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Ioannis Polyzos edited this page Jun 4, 2014 · 11 revisions

Camel-Gora is an Apache Camel component that allows you to work with NoSQL databases using the Apache Gora framework.

Available as of Camel 2.14

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

Apache Gora Overview

The Apache Gora open source framework provides an in-memory data model and persistence for big data. Gora supports persisting to column stores, key value stores, document stores and RDBMSs, and analyzing the data with extensive Apache Hadoop™ MapReduce support. Gora uses the Apache Software License v2.0 and graduated from the Apache Incubator in Janauary 2012 to become a top-level Apache project.

Apache Gora currently supports the following datastores: Apache HBase, Apache Cassandra, Apache Accumulo, Amazon DynamoDB and SQL databases such as hsqldb, MySQL and more.

URI format


Hbase examples with mandatory options :


<to uri="gora:foobar?keyClass=java.lang.Long&amp;valueClass=org.apache.camel.component.gora.generated.Pageview&amp;"/>

Java DSL



Using camel-gora needs some configuration. This mainly involve to configure the AvroStore through the file and to define the relevant mappings as part of the gora-core module.

Extensive information for this configuration can be found in the apache gora documentation and the gora-conf page.

Supported Gora Operations

Supported operatios inlude : put, get, delete, getSchemaName, deleteSchema, createSchema, query, deleteByQuery, schemaExists.

Some of the operations require arguments while some others no. The arguments to operations could be either the body of the in message or defined in a header property. Below there is a list with some additional info for each operation.

Property Description
put *Inserts the persistent object with the given key.*
get *Returns the object corresponding to the given key fetching all the fields.*
delete *Deletes the object with the given key.*
getSchemaName *Returns the schema name given to this DataStore.*
deleteSchema *Deletes the underlying schema or table (or similar) in the datastore that holds the objects.*
createSchema *Creates the optional schema or table (or similar) in the datastore to hold the objects.*
query *Executes the given query and returns the results.*
deleteByQuery *Deletes all the objects matching the query.*
schemaExists *Returns whether the schema that holds the data exists in the datastore.*


Gora Headers

Property Description
GoraOperation *Used in order to define the operation to execute.*
GoraKey *Used in order to define the datum key for the operations need it.*

Gora Configuration attributes

Property Type Description
keyClass _String_ *Key type.*
valueClass _String_ *Value type.*
dataStoreClass _String_ *DataStore type.*
hadoopConfiguration _Configuration_ *Hadoop Configuration.*
concurrentConsumers _int_ *Concurrent Consumers (used only by consumers).*
flushOnEveryOperation _boolean_ *Flush on every operation (used only by producers).*

NOTE: the gora configuration properties marked with asterisk are mandatory

Gora Query attributes

Property Type Description
startTime _long_ *Start Time attribute.*
endTime _long_ *End Time attribute.*
timeRangeFrom _long_ *Time Range From attribute.*
timeRangeTo _long_ *Time Range To attribute.*
limit _long_ *Gora Query Limit attribute.*
timestamp _long_ *Timestamp attribute.*
startKey _Object_ *Start Key attribute.*
endKey _Object_ *End Key attribute.*
keyRangeFrom _Object_ *Key Range From attribute.*
keyRangeTo _Object_ *Key Range To attribute.*
fields _String_ *Fields attribute.*

Usage examples

Create Schema (XML DSL):

<setHeader headerName="GoraOperation">

<to uri="gora:foobar?keyClass=java.lang.Long&amp;valueClass=org.apache.camel.component.gora.generated.Pageview&amp;"/>

SchemaExists (XML DSL):

  <setHeader headerName="GoraOperation">
  <to uri="gora:foobar?keyClass=java.lang.Long&amp;valueClass=org.apache.camel.component.gora.generated.Pageview&amp;"/>

Put (XML DSL):

  <setHeader headerName="GoraOperation">
  <setHeader headerName="GoraKey">

  <to uri="gora:foo?keyClass=java.lang.Long&amp;valueClass=org.apache.camel.component.gora.generated.Pageview&amp;"/>

Get (XML DSL):

<setHeader headerName="GoraOperation">

<setHeader headerName="GoraKey">

<to uri="gora:bar?keyClass=java.lang.Long&amp;valueClass=org.apache.camel.component.gora.generated.Pageview&amp;"/>

Delete (XML DSL):

<setHeader headerName="GoraOperation">

<setHeader headerName="GoraKey">

<to uri="gora:bar?keyClass=java.lang.Long&amp;valueClass=org.apache.camel.component.gora.generated.Pageview&amp;"/>

Query (XML DSL):

<to uri="gora:foobar?keyClass=java.lang.Long&amp;valueClass=org.apache.camel.component.gora.generated.Pageview&amp;"/>

The full usage examples in the form of integration tests can be found at camel-gora-examples repository.

More resources

For more please information and in depth configuration refer to the Apache Gora Documentation and the Apache Gora Tutorial.