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Adding ModernDisguise to your project

iiAhmedYT edited this page Dec 11, 2023 · 2 revisions

Maven 📕

Adding to the POM

Add this repo to your repositories:


and then add this dependancy:


Make sure you have the maven shade plugin in order for it to be included in your jar file.

Shading & Relocating

You can relocate them as well, here's an example maven-shade-plugin config:


Gradle 💻

Adding to the build file

Add this repo to your repositories block:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "gravemc-repo"
        url = ""

and then add dependency:

dependencies {
    implementation 'dev.iiahmed:ModernDisguise:2.5'

Shadowing & Relocating


make sure you use the shadowJar plugin in order to include the library in your jar.