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Releases: ioncoincore/ion-v4

🗺 ION Core 🎁 4.0.00 © 👒 Tokens - 㐰 - Atomic Token Protocol (ATP) 👒

03 Sep 22:27
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Downloads and statistics

GitHub Releases (by Release)

  • Windows XP/7/10 - 32/64-Bit downlaods
    • Download ion installer for Windows 32-bit Download ion installer for Windows 64-bit
    • Download ion binaries for Windows 32-bit Download ion binaries for Windows 64-bit
  • i686/x86_64 downlaods
    • Download ion v4.0.00 for Linux 32-bit (i686) Download ion v4.0.00 for Linux 64-bit (x86_x64)
  • arm/aarch64/riscv64 downloads
    • Download ion v4.0.00 for ARM Linux Download ion v4.0.00 for aarch64 Linux Download ion v4.0.00 for riscv64 Linux
  • macOS
    • Download ion Setup for OSX 64-bit
  • Download checksums
    • Download SHA256SUMS.asc

ION Core 4.0.0 (Release Candidate 2)

29 Aug 21:17
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This is a release candidate build that is expected to only run on the testnet. To ensure you are running on the testnet please add testnet=1 to your ioncoin.conf file.

Downloads and statistics

GitHub Releases (by Release)

  • Windows XP/7/10 - 32/64-Bit downloads
    • Download ion installer for Windows 32-bit Download ion installer for Windows 64-bit
    • Download ion binaries for Windows 32-bit Download ion binaries for Windows 64-bit
  • i686/x86_64 downloads
    • Download ion v4.0.0rc2 for Linux 32-bit (i686) Download ion v4.0.0rc2 for Linux 64-bit (x86_x64)
  • arm/aarch64/riscv64 downloads
    • Download ion v4.0.0rc2 for ARM Linux Download ion v4.0.0rc2 for aarch64 Linux Download ion v4.0.0rc2 for riscv64 Linux
  • mac os
    • Download ion Setup for OSX 32-bit Download ion Setup for OSX 64-bit

ION Core 4.0.0 (Release Candidate 1)

11 Aug 09:44
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This is a release candidate build that is expected to only run on the testnet. To ensure you are running on the testnet please add testnet=1 to your ioncoin.conf file.

Downloads and statistics

GitHub Releases (by Release)

  • Windows XP/7/10 - 32/64-Bit downlaods
    • Download ion installer for Windows 32-bit Download ion installer for Windows 64-bit
    • Download ion binaries for Windows 32-bit Download ion binaries for Windows 64-bit
  • i686/x86_64 downlaods
    • Download ion v4.0.0rc1 for Linux 32-bit (i686) Download ion v4.0.0rc1 for Linux 64-bit (x86_x64)
  • arm/aarch64/riscv64 downloads
    • Download ion v4.0.0rc1 for ARM Linux Download ion v4.0.0rc1 for aarch64 Linux Download ion v4.0.0rc1 for riscv64 Linux
  • Download checksums
    • Download SHA256SUMS.asc
  • mac os
    • Download ion Setup for OSX 32-bit Download ion Setup for OSX 64-bit

🗺️Ion Core 👛 v3.1.01 ©️ - 👒 OFFICIAL RELEASE 👒

07 Feb 23:17
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fixed sync issues and added additional bug fix

Downloads and statistics

GitHub Releases (by Release)

  • Windows XP/7/10 - 32/64-Bit downlaods
    • Download ion installer for Windows 32-bit Download ion installer for Windows 64-bit
    • Download ion binaries for Windows 32-bit Download ion binaries for Windows 64-bit
  • i686/x86_64 downlaods
    • Download ion v3.1.01 for Linux 32-bit (i686) Download ion v3.1.01 for Linux 64-bit (x86_x64)
  • arm/aarch64/riscv64 downloads
    • Download ion v3.1.01 for ARM Linux Download ion v3.1.01 for aarch64 Linux Download ion v3.1.01 for riscv64 Linux
  • Download checksums
    • Download SHA256SUMS.asc
  • mac os
    • Download ion Setup for OSX 32-bit Download ion Setup for OSX 64-bit

Change log

  • [b813d1e] Move reject old spork key to 31. March
  • [9d78c1a] snap: reduce snap size by using only one binary
  • [559a0bb] Bump version to v3.1.01
  • [110aaa8] AcceptBlock() reject blocks double spending the coin
  • [b9e5f55] AcceptBlock() block stored log removed
  • [47be94d] AcceptBlock() reject blocks double spending the coin stake input inside the same block
  • [f7a3ea9] Fix bug on AcceptBlock when pindex is null


🗺️Ion Core 👛 v3.1.00 ©️ - 👒 OFFICIAL RELEASE 👒

06 Feb 03:58
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Build Status GitHub version Snap Status GitHub issues GitHub forks GitHub stars GitHub license

Get it from the Snap Store

ION Core version 3.1.0 is now available from:

This is a new major version release, including various bug fixes and performance improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at github:

Mandatory Update

ION Core v3.1.0 is a mandatory update for all users. This release contains new consensus rules and improvements that are not backwards compatible with older versions. Users will have a grace period of one week to update their clients before enforcement of this update is enabled.

The new Spork Key implementation is scheduled for GMT: Thursday, 7. February 2019 00:00:01.
The old Spork key will be rejected GMT: Wednesday, 13. February 2019 00:00:01. Users must upgrade prior to this time.

Users updating from a previous version after GMT: Wednesday, 13. February 2019 00:00:01 will require a full resync of their local blockchain from either the P2P network or by way of bootstrap.

How to Upgrade

Shut down old client, ensure the shutdown process has completed fully (this process may take some time). Find the appropriate installer/files for your OS at: On Windows: Run the installer for version 3.1.x. MacOS: Copy the new ionQT to /Applications/ION-Qt Linux: Replace iond/ion-qt (on Linux).


ION Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using
the Linux kernel, macOS 10.8+, and Windows Vista and later.

Microsoft ended support for Windows XP on April 8th, 2014,
No attempt is made to prevent installing or running the software on Windows XP, you
can still do so at your own risk but be aware that there are known instabilities and issues.
Please do not report issues about Windows XP to the issue tracker.

ION Core should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
frequently tested on them.

Linux downloads
  • Download ion v3.1.00 for Linux 32-bit (i686) Download ion v3.1.00 for Linux 64-bit (x86_x64)
Linux ARM/aarch64/risc64 downloads
  • Download ion v3.1.00 for ARM Linux Download ion v3.1.00 for aarch64 Linux Download ion v3.1.00 for risc64 Linux
MacOS/OSX downloads
  • Download ion Setup for OSX 32-bit Download ion Setup for OSX 64-bit
Windows XP/Vista/7/10 Installer downloads
  • Download ion Setup for Windows 32-bit Download ion Setup for Windows 64-bit
Windows XP/Vista/7/10 only binaries downloads
  • Download ion binaries for Windows 32-bit Download ion binaries for Windows 64-bit

Notable Changes

IIP 0003 implementation

The updated block reward schedule has been implemented as per IIP 0003

  • Year 3 - Block reward - 11.5
  • Year 4-9 - Block reward - 5.75
  • Year 10 - Block reward - 1.90
  • Year 11-100 - Block reward - 0.2

Old ion implementation refactored

Previous implementation of ION-based code has been refactored. Sources are now inline with latest PIVX as of release time.

Windows masternode.conf bug

Windows Masternode Controller wallets were experiencing an issue reading the masternode.conf file during startup that prevented the wallet from opening properly.

Windows file icons

The Windows program icons and installer images were of less than ideal quality, often appearing grainy or distorted. These icons/images have been replaced with higher resolution images.

Updated artworks

CSS, artworks and their sources have been updated/renewed

Updated translations, you can follow the status on Transifex

Transifex is a web-based translation platform that assists with translation of open source technical projects with frequently updated content like software and documentation. Users can now contribute to localization of ion through Transifex at:

Initiated transition to bech32 address encoding

Fix checklocktimeverify unit tests

New issue templates

To assist with better support, templates for various github issues are now available

xION Updates

xION Staking

xION Staking is here! xION staking will be activated on the morning of the Sunday, 6. January 2019 00:00:01.
With the release of xION staking, there are effectively 2 versions of xION, xION minted on the 3.0.6 ION wallet or lower, and xION minted on ION 3.1.x wallet version or higher.
New features in this release will require the use of xION v2, xION minted on this wallet release 3.1.x or later. If you currently hold xION v1 and wish to take advantage of xION staking and deterministic xION, you will need to redeem the xION v1 to yourself and remint xION v2.
Note: To find your xION version, click the privacy tab, then the xION Control button then expand the arrows next to the desired denomination.

Deterministic xION Seed Keys

xION is now associated with a deterministic seed key. With this seed key, users are able to securely backup their xION, and restore to another wallet. xION can also be transferred from wallet to wallet without the need of transferring the wallet data file.

Updated xION minting

xION minting now only requires 1 additional mint (down from 2) to mature. xION mints still require 20 confirmations. Mints also require that the 'second' mint is at least two checkpoints deep in the chain (this was already the case, but the logic was not as precise).

xION Search

Users will now have the ability to search the blockchain for a specific serial # to see if a xION denomination has been spent or not.

ION/xION Staking and Masternode Rewards

ION, xION and Masternode Payment Schedule

To encourage the us...

Read more

🗺️Ion Core 👛 v3.0.5 ©️ - 👒 OFFICIAL RELEASE 👒 - with REGTEST

06 Feb 03:54
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this is last release with working regtest for those who want to test zerocoin v1 or need this client for some other reasons.

Changelog to old 3.0.5 from cevap

  • [ffefa05] chainparams, change regtest ports from testnets
  • [e13b9cc] Update chainparams.cpp, add regtest
  • [aa226d1] Fix regtest: pow.cpp
  • [91f26ae] Fix regtest: main.cpp
  • [5a47fa0] Fix regtest style and showing testnet icons
  • [a9abe21] fix travis failing to build due to having invalid sequence
  • [f1da291] Update snapcraft to latest
  • [2d5205c] Update gitian-descriptors and gitian-keys
  • [a8ba650] Update gitian descriptors for building with gitian
  • [7d324fa] Update checkpoints
  • [7bebc75] Update travis link in
  • [eb42d50] Change links from cevap to ioncoincore
  • [22b2e9a] Remove unneeded params
  • [bf6cf19] Add PoW functionality for mining on regtest


23 Jan 03:47
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v3.1.00-beta1 Pre-release

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Build Status GitHub version Snap Status GitHub issues GitHub forks GitHub stars GitHub license

Get it from the Snap Store

Only for testing purpose and tester group and tests managed by @CeForce (thx for that). If you want to run/test this version please contact @CeForce over testing issue of Windows 10: ioncoincore/ion#29 as well as some other which may be opened after this release is created.



Additional warning: this release is compiled as release also only for testing purpose and will not be released under stable/candidate branch on snap but instead it is already released as beta:

This is currently (at the time of creation) status of releases of different channels:


Linux downloads
  • Download ion v3.1.00-beta1 for Linux 32-bit (i686) Download ion v3.1.00-beta1 for Linux 64-bit (x86_x64)
Linux ARM/aarch64/risc64 downloads
  • Download ion v3.1.00-beta1 for ARM Linux Download ion v3.1.00-beta1 for aarch64 Linux Download ion v3.1.00-beta1 for risc64 Linux
MacOS/OSX downloads
  • Download ion Setup for OSX 32-bit Download ion Setup for OSX 64-bit
Windows XP/Vista/7/10 Installer downloads
  • Download ion Setup for Windows 32-bit Download ion Setup for Windows 64-bit
Windows XP/Vista/7/10 only binaries downloads
  • Download ion binaries for Windows 32-bit Download ion binaries for Windows 64-bit

v3.1.99 QT5.9.7 (built with gitian on debian 10, with zerocoin mint)

22 Jan 22:10
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has wrong rewards on testnet ending up in masternode rewards=0

v3.1.99 QT5.9.7 (gitian debian builds, with zerocoin mint)

13 Jan 09:13
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Ion v3.1.99 QT5.9.7 (gitian debian builds, with zerocoin mint) testnet release with zerocoin staking enabled

please do not use this on productive systems, this PRE-RELEASE is only for testing purpose on testnet

Gitian build info

Compiled with on Debian 10 buster. If you want to upgrade your debian 9 to buster

Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid
Release:	testing
Codename:	buster
  1. Full Upgrade Stretch
    sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade -y;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y;
  2. Update repository to Debian Buster sudo sed -i 's/stretch/buster/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
    Your /etc/apt/sources.list should look similar to this:
deb buster main
deb buster-updates main
deb buster/updates main

Install Over Snap/Ubuntu Software Center

Get it from the Snap Store

Snap builds of current commit (same commit which gitian built from).

  • s390x sudo snap install --edge ioncore --revision=75
  • ppc64el sudo snap install --edge ioncore --revision=76
  • arm64 sudo snap install --edge ioncore --revision=80
  • armhf sudo snap install --edge ioncore --revision=79
  • amd64 sudo snap install --edge ioncore --revision=77
  • i386 sudo snap install --edge ioncore --revision=78

old v3.1.99 was renamed for backup to v3.1.99-zeromintDisabled

Downloads and statistics for all binaries of current release

Total downloadsv3.1.99

  • Download Sources
MacOS/OSX downloads
  • Download ion Setup for OSX 32-bit Download ion Setup for OSX 64-bit
Windows XP/Vista/7/10 Installer downloads
  • Download ion Setup for Windows 32-bit Download ion Setup for Windows 64-bit
Windows XP/Vista/7/10 only binaries downloads
  • Download ion binaries for Windows 32-bit Download ion binaries for Windows 64-bit
Linux downloads
  • Download ion v3.1.99 for Linux 32-bit (i686) Download ion v3.1.99 for Linux 64-bit (x86_x64)
Linux ARM/aarch64 downloads
  • Download ion v3.1.99 for ARM Linux Download ion v3.1.99 for aarch64 Linux

Change log

Changes since last pre release:
143ca24..2e2617e (compare)

  • @FornaxA (2):

    • @FornaxA, Add address to transaction records rpc output, , 2019-01-08 15:33:45 +0100
    • @FornaxA, Undo disabling minting v2 zerocoin, This commit reverts this PR: cevap#97 , 2019-01-09 16:27:31 +0100
  • @ioncoincore (6):

    • @ioncoincore, Update CNAME, , 2019-01-07 01:24:42 +0100
    • @ioncoincore, Update issue templates, Add bug label, 2019-01-07 17:29:59 +0100
    • @ioncoincore, Update issue templates, assign feature request label, 2019-01-07 17:31:25 +0100
    • @ioncoincore, Update issue templates, assign random issue and question label, 2019-01-07 17:32:58 +0100
    • @ioncoincore, Update issue templates, Add template: I need help/support (observed by staff), 2019-01-09 05:48:29 +0100
    • @ioncoincore, Update issue templates, add ionomy label to staff observed issue, 2019-01-09 08:35:48 +0100
  • @cevap (9):

    • @cevap, Update harcoded seeds and add new testnet ip's, - update main hardcoded ip's - update testnet hardcoded ip's - update script with new testnet ip's , 2019-01-09 03:23:51 +0100
    • @cevap, update gitian-keys readme (fixes gpg fetching), has no keys, @cevap extended it to patch from:
    • @cevap, Update gitian keys.txt, - add fingerpringt from following users @atomSmasher, @CeForce, @ckti, @ionmy, @kwwood - Change "Mitchell Cash" to github's username, "MitchelCash"
    • @cevap, Update, set snap name ioncore, , 2019-01-09 19:54:26 +0100
    • @cevap, Update, and info about revision installation, , 2019-01-09 19:57:14 +0100
    • @cevap, Update, add instructions for setting aliases, , 2019-01-09 23:17:33 +0100
    • @cevap, Add additional seed ip for testnet, , 2019-01-09 23:39:53 +0100
    • @cevap, Update hardcoded seeds, , 2019-01-09 23:40:06 +0100
    • @cevap, Add testent checkpoint on height 500535, , 2019-01-09 23:49:12 +0100
  • @ckti (1):

  • @ioncoincore (1):

  • @sicXnull (1):

v3.1.99 QT5.9.7 (beta1 release) (gitian debian 10 buster builds)

10 Jan 01:44
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Version x.x.99 means always that it is a master branch compiled from current commit. This release/tag will be deleted and recreated on updates.

Current release is not marked as release

Built on:

Distributor ID:	Debian
Description:	Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid
Release:	testing
Codename:	buster

This release is only for testing purpose on test enviroment, please do not use it on your productive systems

Gitian signatures for this build:


Many thanks to all contributors:

  • Adam Langley
  • Benjamin Allred
  • blondfrogs
  • cevap
  • Cevap Master
  • ckti
  • Cory Fields
  • Fornax
  • FornaxA
  • Fuzzbawls
  • gitianuser
  • Ion Coin Developers
  • MarcoFalke
  • Mitchell Cash
  • mrmetech
  • Mrs-X
  • presstab
  • random-zebra
  • warrows
  • Wladimir J. van der Laan
  • wqking


Adam Langley (1):
Switch memory_cleanse implementation to BoringSSL's to ensure memory clearing even with link-time optimization.

Benjamin Allred (1):
Ported CLTV from BIP65 to ION. Added checks for supermajority activation.

Cevap Master (16):
Create CNAME
Set theme jekyll-theme-dinky
Set theme jekyll-theme-tactile
Update - fix link to aarch64 build
Change autocombine
Revert nRejectOldSporkKey to 1546732801
Update CPD
Update issue templates
Update issue templates
Update issue templates
Update issue templates
Update snapcraft.yaml
Update with copyrigths

Cory Fields (1):
openssl: abstract out OPENSSL_cleanse

Fornax (1):
Add extended balance RPC call

FornaxA (32):
Update coin supply amount
IONCORE-47 Introduction of wrappers
IONCORE-48 First batch of removing intermediary functionality
Consensus: Refactor: Decouple CValidationState from main::AbortNode()
Add debug message to CValidationState for optional extra information
Add memusage.h and core_memusage.h
Introduce Coin, a single unspent output
IONCORE-47 Introduce wrappers for Coin and AccessCoin()
Import Bech32 C++ reference code & tests
IONCORE-52 Implement {Encode,Decode}Destination without CBitcoinAddress
Second batch of removing intermediary functionality
Remove CBitcoinAddress
IONCORE-66 Subtract fee from the amount
IONCORE-66 Add FundTransaction method and RPC to wallet
IONCORE-62 initial bech32 address encoding functionality
IONCORE-62 bech32 and legacy encoding wrappers
IONCORE-62 Switch to using bech32 wrappers
[fix] Add consensus/validation.h to
#91 Update accumulator checkpoints
Switch to internal console for vscode gdb output
Set testnet fork parameters
Disable minting v2 xION
Fix whitespace error
Set supermajority fork parameters to switch to block version 9, not block version 5.
Remove redundant/duplicate declarations.
Update spork key valid time
Set locks on cs_wallet for SelectCoinsMasternode() which is called by masternode outputs
Move Transaction-Record from Qt section to Wallet section
Move - continued
Add rpc call to view transactions as mutations to balance
Remove stale RPC help data - re-add when all specs are agreed upon
Add listrecordssinceblock RPC command (currently unsorted)

Fuzzbawls (30):
Miner: use std methods instead of boost for timing conditions
Remove Boost dependency from the httpserver
Ust std threading in sync.{h,cpp}
Show BIP65 soft-fork progress in getblockchaininfo
Unify shutdown proceedure in init rather than per-app
Remove Boost dependency from sync.cpp
Initialize lockstack to prevent null pointer deref
Remove unused fTry from push_lock
Use c++11 nullptr instead of macros or void(0) in sync.cpp/h
Finalize cleanup of sync.cpp/h
Add a security warning to the debug console's default output.
Depends: Update to most recent version
Build: Add automated man page generation
Build: Update coverage build target(s)
Build: Add bash completion support to the build system
Build: Update build system to upstream master
Build: Fix gmp lib linking
Build: Introduce endian and byteswap
Build: Introduce Symbol and Security check scripts to the build system.
Build: Show PIC/PIE flags in configure summary
Build: utility test updates
Build: Include limits.h in bignum header
Gitian: remove reference datetime
Gitian: update descriptors for bionic
Travis: Update to use docker with Bionic target
Contrib: Update init scripts for *nix
Contrib: Update macdeployqtplus subdir
Don't show staking/automint status icons without a wallet
Travis: Introduce .travis subdir and better job folding
Periodic translation update

Ion Coin Developers (1):
Update snapcraft

MarcoFalke (1):
Properly display required fee instead of minTxFee

Mitchell Cash (6):
Remove the old trading dialog code
[gitian] Move keys to contrib/gitian-keys
Cleanup the old CEVAP references in README
Build: Fix macOS signing
Fix the way anonymizable balance calculated and fix conditions for OBF (#10)
Print hash in CMutableTransaction::ToString

Mrs-X (1):
Make checks for MN-autovoting deterministic

Wladimir J. van der Laan (1):
rpc: Accept scientific notation for monetary amounts in JSON

blondfrogs (1):
Fix checklocktime verify unit tests

cevap (212):
snapcraft: update to development branch v3.1.1
Snapcraft: replace libssl
Big update (3.0.2-3.1.01)
Snapcraft: readd prepare insted of override-build
fix: folder paths in util.cpp
Fix typo in chainparams.cpp
Fix typo in snapcraft.yaml
Remove unrequired snapcraft files
Snapcraft: add part after: desktop-qt5
Snapcraft: trigger stable build for version 3.0.4
Fix tag version
Snapcraft: trigger stable build for version 3.0.5
Snapcraft: trigger stable build for version v3.1.01
Snapcraft: add build-packages
Snapcraft: use default architectures [all]
Update xion rewards
Add accumulator checkpoints
Change help adddresses
Add checkpoints
Change urls for osslsigncode
Remove old image Sagittarius.jpg
Update snapcraft.yaml
Change enforce spork timestamp
Update devtools
Update devtools readme
Update QT locales
Add python script for gitian builds
Add install script for db4
Update zerocoin v2 startheight
Zerocoin maintenance mode switched on
Bump versino to 3.1.00
Snapcraft: add ion-tx
Update checkpoints (main
Add last v1 accumulator checkpoint
Disable zerocoin maintenance mode
Artworks update: automint icon
Artworks update: bittrex logo
Artworks update: about.png
Artworks update: remove warning
Artworks update: tx_mined.png
Artworks update: horizontal logo
Artworks update: ion-black.svg
Artworks update: about sources
Artworks update: default css
Transifex: update urls
Update zerocoin v2 start to after Jan. 06
Update checkpoints
Add CLTV activation version
Add release notes
Bump version for master and set release to false
Fix travis: missing dstencode.h
Update INSTALL Info
Update snapcraft icon
Update release notes and rename conf
Fix snapcraft for every GUI and update artworks/shortcuts
Update artworks and cleanup
Bump release candidate version
update client ver and set as non release
update snapcraft config
fix typo and trigger snapcraft build
Update documentation
Update example masnternode.conf
Update documentation
Remove unrequired plugs for QT
Update MacOS SDK url
Assets: delete and move to wiki
Update, move assets to wiki
Update - Update moved assets links
Update update download links for binaries
Update update download links for binaries
Bump beta release v3.1.0-beta1
Trigger test build of candidate v3.1.0-rc3
Trigger test build of edge unstable release v3.1.99-master, built from master
Update gitian build script
Trigger devel build
Trigger build of stable v3.0.5
Trigger stable build of v3.0.5
Trigger latest edge release
Snapcraft: change prepare to override-build to apply the patch
Snapcraft: change prepare to override-build for berkeleydb
Snapcraft: remove install part for berkeleydb
Optimize PNGs
Snapcraft: Add desktop-qt5 stage packages
Snapcraft: cleanup snapcraft.yaml
Update script
Enable creating zerocoin v1 spend transaction
Bump to v3.1.0-rc4 and trigger snap builds
Update gitian descriptors to bionic
Bump version to master/unstable/devel
Cleanup: Move gitian documentation
Update dependencies
Add dependencies patches

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