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TODO app on Golem Cloud

I assume you have set up Rust's toolchain and installed cargo-component. If not, please refer to Golem Cloud documentation for instructions.

Then upload the Wasm binary and run it on Golem Cloud (skip to step 6 if you have already set up Golem CLI):

  1. Download the latest version of Golem CLI by signing up for the Developer Preview.
  2. Unzip the bundle to a directory.
  3. Define a shell alias to the Golem CLI for convenience. For example:
alias golem='{path-to-directory}/golem-cli/bin/golem'
  1. Run golem account get to go through the authorization process if you haven't done so.
  2. cd back to our project directory.
  3. Run the following command to upload the binary.
golem component add --component-name todolist target/wasm32-wasi/release/todos.wasm
  1. Then run this command to create an instance of our app.
golem instance add --instance-name todos-inst-1 --component-name todolist
  1. Define another shell alias to invoke the instance. For example:
alias todos='golem instance invoke-and-await --instance-name todos-inst-1 --component-name todolist --function $*'
  1. Now let's get organized! ✅
  • Run the count-all command to verify that our todo list is currently empty.
todos golem:todos/api/count-all --parameters '[]'
  • Let's add some todo's using add command. We will see a payload of newly-created todo item returning from each call.
todos golem:todos/api/add --parameters '[{"title": "todo #1", "priority": "low", "deadline": null}]'

todos golem:todos/api/add --parameters '[{"title": "todo #2", "priority": "high", "deadline": "2022-06-18 13"}]'

todos golem:todos/api/add --parameters '[{"title": "todo #3", "priority": "medium", "deadline": "2023-06-19 08"}]'
  • Now we can run the search command to retrieve these todo's by filtering by keyword.
todos golem:todos/api/search --parameters '[{"keyword": "todo"}]'
  • search without any keyword will return top 10 todo's sorted by the "title" field.
todos golem:todos/api/search --parameters '[{}]'
  • We can sort the search results by "priority", "status" or "deadline", as well as limiting the number of results by setting the limit field (100 max).
todos golem:todos/api/search --parameters '[{"sort": "priority", "limit": 2}]'
  • If we know the UUID of a todo item, we can also retrieve that item by using the get command. For example:
todos golem:todos/api/get --parameters '["90e00f90-eda0-4448-80ec-b019898d1150"]'
  • Let's check and see if there is any todo currently in progress.
todos golem:todos/api/search --parameters '[{"status": "in-progress"}]'
  • We don't. Let's start working on one and update its status to in-progress.
todos golem:todos/api/update --parameters '["90e00f90-eda0-4448-80ec-b019898d1150", {"status": "in-progress"}]'
  • We can delete a todo by specifying its UUID in the delete command.
todos golem:todos/api/delete --parameters '["90e00f90-eda0-4448-80ec-b019898d1150"]'
  • We can also delete all the "done" items by running the delete-done-items command. This command will return the number of deleted items.
todos golem:todos/api/delete-done-items --parameters '[]'
  • Finally we delete all todo's with the delete-all command. This command will also return the number of deleted items.
todos golem:todos/api/delete-all --parameters '[]'

Check out my other Golem projects here (also a recommended project structure/template) and here. Have fun!