access the raw result CSV directly on download:

alt text

Files can also be downloaded in blob format from the GUI under "Data"/"File Viewer". The file name will always be in the format report_<reportID>_<timestampInMS>:


DeepLynx Wiki

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