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This program breaks down Tagalog words into syllables. Also called


>>> syllabize('Tagalog')
['Ta', 'ga', 'log']
>>> wordList = ['ube', 'tao', 'noón', 'bahay', 'nauuhaw', 'aklát', 'titser', 'eksperto', 'inspirasyón', 'silindro', 'templo', 'instruksyón', 'éksplosibo', 'ékstraordináryo']
>>> for word in wordList:
>>>   print(word, syllabify(word))
ube ['u', 'be']
tao ['ta', 'o']
noón ['no', 'ón']
bahay ['ba', 'hay']
nauuhaw ['na', 'u', 'u', 'haw']
aklát ['ak', 'lát']
titser ['tit', 'ser']
eksperto ['eks', 'per', 'to']
inspirasyón ['ins', 'pi', 'ras', 'yón']
silindro ['si', 'lin', 'dro']
templo ['tem', 'plo']
instruksyón ['ins', 'truks', 'yón']
éksplosibo ['éks', 'plo', 'si', 'bo']
ékstraordináryo ['éks', 'tra', 'or', 'di', 'nár', 'yo']

How does it work?

According to KFW Manwal sa Masinop na Pagsulat [], the rules of syllabification in Tagalog are as follows,

  1. If there are two or more consecutive vowels, they are separated. Example: /a•ak•yat/ (aakyat), /to•to•o/ (totoo)
  2. If there are two consecutive constants, they are separated. Example: /tit•ser/ (titser), /ak•lat/ (aklat)
  3. If there are three consecutive constants, and the first of the constants is an N or M, and the second and third are BL, BR, DR, PL, at TR, then the first constant joins the previous syllable, and the second and third join the following syllable. Example: /sen•tro/ (sentro), /tim•bre/ (timbre)
  4. If there are three consecutive constants, and they don't follow the above conditions, then the first and second constant join the previous syllable, and the third joins the following syllable. Example: /trans•fer/ (transfer), /ins•pi•ras•yon/ (inspirasyon)
  5. If there are four or more consecutive vowels, the first and second join the previous syllable, and the rest join the following syllable. Example: /des•kons•truk•si•yón/ (deskonstruksiyón), /trans•plant/ (transplant)