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Releases: inveniosoftware/invenio

Invenio v1.0.0-rc0

22 Jun 11:01
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Invenio v1.0.0-rc0 is released
December 21, 2010

Invenio v1.0.0-rc0 was released on December 21, 2010.

This is the initial release candidate for Invenio v1.0.0.  It is well
tested and stable but it contains a few known issues that we plan to
address in a forthcoming release candidate.  We would like to
encourage you to try v1.0.0-rc0 on your test server and to report us
any issues you may encounter.

What's new:

 *) CDS Invenio becomes Invenio as of this release

 *) new facility of hosted collections; support for external records
    in search collections, user alerts and baskets (WebSearch,
    WebAlert, WebBasket)

 *) support for nested parentheses in search query syntax (WebSearch)

 *) new refersto/citedby search operators for second-order searches in
    citation map (BibRank, WebSearch)

 *) numerous improvements to SPIRES query syntax parser (WebSearch)

 *) enhancement to search results summaries, e.g. co-author lists on
    author pages, e.g. h-index (WebSearch)

 *) new support for unAPI, Zotero, OpenSearch, AWS (WebSearch)

 *) new phrase and word-pair indexes (BibIndex)

 *) new fuzzy author name matching mode (BibIndex)

 *) new time-dependent citation ranking family of methods (BibRank)

 *) full-text search now shows context snippets (BibFormat)

 *) improvements to the basket UI, basket export facility (WebBasket)

 *) new support for FCKeditor in submissions and user comments,
    possibility to attach files (WebComment, WebSubmit)

 *) commenting facility enhanced with rounds and threads (WebComment)

 *) new facility to moderate user comments (WebComment)

 *) enhanced CLI tool for document file management bringing new
    options such as hidden file flag (WebSubmit)

 *) numerous improvements to the submission system, e.g. asynchronous
    JavaScript upload support, derived document formats, icon
    creation, support for automatic conversion of OpenOffice
    documents, PDF/A, OCR (WebSubmit)

 *) new full-text file metadata reader/writer tool (WebSubmit)

 *) new experimental SWORD protocol client application (BibSword)

 *) complete rewrite of the record editor using Ajax technology for
    faster user operation, with new features such as field templates,
    cloning, copy/paste, undo/redo, auto-completion, etc (BibEdit)

 *) new multi-record editor to alter many records in one go (BibEdit)

 *) new Ajax-based record differ and merger (BibMerge)

 *) new fuzzy record matching mode, with possibility to match records
    against remote Invenio installations (BibMatch)

 *) new circulation and holdings module (BibCirculation)

 *) new facility for matching provenance information when uploading
    records (BibUpload)

 *) new possibility of uploading incoming changes into holding pen

 *) new batch uploader facility to support uploading of metadata files
    and of full-text files either in CLI or over web (BibUpload)

 *) new record exporting module supporting e.g. Sitemap and Google
    Scholar export methods (BibExport)

 *) improvements to the keyword classifier, e.g. author and core
    keywords (BibClassify)

 *) new facility for external robot-like login method (WebAccess)

 *) numerous improvements to the journal creation facility, new
    journal `Atlantis Times' demo journal (WebJournal)

 *) refactored and improved OAI exporter and harvester (BibHarvest)

 *) new taxonomy-based and dynamic-query knowledge base types

 *) possibility to switch on/off user features such as alerts and
    baskets based on RBAC rules (WebAccess and other modules)

 *) various improvements to task scheduler, for example better
    communication with tasks, possibility to run certain bibsched
    tasks within given time limit, etc (BibSched)

 *) new database dumper for backup purposes (MiscUtil)

 *) new plotextractor library for extracting plots from compuscripts,
    new figure caption index and the Plots tab (MiscUtil, BibIndex,

 *) enhanced reference extrator, e.g. support for DOI, for author name
    recognition (MiscUtil)

 *) new register emergency feature e.g. to alert admins by SMS in case
    the task queue stops (MiscUtil)

 *) infrastructure move from mod_python to mod_wsgi, support for
    mod_xsendfile (WebStyle and many modules)

 *) infrastructure move from jsMath to MathJax (MiscUtil)

 *) some notable backward-incompatible changes: removed authentication
    methods related to Apache user and group files, changed BibFormat
    element's API (BibFormat, many modules)

 *) new translations (Afrikaans, Galician, Georgian, Romanian,
    Kinyarwanda) plus many translation updates

 *) other numerous improvements and bug fixes done in about 1600
    commits over Invenio v0.99 series



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

Upgrade from v0.99 series is not recommended for production servers
yet.  For test servers, please install an empty Invenio v1.0 series
installation, dump your production tables and load them onto your test
system, and run the usual `make update-v0.99.3-tables' statements
followed by reindexing.  More concrete upgrade instructions will be
provided with the final Invenio v1.0.0 release.

- end of file -

Invenio v0.99.3

22 Jun 11:01
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CDS Invenio v0.99.3 is released
December 13, 2010

CDS Invenio v0.99.3 was released on December 13, 2010.

This is a minor bugfix release only.  It is recommended to all CDS
Invenio sites using v0.99.2 or previous releases.

What's new:

 *) fixed issues in the harvesting daemon when harvesting from more
    than one OAI repository (BibHarvest)

 *) fixed failure in formatting engine when dealing with
    not-yet-existing records (BibFormat)

 *) fixed traversal of final URL parts in the URL dispatcher

 *) improved bibdocfile URL recognition upon upload of MARC files

 *) fixed bug in admin interface for adding authorizations (WebAccess)

 *) keyword extractor is now compatible with rdflib releases older
    than 2.3.2 (BibClassify)

 *) output of `bibsched status' now shows the queue mode status as
    AUTOMATIC or MANUAL to help queue monitoring (BibSched)



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you are upgrading from CDS Invenio v0.99.2, then:

 - please stop your bibsched queue and your Apache server

 - install the update:

     $ cd cds-invenio-0.99.3
     $ cp -a /opt/cds-invenio/etc /opt/cds-invenio/etc.OLD
     $ sh /opt/cds-invenio/etc/build/config.nice
     $ make install
     $ /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all
     $ cp -a /opt/cds-invenio/etc.OLD /opt/cds-invenio/etc

 - restart your Apache server and your bibsched queue

 - you are done

If you are upgrading from previous CDS Invenio releases (e.g. from
v0.92.1), then please see a dedicated Invenio Upgrade wiki page at

- end of file -

Invenio v0.99.2

22 Jun 11:02
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CDS Invenio v0.99.2 is released
October 20, 2010

CDS Invenio v0.99.2 was released on October 20, 2010.

This is a bugfix release only.  It is recommended to all CDS Invenio
sites using v0.99.1 or previous releases.

What's new:

 *) stricter checking of access to restricted records: in order to
    view a restricted record, users are now required to have
    authorizations to access all restricted collections the given
    record may belong to (WebSearch)

 *) strict checking of user query history when setting up email
    notification alert, preventing URL mangling attempts (WebAlert)

 *) fixed possible Unix signal conflicts for tasks performing I/O
    operations or running external processes, relevant notably to
    full-text indexing of remote files (BibSched)

 *) fixed full-text indexing and improved handling of files of
    `unexpected' extensions (BibIndex, WebSubmit)

 *) streaming of files of `unknown' MIME type now defaults to
    application/octet-stream (WebSubmit)

 *) fixed addition of new MARC fields in the record editor (BibEdit)

 *) fixed issues in full-text file attachment via MARC (BibUpload)

 *) fixed authaction CLI client (WebAccess)

 *) ... plus other minor fixes and improvements



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you are upgrading from CDS Invenio v0.99.1, then:

 - please stop your bibsched queue and your Apache server

 - install the update:

     $ cd cds-invenio-0.99.2
     $ cp -a /opt/cds-invenio/etc /opt/cds-invenio/etc.OLD
     $ sh /opt/cds-invenio/etc/build/config.nice
     $ make install
     $ /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all
     $ cp -a /opt/cds-invenio/etc.OLD /opt/cds-invenio/etc

 - restart your Apache server and your bibsched queue

 - you are done

If you are upgrading from previous CDS Invenio releases (e.g. from
v0.92.1), then please see a dedicated Invenio Upgrade wiki page at

- end of file -

Invenio v0.99.1

22 Jun 11:02
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CDS Invenio v0.99.1 is released
July 10, 2008

CDS Invenio v0.99.1 was released on July 10, 2008.

What's new:

 *) search engine syntax now supports parentheses (WebSearch)

 *) search engine syntax now supports SPIRES query language

 *) strict respect for per-collection sort options on the search
    results pages (WebSearch)

 *) improved parsing of search query with respect to non-existing
    field terms (WebSearch)

 *) fixed "any collection" switch on the search results page

 *) added possibility for progressive display of detailed record page
    tabs (WebSearch)

 *) added support for multi-page RSS output (WebSearch)

 *) new search engine summarizer module with the cite summary output
    format (WebSearch, BibRank)

 *) "cited by" links are now generated only when needed (WebSearch)

 *) new experimental comprehensive author page (WebSearch)

 *) stemming for many indexes is now enabled by default (BibIndex)

 *) new intelligent journal index (BibIndex)

 *) new logging of missing citations (BibRank)

 *) citation indexer and searcher improvements and caching (BibRank)

 *) new low-level task submission facility (BibSched)

 *) new options in bibsched task monitor: view task options, log and
    error files; prune task to a history table; extended status
    reporting; failed tasks now need acknowledgement in order to
    restart the queue (BibSched)

 *) safer handling of task sleeping and waking up (BibSched)

 *) new experimental support for task priorities and concurrent task
    execution (BibSched)

 *) improved user-configured browser language matching (MiscUtil)

 *) new default behaviour not differentiating between guest users;
    this removes a need to keep sessions/uids for guests and robots

 *) optimized sessions and collecting external user information (WebSession)

 *) improved logging conflicts for external vs internal users

 *) improved Single Sign-On session preservation (WebAccess)

 *) new 'become user' debugging facility for admins (WebAccess)

 *) new bibdocfile CLI tool to manipulate full-text files archive

 *) optimized redirection of old URLs (WebSubmit)

 *) new icon creation tool in the submission input chain (WebSubmit)

 *) improved full-text file migration tool (WebSubmit)

 *) improved stamping of full-text files (WebSubmit)

 *) new approval-related end-submission functions (WebSubmit)

 *) comments and descriptions of full-text files are now kept also in
    bibdoc tables, not only in MARC; they are synchronized during
    bibupload (WebSubmit, BibUpload)

 *) fixed navigation in public baskets (WebBasket)

 *) added detailed record page link to basket records (WebBasket)

 *) new removal of HTML markup in alert notification emails (WebAlert)

 *) improved OAI harvester logging and handling (BibHarvest)

 *) improved error checking (BibConvert)

 *) improvements to the record editing tool: subfield order change,
    repetitive subfields; improved record locking features;
    configurable per-collection curators (BibEdit)

 *) fully refactored WebJournal module (WebJournal)

 *) new RefWorks output format, thanks to Theodoros Theodoropoulos

 *) fixed keyword detection tool's output; deactivated taxonomy
    compilation (BibClassify)

 *) new /stats URL for administrators (WebStat)

 *) better filtering of unused translations (WebStyle)

 *) updated French, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish translations;
    updated Japanese translation (thanks to Makiko Matsumoto and Takao
    Ishigaki); updated Greek translation (thanks to Theodoros
    Theodoropoulos); new Hungarian translation (thanks to Eva Papp)

 *) ... plus many other minor bug fixes and improvements



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you are upgrading from CDS Invenio v0.99.0, then:

 - please stop your bibsched queue and your Apache server

 - clean your session and user tables of guests:

     $ echo "TRUNCATE session" | /opt/cds-invenio/bin/dbexec
     $ echo "DELETE FROM user WHERE email=''" | \

 - install the update:

     $ cd cds-invenio-0.99.1
     $ cp -a /opt/cds-invenio/etc /opt/cds-invenio/etc.OLD
     $ sh /opt/cds-invenio/etc/build/config.nice
     $ make install
     $ /opt/cds-invenio/bin/inveniocfg --update-all
     $ make update-v0.99.0-tables
     $ make check-custom-templates
     $ diff -r /opt/cds-invenio/etc /opt/cds-invenio/etc.OLD

 - study the differences in the 'etc' folder and copy or merge your
   past customizations (namely, files like HB.bfo)  

 - restart your Apache server and your bibsched queue 

 - you are done

If you are upgrading from previous CDS Invenio releases (e.g. from
v0.92.1), then please see a dedicated Invenio Upgrade wiki page at

Further notes and issues:

 *) Some modules of this release (e.g. mail submission system) are
    still experimental and not yet activated.  You may have a peek at
    what is planned, but please do not rely on them.

 *) The admin-level functionality of several modules is not fully
    developed or documented yet.

- end of file -

Invenio v0.99.0

22 Jun 11:03
Choose a tag to compare
CDS Invenio v0.99.0 is released
March 27, 2008

CDS Invenio v0.99.0 was released on March 27, 2008.

What's new:

 *) new Invenio configuration language, new inveniocfg configuration
    tool permitting more runtime changes and enabling separate local
    customizations (MiscUtil)

 *) phased out WML dependency everywhere (all modules)

 *) new common RSS cache implementation (WebSearch)

 *) improved access control to the detailed record pages (WebSearch)

 *) when searching non-existing collections, do not revert to
    searching in public Home anymore (WebSearch)

 *) strict calculation of number of hits per multiple collections

 *) propagate properly language environment in browse pages, thanks to
    Ferran Jorba (WebSearch)

 *) search results sorting made accentless, thanks to Ferran Jorba

 *) new OpenURL interface (WebSearch)

 *) added new search engine API argument to limit searches to record
    creation/modification dates and times instead of hitherto creation
    dates only (WebSearch)

 *) do not allow HTTP POST method for searches to prevent hidden
    mining (WebSearch)

 *) added alert and RSS teaser for search engine queries (WebSearch)

 *) new optimized index structure for fast integer bit vector
    operations, leading to significant indexing time improvements
    (MiscUtil, BibIndex, WebSearch)

 *) new tab-based organisation of detailed record pages, with new URL
    schema (/record/1/usage) and related CSS changes (BibFormat,
    MiscUtil, WebComment, WebSearch, WebStyle, WebSubmit)

 *) phased out old PHP based code; migration to Python-based output
    formats recommended (BibFormat, WebSubmit)

 *) new configurability to show/hide specific output formats for
    specific collections (BibFormat, WebSearch)

 *) new configurability to have specific stemming settings for
    specific indexes (BibIndex, WebSearch)

 *) optional removal of LaTeX markup for indexer (BibIndex, WebSearch)

 *) performance optimization for webcoll and optional arguments to
    refresh only parts of collection cache (WebSearch)

 *) optional verbosity argument propagation to the output formatter
    (BibFormat, WebSearch)

 *) new convenient reindex option to the indexer (BibIndex)

 *) fixed problem with indexing of some lengthy UTF-8 accented names,
    thanks to Theodoros Theodoropoulos for reporting the problem

 *) fixed full-text indexing of HTML pages (BibIndex)

 *) new Stemmer module dependency, fixes issues on 64-bit systems

 *) fixed download history graph display (BibRank)

 *) improved citation ranking and history graphs, introduced
    self-citation distinction, added new demo records (BibRank)

 *) fixed range redefinition and output message printing problems in
    the ranking indexer, thanks to Mike Marino (BibRank)

 *) new XSLT output formatter support; phased out old BFX formats

 *) I18N output messages are now translated in the output formatter
    templates (BibFormat)

 *) formats fixed to allow multiple author affiliations (BibFormat)

 *) improved speed of the record output reformatter in case of large
    sets (BibFormat)

 *) support for displaying LaTeX forumas via JavaScript (BibFormat)

 *) new and improved output formatter elements (BibFormat)

 *) new escaping modes for format elements (BibFormat)

 *) output format template editor cache and element dependency
    checker improvements (BibFormat)

 *) output formatter speed improvements in PHP-compatible mode

 *) new demo submission configuration and approval workflow examples

 *) new submission full-text file stamper utility (WebSubmit)

 *) new submission icon-creation utility (WebSubmit)

 *) separated submission engine and database layer (WebSubmit)

 *) submission functions can now access user information (WebSubmit)

 *) implemented support for restricted icons (WebSubmit, WebAccess)

 *) new full-text file URL and cleaner storage facility; requires file
    names to be unique within a given record (WebSearch, WebSubmit)

 *) experimental release of the complex approval and refereeing
    workflow (WebSubmit)

 *) new end-submission functions to move files to storage space

 *) added support for MD5 checking of full-text files (WebSubmit)

 *) improved behaviour of the submission system with respect to the
    browser "back" button (WebSubmit)

 *) removed support for submission "cookies" (WebSubmit)

 *) flexible report number generation during submission (WebSubmit)

 *) added support for optional filtering step in the OAI harvesting
    chain (BibHarvest)

 *) new text-oriented converter functions IFDEFP, JOINMULTILINES

 *) selective harvesting improvements, sets, non-standard responses,
    safer resumption token handling (BibHarvest)

 *) OAI archive configuration improvements: collections retrieval,
    multiple set definitions, new clean mode, timezones, and more

 *) OAI gateway improvements: XSLT used to produce configurable output

 *) added support for "strong tags" that can resist metadata replace
    mode (BibUpload)

 *) added external OAI ID tag support to the uploader (BibUpload)

 *) added support for full-text file transfer during uploading

 *) preserving full history of all MARCXML versions of a record
    (BibEdit, BibUpload)

 *) XMLMARC to TextMarc improvements: empty indicators and more

 *) numerous reference extraction tool improvements: year handling,
    LaTeX handling, URLs, journal titles, output methods, and more

 *) new classification daemon (BibClassify)

 *) classification taxonomy caching resulting in speed optimization

 *) new possibility to define more than one keyword taxonomy per
    collection (BibClassify)

 *) fixed non-standalone keyword detection, thanks to Annette Holtkamp

 *) new embedded page generation profiler (WebStyle)

 *) new /help pages layout and webdoc formatting tool (WebStyle)

 *) new custom style template verification tool (WebStyle)

 *) added support for the XML page() output format, suitable for AJAX
    interfaces (WebStyle)

 *) introduction of navigation menus (WebStyle)

 *) general move from HTML to XHTML markup (all modules)

 *) fixed alert deletion tool vulnerability (WebAlert)

 *) do not advertise baskets/alerts much for guest users; show only
    the login link (WebSession)

 *) password reset interface improvements (WebSession)

 *) new permanent "remember login" mechanism (WebSession, WebAccess)

 *) local user passwords are now encrypted (WebSession, WebAccess)

 *) new LDAP external authentication plugin (WebAccess)

 *) new password reset mechanism using new secure mail cookies and
    temporary role membership facilities (WebAccess, WebSession)

 *) added support for Single Sign-On Shibboleth based authentication
    method (WebAccess)

 *) new firewall-like based role definition language, new demo
    examples (WebAccess)

 *) external authentication and groups improvements: nicknames,
    account switching, and more (WebSession, WebAccess)

 *) task log viewer integrated in the task monitor (BibSched)

 *) new journal creation module (WebJournal)

 *) new generic statistic gathering and display facility (WebStat)

 *) deployed new common email sending facility (MiscUtil, WebAlert,
    WebComment, WebSession, WebSubmit)

 *) dropped support for MySQL-4.0, permitting to use clean and strict
    UTF-8 storage methods; upgrade of MySQLdb to at least 1.2.1_p2
    required (MiscUtil)

 *) uncatched exceptions are now being sent by email to the
    administrator (MiscUtil, WebStyle)

 *) new general garbage collector with a possibility to run via the
    task scheduler and a possibility to clean unreferenced
    bibliographic values (MiscUtil)

 *) new generic SQL and data cacher (MiscUtil)

 *) new HTML page validator plugin (MiscUtil)

 *) new web test suite running in a real browser (MiscUtil)

 *) improved code kwalitee checker (MiscUtil)

 *) translation updates: Spanish and Catalan (thanks to Ferran Jorba),
    Japanese (Toru Tsuboyama), German (Benedikt Koeppel), Polish
    (Zbigniew Szklarz and Zbigniew Leonowicz), Greek (Theodoros
    Theodoropoulos), Russian (Yana Osborne), Swedish, Italian, French

 *) new translations: Chinese traditional and Chinese simplified
    (thanks to Kam-ming Ku)

 *) ... plus many other minor bug fixes and improvements



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you are upgrading from CDS Invenio v0.92.1, then we advise you to
try the upgrade first on a development server.  There was a number of
important changes since the last stable release that might make the
upgrade possibly time-consuming in case you have to dump and reload
your bibliographic tables.  Please follow the following steps:

   - Launch the bibsched monitor and wait until all active bibsched
     tasks are finished.  Then put bibsched daemon into manual mode.

   - Stop all submission procedures and other write operations.  For
     example, you may want to stop Apache, edit httpd.conf to
     introduce a global site redirect to a temporary splash page
     saying that upgrade is in progress, and restart Apache.

   - Take a backup of your current MySQL database and your CDS Invenio
     installation directory (usually /opt/cds-invenio).  Remove your
     old /opt/cds-invenio/...
Read more

Invenio v0.92.1

22 Jun 11:03
Choose a tag to compare
CDS Invenio v0.92.1 is released
February 20, 2007

CDS Invenio v0.92.1 was released on February 20, 2007.

What's new:

 *) new support for external authentication systems (WebSession,

 *) new support for external user groups (WebSession)

 *) new experimental version of the reference extraction program

 *) new optional Greek stopwords list, thanks to Theodoropoulos
    Theodoros (BibIndex)

 *) new Get_Recid submission function (WebSubmit)

 *) new config variable governing the display of the download history
    graph (BibRank)

 *) started deployment of user preferences (WebSession, WebSearch)

 *) split presentation style for "Narrow search", "Focus on" and
    "Search also" search interface boxes (WebSearch, WebStyle)

 *) updated CERN Indico and KEK external collection searching facility

 *) fixed search interface portalbox and collection definition
    escaping behaviour (WebSearch Admin)

 *) fixed problems with external system number and OAI ID matching

 *) fixed problem with case matching behaviour (BibUpload)

 *) fixed problems with basket record display and basket topic change

 *) fixed output format template attribution behaviour (BibFormat)

 *) improved language context propagation in output formats

 *) improved output format treatment of HTML-aware fields (BibFormat)

 *) improved BibFormat migration kit (BibFormat)

 *) improved speed and eliminated set duplication of the OAI
    repository gateway (BibHarvest)

 *) fixed resumption token handling (BibHarvest)

 *) improved record editing interface (BibEdit)

 *) fixed problem with empty fields treatment (BibConvert)

 *) updated Report_Number_Generation submission function to be able to
    easily generate report numbers from any submission information

 *) fixed problem with submission field value escaping (WebSubmit)

 *) fixed problem with submission collection ordering (WebSubmit)

 *) fixed BibSched task signal handling inconsistency (BibSched)

 *) fixed TEXT versus BLOB database problems for some tables/columns

 *) minor updates to the HOWTO Migrate guide and several admin guides
    (WebHelp, BibIndex, BibFormat)

 *) minor bugfixes to several modules; see ChangeLog for details and



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you are upgrading from CDS Invenio v0.92.0, then please follow the
following steps:

   - Launch the bibsched monitor and wait until all active bibsched
     tasks are finished.  Then put bibsched daemon into manual mode.

   - Stop all submission procedures and other write operations: for
     example, you may want to switch your site to read-only mode (set
     and restart Apache) or you may want to stop Apache completely.

   - Optionally, you may want to backup your current MySQL database
     and your CDS Invenio installation directory (@prefix@).  Note
     that this step should not be really necessary for the v0.92.0 to
     v0.92.1 upgrade, since the changes are of moderate nature only.

   - Untar new sources and rerun configure with old arguments.  Your
     old configure line is available at

   - Merge your old config.wml with the new one.  Your old config.wml
     file is available at @prefix@/lib/wml/invenio/config.wml.  There
     were no changes to this file in v0.92.1, so you may simply copy
     your old version.

   - Run make.

   - If you have customized your @prefix/etc/ files since the last
     installation (for example to edit the stopwords list or configure
     language stemmers), then make a backup copy of them now.

   - Run make install.

   - If you have backed up your old @prefix@/etc/ directory as
     mentioned before, then restore your old files now, paying
     attention to differences with the new versions.

   - Update your database table structure:

        $ make update-v0.92.0-tables

   - Re-enable write access to the site if you have disabled it before
     in the previous steps and restart your Apache server.

   - Put the bibsched daemon back into the automatic mode.  You are

If you are upgrading from CDSware v0.7.1, then please follow the
following steps:

   - We recommend you to install CDS Invenio into another @prefix@
     directory and to use another database name, *not* CDSware's

   - Install CDS Invenio demo site to make sure that everything works
     well on your setup.  Optionally run the unit and the regression
     test suites too.

   - Drop CDS Invenio tables containing the demo site and copy your
     old CDSware tables over into the new CDS Invenio database.  (For
     example, stop your MySQL server, copy all the CDSware database
     directory files into the new CDS Invenio database directory, and
     restart your MySQL server.)

   - Run "make update-v0.7.1-tables".  This may take a while,
     depending on the number of records you had.

   - Run subsequent table update commands:  

          $ make update-v0.90.0-tables -i
          $ make update-v0.90.1-tables -i
          $ make update-v0.92.0-tables -i

     Use the "-i" option to ignore errors, as it is expected that some
     of the ALTER TABLE commands would fail due to your skipping of
     the intermediate version installation.

   - Run "python ./modules/webbasket/lib/"
     in order to migrate personal baskets.  You will be asked some
     questions.  You can choose default answers when in doubt.  The
     kit is fully automatic but it may ask you to fix some problems
     manually if it cannot resolve them automatically.

   - Rerun "webcoll".

   - Delete all waiting tasks from the bibsched queue, and resubmit
     periodical daemons anew, as indicated in the HOWTO Run guide.

   - Adapt the look and feel of the dynamic Python pages.  (See the
     WebStyle Admin Guide.)

   - Adapt the output formatter.  (See above.)

   - Put the bibsched daemon into the automatic mode.  You are done.

Further notes and issues:

 *) If you have been using external login method in your site, please
    note that this release brings new support for advanced external
    account and user group handling.  You may continue to use your old
    external authentication classes, but we advise you to adapt to the
    new style in order be able to fully profit from the new external
    authentication and external group features.

 *) Several modules of this release (e.g. mail submission system,
    citation ranking) are still experimental and not yet activated.
    You may have a peek at what is planned, but please do not rely on

 *) The admin-level functionality of several modules is not fully
    developed or documented yet.

What's next:

 *) Improving the known issues mentioned above.  Strengthening the
    documentation towards v1.0 release.

 *) Removing submission field cookies.  Refactoring the WebSubmit

 *) Removing dependency on WML too, now that the dependency on PHP was

 *) Deploying the new URL schema for all pages (admin, help).

- end of file -

Invenio v0.92.0

22 Jun 11:04
Choose a tag to compare
CDS Invenio v0.92.0 is released
December 22, 2006

CDS Invenio v0.92.0 was released on December 22, 2006.

What's new:

 *) previously experimental output formatter in Python improved and
    made default (BibFormat)

 *) previously experimental new submission admin interface in Python
    improved and made default (WebSubmit)

 *) new XML-oriented output formatting mode (BibFormat)

 *) new export-oriented output formats: EndNote, NLM (BibFormat)

 *) RSS 2.0 latest additions feed service (WebSearch, BibFormat)

 *) new XML-oriented metadata converter mode (BibConvert)

 *) new metadata uploader in Python (BibUpload)

 *) new integrated parallel external collection searching (WebSearch)

 *) improved document classifier: composite keywords, wildcards, cloud
    output (BibClassify)

 *) improved UTF-8 fulltext indexing (BibIndex)

 *) improved external login authentication subsystem (WebAccess)

 *) added possibility to order submission categories (WebSubmit)

 *) improved handling of cached search interface page formats,
    preferential sort pattern functionality, international collection
    names (WebSearch)

 *) improved behaviour of OAI harvester: sets, deleted records,
    harvested metadata transformation (BibHarvest)

 *) improved MARCXML schema compatibility concerning indicators;
    updates to the HTML MARC output format (BibEdit, BibUpload,
    BibFormat, and other modules)

 *) multiple minor bugs fixed thanks to the wider deployment of the
    regression test suite (all modules)

 *) new translation (Croatian) and several translation updates
    (Catalan, Bulgarian, French, Greek, Spanish); thanks to Ferran
    Jorba, Beatriu Piera, Alen Vodopijevec, Jasna Marković, Theodoros
    Theodoropoulos, and Nikolay Dyankov (see also CREDITS file)

 *) removed dependency on PHP; not needed anymore

 *) full compatibility with MySQL 4.1 and 5.0; upgrade from MySQL 4.0
    now recommended

 *) full compatibility with FreeBSD and Mac OS X



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you are upgrading from CDS Invenio v0.90.1, then please follow the
following steps:

   - Launch the bibsched monitor and wait until all active bibsched
     tasks are finished.  Then put bibsched daemon into manual mode.

   - Stop all submission procedures and other write operations: for
     example, you may want to switch your site to read-only mode (set
     and restart Apache) or you may want to stop Apache completely.

   - Optionally, you may want to backup your current MySQL database
     and your CDS Invenio installation directory (@prefix@).  Note
     that this step should not be really necessary for the v0.90.1 to
     v0.92.0 upgrade, since the changes are of moderate nature only.

   - Untar new sources and rerun configure with old arguments.  Your
     old configure line is available at

   - Merge your old config.wml with the new one.  Your old config.wml
     file is available at @prefix@/lib/wml/invenio/config.wml.  The
     novelties in the new config.wml file are: (i) the introduction of
     the Croatian translation in the CDSNAMEINTL and CDSLANGS options;
     (ii) location of example Apache group and passwords files; (iii)
     removal of the CFG_GOOGLE_BOX variables that has now been moved
     into WebSearch Admin interface.  This means that merging should
     be relatively straightforward.

   - Run make.

   - If you have customized your @prefix/etc/ files since the last
     installation (for example to edit the stopwords list or configure
     language stemmers), then make a backup copy of them now.

   - Run make install.

   - If you have backed up your old @prefix@/etc/ directory as
     mentioned before, then restore your old files now, paying
     attention to differences with the new version.

   - Update your database table structure:

        $ make update-v0.90.1-tables

   - Optionally, update your tables with the new Croatian dynamic
     element names:

        $ grep "'hr'" modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql | \

   - Decide whether you want to use the new output formatter in Python
     or still your old PHP-based formatter.  In the latter case you
     should inactivate the new formatter either by removing some (or
     all) of the BFT template files from the
     @prefix@/etc/bibformat/format_templates/ directory, or by editing
     @prefix@/lib/python/invenio/ file and setting

   - Optionally, run webcoll to regenerate search interface pages in

   - Re-enable write access to the site if you have disabled it before
     in the previous steps and restart your Apache server.

   - If you have been using the "oaiarchive" tool to define sets
     exportable via OAI-PMH, then please reset your configurations
     anew in the new OAI Repository Admin interface.

   - Delete all waiting tasks from the bibsched queue, and resubmit
     periodical daemons anew, as indicated in the HOWTO Run guide.

   - Put the bibsched daemon back into the automatic mode.  You are

If you are upgrading from CDSware v0.7.1, then please follow the
following steps:

   - We recommend you to install CDS Invenio into another @prefix@
     directory and using another database name, *not* CDSware's

   - Install Invenio demo site to make sure that everything works well
     on your setup.  Optionally run the unit and the regression test
     suites too.

   - Drop Invenio tables with the demo site and copy old CDSware
     tables into the new Invenio database.  (For example, stop MySQL
     server, copy all the CDSware database directory into the new
     Invenio directory, and restart MySQL server.)

   - Run "make update-v0.7.1-tables".  This may take a while,
     depending on the number of records you had.

   - Run commands from "make update-v0.90.0-tables" and "make
     update-v0.90.1-tables" Makefile targets.  Please note that some
     of the ALTER TABLE commands may fail, since you are skipping
     installation of intermediate versions.  This is not harmful.

   - Run "python ./modules/webbasket/lib/"
     in order to migrate personal baskets.  You will be asked some
     questions.  You can choose default answers when in doubt.  The
     kit is fully automatic but it may ask you to fix some problems
     manually if they cannot be resolved automatically.

   - Rerun "webcoll".

   - Delete all waiting tasks from the bibsched queue, and resubmit
     periodical daemons anew, as indicated in the HOWTO Run guide.

   - Adapt the look and feel of the dynamic Python pages.  (See the
     WebStyle Admin Guide.)

   - Adapt the output formatter.  (See above.)

   - Put the bibsched daemon into the automatic mode.  You are done.

Further notes and issues:

 *) The old search results functionality of linking to other search
    engines under "Haven't found what you were looking for? Try your
    search on other servers:" box has been improved and integrated
    into WebSearch Admin.  In addition to pure linking to external
    sites, the CDS Invenio can now perform integrated parallel
    searching of these sites and display external search results
    alongside the usual CDS Invenio search results.  You may configure
    this behaviour in the WebSearch Admin interface.

 *) The new BibUpload in Python retains the philosophy of the old
    BibUpload in PHP and fixes some of its problems.  But you are
    advised to double-check its behaviour if you have been relying on
    some very specific old BibUpload features in your installation.

 *) Due to better MARCXML standard compatibility, the demo submission
    system now splits authors into 100 field (first author) and 700
    fields (additional authors).  The demo submissions are still to be
    improved.  In addition, the empty indicators are now treated as
    blank space instead of empty string, and the text MARC output for
    controlfields has been changed as well.  These changes should be
    transparent to your installation.  See the ChangeLog file for

 *) Several modules of the this release (e.g. mail submission system,
    citation ranking) are still experimental and not yet activated.
    You may have a peek at what is planned, but please do not rely on

 *) The admin-level functionality for several modules is not fully
    developed or documented yet.

What's next:

 *) Improving the known issues mentioned above.  Strengthening the
    documentation towards v1.0 release.

 *) Removing dependency on WML too, now that the dependency on PHP was

 *) Deploying the new URL schema for all pages (admin, help).

- end of file -

Invenio v0.90.1

22 Jun 11:05
Choose a tag to compare
CDS Invenio v0.90.1 is released
July 23, 2006

CDS Invenio v0.90.1 was released on July 23, 2006.

What's new:

 *) output messages improved and enhanced to become more easily
    translatable in various languages (all modules)

 *) new translation (Bulgarian) and several updated translations
    (Greek, French, Russian, Slovak)

 *) respect langugage choice in various web application links
    (WebAlert, WebBasket, WebComment, WebSession, WebSubmit)

 *) fixed problem with commenting rights in a group-shared basket that
    is also a public basket with lesser rights (WebBasket)

 *) guest users are now forbidden to share baskets (WebBasket)

 *) fixed guest user garbage collection, adapted to the new baskets
    schema (WebSession)

 *) added possibility to reject group membership requests; sending
    informational messages when users are approved/refused by group
    administrators (WebSession)

 *) experimental release of the new BibFormat in Python (BibFormat)

 *) started massive deployment of the regression test suite, checking
    availability of all web interface pages (BibEdit, BibFormat,
    BibHarvest, BibIndex, BibRank, MiscUtil, WebAccess, WebBasket,
    WebComment, WebMessage, WebSearch, WebSession, WebSubmit)

 *) updated developer documentation (I18N output messages policy, test
    suite policy, coding style)



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you are upgrading from CDS Invenio v0.90.0, then please follow the
following steps:

   - Launch the bibsched monitor and wait until all active bibsched
     tasks are finished.  Then put bibsched daemon into manual mode.

   - Stop all submission procedures and other write operations: for
     example, you may want to switch your site to read-only mode (set
     and restart Apache) or you may want to stop Apache completely.

   - Optionally, you may want to backup your current MySQL database
     and your CDS Invenio installation directory (@prefix).  Note that
     this step is not really necessary for 0.90.0 -> 0.90.1 upgrade,
     since the changes are of minor nature only.

   - Untar new sources and rerun configure with old arguments.  Your
     old configure line is available at

   - Merge your old config.wml with the new one.  Your old config.wml
     file is available at @prefix@/lib/wml/invenio/config.wml.  The
     only novelty in the new config.wml file is the introduction of
     the Bulgarian translation in the CDSNAMEINTL and CDSLANGS
     options, so that merging should be straightforward.  Note that
     you may directly reuse your old config.wml file in case you do
     not plan to provide your user interface in Bulgarian.

   - Run make.

   - If you have customized your @prefix/etc/ files since the
     last installation (for example to edit the stopwords list or
     configure language stemmers), then back them up now.

   - Run make install.

   - If you have backed up your old @prefix@/etc/ directory as
     mentioned before, then restore your old etc files now.

   - Update your database table structure:

        $ make update-v0.90.0-tables

   - Optionally, update your tables with the new Bulgarian and updated
     French and Russian dynamic elements:

        $ grep "'bg'" modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='identificateur de notice' \
                 WHERE value='notice ID' AND id_field=14 AND ln='fr';" | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='предмет' \
                WHERE value='' AND id_field=7 AND ln='ru';" | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='разделение' \
                WHERE value='' AND id_field=11 AND ln='ru';" | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='эксперимент' \
                WHERE value='' AND id_field=13 AND ln='ru';" | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='номер записи' \
                WHERE value='' AND id_field=14 AND ln='ru';" | \

   - Optionally, run webcoll to regenerate Bulgarian, French, and
     Russian search interface pages.

   - Re-enable write access if you have disabled it before and restart
     your Apache server.

   - Put the bibsched daemon back into the automatic mode.  You are

If you want to upgrade from CDSware v0.7.1 or earlier versions, please
do not use this release for production environment yet.  The codebase
has undergone very important changes during the last year.  You can
use this release to check out the new CDS Invenio features and test it
in your environment.  Full-scale upgrade instructions and tools will
be provided with the forthcoming update release in August 2006.

Known problems:

 *) Several modules of the this release (e.g. the new BibFormat in
    Python, the mail submission system, citation ranking) are still
    experimental and not yet activated.  You may have a peek at what
    is planned, but please do not rely on them.

 *) The admin-level functionality for several modules is not fully
    developed yet.

What's next:

 *) Fixing the problems mentioned above.

 *) Providing an easy-to-use upgrade path for CDSware v0.7.1 users.

 *) The next release should happen in August 2006.

- end of file -

Invenio v0.90.0

22 Jun 11:05
Choose a tag to compare
CDS Invenio v0.90.0 is released
June 30, 2006

CDS Invenio v0.90.0 was released on June 30, 2006.

What's new:

 *) formerly known as CDSware; the application name change clarifies
    the relationship with respect to the CDS Sofware Consortium
    producing two flagship applications (CDS Indico and CDS Invenio)

 *) version number increased to v0.90 in the anticipation of the
    forthcoming v1.0 release after all the major codebase changes are
    now over

 *) new possibility to define user groups (WebGroup)

 *) new personal basket organization in topics (WebBasket)

 *) new basket sharing among user groups (WebBasket)

 *) new open peer reviewing and commenting on documents (WebComment)

 *) new user and group web messaging system (WebMessage)

 *) new ontology-based document classification system (BibClassify)

 *) new WebSubmit Admin (WebSubmit)

 *) new record editing web interface (BibEdit)

 *) new record matching tool  (BibMatch)

 *) new OAI repository administration tool (BibHarvest)

 *) new OAI periodical harvesting tool (BibHarvest) 

 *) new web layout templating system (WebStyle)

 *) new clean URL schema (e.g. /collection/Theses, /record/1234)

 *) new BibTeX output format support (BibFormat)

 *) new possibility of secure HTTPS authentication while keeping the
    rest of the site non-HTTPS (WebSession)

 *) new centralized error library (MiscUtil)

 *) new gettext-based international translations, with two new beta
    translations (Japanese, Polish)

 *) new regression testing suite framework (MiscUtil)

 *) new all prerequisites are now apt-gettable for Debian "Sarge"

 *) new full support for Mac OS X

 *) ... plus many fixes and changes worth one year of development



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you want to upgrade from CDSware v0.7.1 or earlier versions, please
do not use this release for production environment yet.  The codebase
has undergone very important changes during the last year.  You can
use this release to check out the new CDS Invenio features and test it
in your environment.  Full-scale upgrade instructions and tools will
be provided with the forthcoming update release in July 2006.

- end of file -

Invenio v0.7.1

22 Jun 11:06
Choose a tag to compare
CDSware v0.7.1 is released
May 4, 2005

CDSware v0.7.1 was released on May 4, 2005.  

What's new:

 *) important bugfix for bibconvert's ``source data in a directory''
    mode, as invoked by the web submission system (BibConvert)

 *) minor bugfix in the search engine, thanks to Frédéric Gobry

 *) minor bugfix in the WebSearch Admin interface (WebSearch)

 *) automatic linking to Google Print in the ``Haven't found what you
    were looking for...'' page box (WebSearch)

 *) BibFormat Admin Guide cleaned, thanks to Ferran Jorba   

 *) new Catalan translation, thanks to Ferran Jorba

 *) updated Greek and Portuguese translations, thanks to Theodoros
    Theodoropoulos and Flávio C. Coelho

 *) updated Spanish translation 



Installation notes:

Please follow the INSTALL file bundled in the distribution tarball.

Upgrade notes:

If you are upgrading from CDSware v0.7.0, then please follow the
following steps:

   - Launch the bibsched monitor and wait until all active bibsched
     tasks are finished.  Then put bibsched daemon into sleeping
     (manual) mode.

   - Stop all submission procedures and other write operations: for
     example, you may want to switch your site to read-only mode (set
     and restart Apache) or you may want to stop Apache completely.

   - Optionally you may want to backup your current MySQL database and
     your CDSware installation directory.  (This step is not really
     mandatory for the 0.7.0 -> 0.7.1 transition, since the changes
     are of minor nature only.)

   - Untar new sources and rerun configure with old arguments (see

   - Merge your old config.wml with the new one. (Your old config.wml
     can be found in /path/to/cdsware/lib/wml/cdsware/config.wml.)
     The only novelty in the new config.wml file is the introduction
     of the Catalan translation in the CDSNAMEINTL and CDSLANGS
     options, so that merging should be straightforward.  Note that
     you may directly reuse your old config.wml file in case you do
     not plan to provide your user interface in Catalan.

   - Run make.

   - If you have customized your /path/to/cdsware/etc/ files since the
     last installation (for example to edit the stopwords list or
     configure language stemmers), then back them up now.

   - Run make install.

   - If you have backed up your old /path/to/cdsware/etc/ directory as
     mentioned before, then restore your old etc files now.

   - Optionally update your tables with the new Catalan and Spanish
     field names:

        $ grep "'ca'" modules/miscutil/sql/tabfill.sql | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='materia' \
                 WHERE value='' AND id_field=7 AND ln='es';" | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='división' \
                WHERE value='' AND id_field=11 AND ln='es';" | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='experimento' \
                WHERE value='' AND id_field=13 AND ln='es';" | \
        $ echo "UPDATE fieldname SET value='registro núm.' \
                WHERE value='' AND id_field=14 AND ln='es';" | \

   - Optionally run webcoll to regenerate Catalan and Spanish search
     interface pages.

   - Re-enable write access if you have disabled it before and restart
     your Apache server.

   - Put the bibsched daemon back into the automatic mode.  You are

Known problems:

 *) Several modules of the this release (e.g. the mail submission
    system, citation and download ranking) are experimental and not
    yet activated.  You may have a peek at what is planned, but please
    do not rely on them.

 *) The admin-level functionality for several modules is not fully
    developed yet.

 *) Fulltext file storage management is not yet linked with the
    metadata management.

What's next:

 *) Fixing the problems mentioned above.

 *) Developing clearer relations and dependencies between metadata
    records and fulltext files.

 *) Introducing page templating to ease the customization of CDSware

 *) Introducing a new tool for matching external XML MARC records
    against the database content.

- end of file -