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Jacob Salmela edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 2 revisions

Customizing Colors

If you want to change the default color scheme on the Planet Sheet, you can edit the values and then regenerate the PDF.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Open planet_sheet/config.tex
  3. Replace hex values for the colors you want to change.
  4. xelatex planet_sheet.tex

Example: If you want to change the happiness color from yellow:

% Happiness

to blue, change the above hex code like below:

% Happiness

Use a hex color picker to find the precise color you want.

Customizing The Planet

You can also modify the planet's colors in the same config.tex file, but this will cover how to create your own terrain and nebula vs. stars.

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Open planet_sheet/config.tex
  3. (optionally) Replace hex values for the colors you want to change
  4. Adjust the numbers and labels for what you want to see (this will best be understood with some examples)

Modifying land and space

If you want to add some more water to the top part of the planet, replace this default line



with something like this:



Instead of two land and two water, you replaced it with four water.

Following this pattern, you can replace any of these lines to put whatever you want into place. The rows should always add up to 20.,

Here are some more examples

Add more nebula to the top of the map

% % The planet starts here


could become:

% % The planet starts here


There are also instructions in the code for you to reference.