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ETF Contracts Toolkit

Built with ink!

Tools for building smart contracts on the ETF network.

The ETF consensus mechanism enables:

  • on-chain randomness for smart contracts
  • dapps based on delayed transactions


Follow the ink! documentation for a complete guide on getting started.

Contracts built with this library will only work when deployed to the ETF network. Deployment instructions follow standard ink! contract deployment instruction. The easiest way to deploy your contract is with the cargo contract tool:

cargo contract instantiate myContract.contract --constructor new \
--args some args here \
--suri //Alice --url ws:// -x


To use in a smart contract, at etf-contract-utils to the cargo.toml

etf-contract-utils = { git = "", default-features = false, features = ["ink-as-dependency"] }

std = [

and configure the contract environment to use the EtfEnvironment

use etf_contract_utils::ext::EtfEnvironment;
#[ink::contract(env = EtfEnvironment)]
mod your_smart_contract {
    use crate::EtfEnvironment;

Chain Extension


Checkout the examples to get started. The template can be cloned as a jumping off point for new contracts.


cargo +nightly contract build


Unit Tests

Unit tests can be run with

cargo +nightly test
Testing with the chain extension

To test functions that call the chain extension, it can be mocked like:

struct MockETFExtension;
impl ink_env::test::ChainExtension for MockETFExtension {
    fn func_id(&self) -> u32 {

    fn call(&mut self, _input: &[u8], output: &mut Vec<u8>) -> u32 {
        let mut ret = [1;48];
        ret[0] = 0;
        scale::Encode::encode_to(&ret, output);


E2E tests

End-to-end tests reequires that you run a node locally and provide it's absolute path (e.g. /home/.../substrate/target/release/node-template).

cargo +nightly test --features e2e-tests

Note on Binaryen/wasm-opt

If your package manager doesn't have binaryen versions >= 99, then:

# unzip the tarball
sudo tar xzvf binaryezn-version_100-x86_64-linux.tar.gz
# update permissions
chmod +x binaryen-version_100
# move to /opt
sudo mv binaryen-version_100 /opt/
# navigate to /opt
cd /opt
# make it executable
chmod +x binaryen-version_100
# add symbolic link to /usr/bin
sudo ln -s /opt/binaryen-version_100/bin/wasm-opt /usr/bin/wasm-opt

Verify the installation by running wasm-opt --version. If the command executes and the printed version matches the downloaded version, then the installation is complete.