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gitian building setup gitian debian Google Console Create_VM_from_template

cevap edited this page Apr 5, 2018 · 1 revision
  1. Create VM from instance template

    You can create VM directly from your instance templates:

    Create VM

    Instance template list

  2. Check instance

    Check if all settings are corrected, in this guide we have settings which we used in our guide how to create instace.

    For this guide we will setup first linux instance, later we will do the same for windows and mac instance having 3 separate VM's.

    With current setup plan with 3 instances we will use 12 cpu's and 24gb ram together.

    Create gitian instance - linux

    create instance by clicking on

  3. Wait until instance is created

    wait until your instance is created, for this guide it looks like that:

    Gitian Debian 8 Instance Ccreated

  4. Repeat this step (otional)

    If you plan to use 3 separate VM's for gitian building, then repeat previous steps from this guide to create gitian-debian8-windows and gitian-debian8-mac VM's.

    We have in this guide linux, windows and mac VM's

    we additionally ensure that gitian VM's are not running as we DO NOT WANT TO PRODUCE UNREQUIRED COSTS*:

    VM's for this guide

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