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✅ ApproveAPI

CI Status Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • Alamofire


ApproveAPI is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ApproveAPI'


Create ApproveAPI client with API key

let approveClient = ApproveAPI(apiKey: "your-api-key", isTestKey: true, delegate: nil)

Send a Prompt

// Create metadata
let metadata = AnswerMetadataPost(location: "New York, NY", timestamp: "9:41 AM")
metadata.browser = UIDevice.current.model

// Create Prompt request object
var request = PromptRequest(userType: .email("[email protected]"), body: "Demo body message.")
request.title = "Optional prompt title"
request.metadata = metadata

// Send prompt to provided user address
approveClient.sendPrompt(withRequest: request) { (prompt, error) in
    guard let promptId = prompt?.id, error == nil else {
        debugPrint("Error:", error ?? "N/A")

    debugPrint("Prompt Send:", prompt ?? "None")

Retrieve a Prompt

approveClient.retreivePrompt(withId: "prompt_id") { (prompt, error) in
    guard let promptId = prompt?.id, error == nil else {
        debugPrint("Error:", error ?? "N/A")

    debugPrint("Prompt Retrieval:", prompt ?? "None")

Get Prompt status

approveClient.checkPromptStatus(withId: "prompt_id") { (status, error) in
    guard let status = status, error == nil else {
        debugPrint("Error:", error ?? "N/A")

    debugPrint("Prompt Status:", status)

Send prompt (with delegate response)

// Create Prompt request object
var request = PromptRequest(userType: .email("[email protected]"), body: "Demo body message.")
request.longPoll = true // Wait for user response

// Will notify via delegate
approveClient.delegate = self // Can also set on init()
approveClient.sendPrompt(withRequest: request, completion: nil)
extension ViewController: ApproveAPIProtocol {

    func approveClient(_ client: ApproveAPI, promptChanged prompt: Prompt) {
        debugPrint("Prompt changed:", prompt)

    func approveClient(_ client: ApproveAPI, promptStatusChanged status: PromptStatus) {
        debugPrint("Status changed:", status)


Ryan Cohen, [email protected]


ApproveAPI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.