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HOW TO: Setup ION remote Masternode with Ububtu remote and local QT wallet

krumblez edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

ION Masternode Setup

An ION Masternode requires a working knowledge of Linux, as well as that of the Blockchain and it's technology. A Masternode must be set up properly as requires good security and maintenance with regular wallet updates should they occur.


To set up the ION masternode for the first time, you will need:

20,000 ION (to send in one transaction, and remember the TX fee is sending from an exchange.) A local QT wallet to store your ION A Virtual Private Server (VPS) - This guide have been tested on Ubuntu server 16.04 The local Ubuntu server IP address. Port 12700 open to your Ubuntu server For the successful continuation of this guide, you must run a ION QT wallet on your computer.

For clarity we will refer to your existing ION QT wallet as the Local wallet, and the Ubuntu Masternode running VPS machine as your Remote wallet

We will be following the steps below in order.

  • Create new address
  • Send 20,000 ION to it
  • In console masternode genkey {goes in both masternode.conf & ioncoin.conf}
  • In console masternode outputs {goes in masternode.conf}
  • Restart
  • Click on Start missing in the Masternode tab

Procedure for setting up a Masternode

Turn off zeromint in your local wallet from the file menu > Settings > Options window:

Disable xION

Shutdown your wallet

Open the 'Wallet Configuration File' from the Tools menu:

Wallet config file

Add the following lines:


Save and restart your wallet again.

Generate the Masternode key on your local QT wallet

Open the debug console from the file menu, File > Tools > Debug Console.

Do masternode genkey

This is your Masternode 'link' key, so be sure to copy the key and keep securely for later use.

Generate a Masternode address on your local ION QT wallet

Open the debug console (Tools > Debug console) Enter the following command getaccountaddress YourMasternodeName (e.g. masternode01) Keep the returned key safe as you will need this later.

Send 20,000 ION to the Masternode collatoral address

Staying in the local wallet, send exactly 20,000 ION to the Masternode address you just generated.

Confirm the Masternode outputs in your local wallet

Open the debug console (Tools > Debug console) Type the following command (For proof of transaction with sending the 20,000 ION):

masternode outputs

Keep to the returned details safe as you will need this later.

Restart your wallet

Configure the Masternode on your local wallet

From the File Menu > Tools > Open Masternode Configuration File

The masternode.conf format consists of a space separated text file. Each line consisting of an alias (Your Masternodes name), IP address followed by port, masternode genkey, collateral output transaction id and finally, collateral output index.

<Name of your masternode> <IP address of your remote wallet>:12700 <The privkey from Step 2> <The txhash from Step 5> <The outputidx from Step 5>

Substitute with your own values and without the “<>”.


masternode1 123.123.321.321:12700 93ULydF2EviXyytqhuebWVQdBJRq6y17q9wr4YerqPw4ne9MQpX 805f8fb240e6ec7efbba6d3df2aca154182455c37a79ac41bfcf68b91477069c 1

<Alias Name> <your ip>:12700 <masternode.key> <output hash> <outpid id>

Install the ION client on your remote wallet

Install the latest version of the ION wallet onto your Ubuntu VPS:

Go to your home directory

cd ~

Download the latest version from the ION GitHub repository (always check for the latest version)


Unzip and extract

tar -zxvf ionname

Go to your ION bin directory

cd ion-3.0.0/bin

*Note: If this is the first time running the wallet in the VPS, you’ll need to to start the wallet

./iond &

Stop the wallet after it initialises

./ion-cli stop

Configure the masternode on your remote wallet

Edit ioncoin.conf in the data dir:      nano ~/.ioncoin/ioncoin.conf

Add the following lines:

externalip=(The public IP of your remote wallet)
bind=(The public IP of your remote wallet)
masternodeaddr=(The public IP of your remote wallet):12700
masternodeprivkey=(The masternode genkey from Step 2)

*Make sure to replace rpcuser and rpcpassword with your own secure versions.

Start the masternode

It is important you follow the steps in the exact order.

Start the local wallet


Start the remote wallet

Type the following command in the local wallet debug console:

startmasternode alias false <Name of your masternode>

The following should appear:

“overall” : “Successfully started 1 masternodes, failed to start 0, total 1”,
“detail” : [
“alias” : “”,
“result” : “successful”,
“error” : “”

Or if you have multiple masternodes and want to start all at once:

  startmasternode all 0

Start the masternode on your remote wallet:

  ./iond &

       ./ion-cli startmasternode local false

       A message “masternode successfully started” should appear

    5. Use the following command on your remote wallet to check status:

  ./ion-cli masternode status

You should see something like:

{ “txhash” : “49012766543cac37369cf3813d6216bdddc1b9a8ed03ac690221be10aa5edd6c”, “outputidx” : 1, “netaddr” : “”, “addr” : “ieqfrcfQEvikEyd6renwaMsnGGxBgLdqis”, “status” : 4, “message” : “Masternode successfully started” }

Congratulations! You have successfully created your masternode!

Now the masternode setup is complete, you are safe to remove “enablezeromint=0” from the ioncoin.conf file on your local wallet from the File menu > Tools > Open Wallet Configuration File (reverting the change we made in Step 1).


Stop the masternode on your remote wallet

./ion-cli stop

Remove the masternode configuration from your local wallet

Shutdown and restart your wallet

Remove the line that was created in Step 6 from your masternode.conf

Restart your wallet again

Your 20,000 ION will now be unlocked


Where is my wallet data located?

You can find your wallet in the following directory:

  • Linux: ~/.ion/ - Mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/ion/
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\ion\
  • Remember to back up you Masternode collatoral address private keys to a safe and secure location, without these and in the event of a system failure you could potentially lose your coins.