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Asynchronous optional/result monad


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This package contains Optional monad and Result monad that support asynchronously.

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Heisenberg classes


A class that represents the fulfilled state for Heisenberg, but with the absence of a value. It means the value is null or undefined. It is equivalent to None for Optional types and it implements Heisenberg interface.


A class that represents the rejected state for Heisenberg. This class contains an exception for the operation that occurred. It implements Heisenberg interface.


A class that represents the fulfilled state for Heisenberg. This class contains a value of type P that cannot be null or undefined. It is equivalent to Some for Optional types. It implements Heisenberg interface.


A class that represents the pending state for Heisenberg. It implements Heisenberg interface.

(interface) Heisenberg<P>

This interface represents an Optional of Monad programming. The common interface for Absent<P>, Lost<P>, Present<P> and Uncertain<P>. This interface provides common methods for the value presence and absence. P represents the type of the data.

Heisenberg.all<P>(heisenbergs: Iterable<Heisenberg<P>>): Heisenberg<Array<P>>

Takes an Iterable<Heisenberg<P>> and returns a single Heisenberg<Array<P>>. Returns Present<Array<P>> when all heisenbergs are in the Present state, returns Absent<Array<P>> when at least one of heisenbergs is in the Absent state, and returns Lost<Array<P>> when at least one of heisenbergs is in the Loststate. If there are both Absent and Lost states present in the heisenbergs, the return value will be Lost<Array<P>> (prioritized).

Heisenberg.prototype.get(): Exclude<P, null | undefined | void>

Retrieves the retained value. If this instance is Present, the returned value will be a non-null, non-undefined value of type P. If this instance is Absent or Uncertain, HeisenbergError will be thrown. If this instance is Lost, the retained cause will be thrown.

Heisenberg.prototype.getState(): HeisenbergState

Returns the current state. The state can be one of the following statuses: 'ABSENT', 'LOST', 'PRESENT' or 'UNCERTAIN'.

Heisenberg.prototype.ifAbsent(consumer: Consumer<void>): this

Executes the given consumer if this class instance is the Absent state.

Heisenberg.prototype.ifLost(consumer: Consumer<unknown>): this

Executes the given consumer with the internal cause value of unknown type if this class instance is in the Lost state.

Heisenberg.prototype.ifPresent(consumer: Consumer<Exclude<P, null | undefined | void>>): this

Executes the given consumer with the internal non-null, non-undefined value of P type if this class instance is in the Present state.

Heisenberg.prototype.isAbsent(): this is Absent<P>

Returns true if this class instance is in the Absent state, false otherwise.

Heisenberg.prototype.isLost(): this is Lost<P>

Returns true if this class instance is in the Lost state, false otherwise.

Heisenberg.prototype.isPresent(): this is Present<P>

Returns true if this class instance is in the Present state, false otherwise.

Schrödinger classes

Alive<A, D extends Error>

A class that represents the fulfilled state for Schrodinger. This class contains a value of type A that cannot be Error. It is equivalent to Success for Result types. It implements Schrodinger class.

Contradiction<A, D extends Error>

A class that represents the rejected state for Schrodinger. This class contains an exception for the operation that occurred. It implements Schrodinger interface.

Dead<A, D extends Error>

A class that represents the fulfilled state for Schrodinger, but with an intended error of type D. It is equivalent to Failure for Result types and it implements Schrodinger interface.

Still<A, D extends Error>

A class that represents the pending state for Schrodinger. It implements Schrodinger interface.

(interface) Schrodinger<A, D extends Error>

This interface represents an Result of Monad programming. The common interface for Alive<A, D>, Contradiction<A, D>, Dead<A, D> and Still<A, D>. This interface provides common methods for success and failure. A represents the type of the data and D represents the type of the error that may be thrown.

Schrodinger.all<A, D extends Error>(schrodingers: Iterable<Schrodinger<A, D>>): Schrodinger<Array<A>, D>

Takes an Iterable<Schrodinger<A, D>> and returns a single Schrodinger<Array<A>, D>. Returns Alive<Array<A>, D> when all schrodingers are in the Alive state, returns Dead<Array<A>, D> when at least one of schrodingers is in the Dead state, and returns Contradiction<Array<A>, D> when at least one of schrodingers is in the Contradiction state. If there are both Dead and Contradiction states present in the schrodingers, the return value will be Contradiction<Array<A>, D> (prioritized).

Schrodinger.prototype.get(): Exclude<A, Error>

Returns the retained value, the returned value cannot be Error.

Retrieves the retained value. If this instance is Alive, the returned value will be a non-error value of type A. If this instance is Dead, the retained error will be thrown. If this instance is Contradiction, the retained cause will be thrown. If this instance is Still, SchrodingerError will be thrown.

Schrodinger.prototype.getState(): SchrodingerState

Returns the current state. The state can be one of the following statuses: 'ALIVE', 'CONTRADICTION', 'DEAD' or 'STILL'.

Schrodinger.prototype.ifAlive(consumer: Consumer<Exclude<A, Error>>): this

Executes the given consumer with the non-error value of A type if this class instance is in the Alive state.

Schrodinger.prototype.ifContradiction(consumer: Consumer<unknown>): this

Executes the given consumer with the internal cause value of unknown type if this class instance is in the Contradiction state.

Schrodinger.prototype.ifDead(consumer: Consumer<D>): this

Executes the given consumer with the error value of D type if this class instance is in the Dead state.

Schrodinger.prototype.isAlive(): this is Alive<A, D>

Returns true if this class instance is in the Alive state, false otherwise.

Schrodinger.prototype.isContradiction(): this is Contradiction<A, D>

Returns true if this class instance is in the Contradiction state, false otherwise.

Schrodinger.prototype.isDead(): this is Dead<A, D>

Returns true if this class instance is in the Dead state, false otherwise.

Superposition classes

(interface) Chrono<M, R>

Chrono.prototype.accept(valye: Exclude<M, Error>): unknown

Chrono.prototype.catch(errors: Iterable<DeadConstructor<R>>): void

Chrono.prototype.decline(value: R): unknown

Chrono.prototype.getErrors(): Set<DeadConstructor<R>>

Chrono.prototype.throw(cause: unknown): unknown

Superposition<A, D extends Error>

A class that handles Result of Monad programming asynchronously. This class wraps a Schrodinger instance, which represents the outcome of an asynchronous operation, and can change its state based on the outcome of that operation.

Like Promise, the Superposition class can handle multiple states, but it is more finely divided than Promise. The possible states are:

  • Successfully fulfilled: corresponds to a fulfilled state of Promise.
  • Unsuccessfully fulfilled: corresponds to a rejected state of Promise, but only for expected errors.
  • Rejected: corresponds to a rejected state of Promise, but for unexpected errors.
  • Pending: corresponds to a pending state of Promise.

Superposition.all<A, D extends Error>(superpositions: Iterable<Superposition<A, D>>): Superposition<Array<A>, D>

Takes an Iterable<Superposition<A, D>> and returns a single Superposition<Array<A>, D>. If all superpositions are in the Alive state, the returned instance will be successfully fulfilled with an array of the values from the superpositions. If at least one of superpositions is in the Dead state, the returned instance will be unsuccessfully fulfilled with the error from the first Dead state encountered. If at least one of superpositions is in the Contradiction state, the returned instance will be rejected with the cause from the first Contradiction state encountered. If there are both Dead and Contradiction states present in the superpositions, the returned instance will be rejected (prioritized).

Superposition.anyway<A, D extends Error>(superpositions: Iterable<Superposition<A, D>>): Promise<Array<Schrodinger<A, D>>>

Retrieves the outcome of each asynchronous operation in superpositions by calling Superposition.prototype.terminate() on each item. The resulting Schrodinger state for each Superposition can be found in the documentation for Superposition.prototype.terminate().

Superposition.of<A, D extends Error>(func: Consumer<Chrono<Awaited<A>, D>>, ...errors: ReadonlyArray<DeadConstructor<D>>): Superposition<Awaited<A>, D>

Generates a new Superposition instance by invoking the provided func argument with a Chrono object. If the Chrono.prototype.accept(value) is called with a valid value of Awaited<A> type, it returns a successfully fulfilled Superposition<A, D>. If the Chrono.prototype.decline(error) is called with an error of type D that is specified in the errors argument, it returns an unsuccessfully fulfilled Superposition<A, D>. If the Chrono.prototype.throw(cause) is called with an argument of unknown type, it returns a rejected Superposition<A, D>.

// let value is type of A or PromiseLike<A>
Superposition.of<A, D>((chrono: Chrono<Awaited<A>, D>) => {
  try {
    if (value.isValid()) {


  catch (e: unknown) {
    if (e instanceof RuntimeError) {


}, RuntimeError);

Superposition.ofSchrodinger<A, D extends Error>(schrodinger: Schrodinger<Awaited<A>, D>, ...errors: ReadonlyArray<DeadConstructor<D>>): Superposition<Awaited<A>, D>

Creates a new Superposition instance from a given Schrodinger instance. The errors parameter is an array of error constructors that can be thrown by the asynchronous operation. If the given schrodinger is in the Alive state, the resulting Superposition will be successfully fulfilled. If it is in the Dead state, it will be unsuccessfully fulfilled. If it is in the Contradiction or Still state, it will be rejected.

Superposition.ofSuperposition<A, D extends Error>(superposition: ISuperposition<A, D>): Superposition<A, D>

Generates a new Superposition instance from a given Superposition instance.

Superposition.playground<A, D extends Error>(supplier: Supplier<Exclude<A, Error> | PromiseLike<Exclude<A, Error>>>, ...errors: ReadonlyArray<DeadConstructor<D>>): Superposition<Awaited<A>, D>

Creates a new Superposition instance by executing the provided supplier. If the function returns a value of type A or a fulfilled PromiseLike<A>, the resulting Superposition will be successfully fulfilled. If the function throws an error or returns a rejected PromiseLike<A>, but the error is of a type specified in the errors argument, the resulting Superposition will be unsuccessfully fulfilled. If the error is not of a type specified in the errors argument, the resulting Superposition will be rejected.

Superposition.prototype.get(): Promise<Exclude<A, Error>>

Retrieves the outcome of the asynchronous operation as a Promise. If the instance is in the successfully fulfilled state, it will return a fulfilled Promise instance. If the instance is in the unsuccessfully fulfilled or rejected state, it will return a rejected Promise instance.

Superposition.prototype.getErrors(): Set<DeadConstructor<D>>

Returns a set of error constructors that can be thrown by the asynchronous operation.

Superposition.prototype.ifAlive(consumer: Consumer<Exclude<A, Error>>): this

Executes the given consumer with the non-error value of A type if the asynchronous operation is going to be successfully fulfilled.

Superposition.prototype.ifContradiction(consumer: Consumer<unknown>): this

Executes the given consumer with the internal cause value of unknown type if the asynchronous operation is going to be rejected.

Superposition.prototype.ifDead(consumer: Consumer<D>): this

Executes the given consumer with the error value of D type if the asynchronous operation is going to be unsuccessfully fulfilled.<B = A, E extends Error = D>(mapper: UnaryFunction<Exclude<A, Error>, SReturnType<B, E>>, ...errors: ReadonlyArray<DeadConstructor<E>>): Superposition<B, D | E>

Executes the given mapper only when the current instance is in a successfully fulfilled state. The mapper should take in a single argument of type Exclude<A, Error> and should return a value of type B without an error, or an instance of ISuperposition<B, E>, a PromiseLike<Exclude<B, Error>>, or a PromiseLike<ISuperposition<B, E>>. The return value of this method will be a Superposition<B, E> instance if the mapper is executed and returns a value or Superposition<B, E> without error, otherwise it will return a Superposition<B, D> instance if the mapper is not executed or the returned value contain an error. The overall result will be a Superposition<B, D | E> instance.

This method can be used as an alternative to Promise.prototype.then().<string, SyntaxError>((num: number) => {
  return num.toFixed();
}, SyntaxError).map<number, SyntaxError | TypeError>((str: string) => {
  const num = Number(str);

  if (Number.isNaN(num)) {
    throw new TypeError('NaN');

  return num;
}, TypeError);

Superposition.prototype.pass(accepted: Consumer<Exclude<A, Error>>, declinded: Consumer<D>, thrown: Consumer<unknown>): this

Executes the given accepted with the non-error value of type A when the asynchronous operation is successfully fulfilled, declined with the error value of type D when the asynchronous operation is unsuccessfully fulfilled, or thrown with the internal cause value of type unknown when the asynchronous operation is rejected.

Superposition.prototype.peek(peek: Peek): this

Executes the given peek with no arguments when the asynchronous operation represented by the current superposition instance is completed, regardless of whether it is successfully fulfilled, unsuccessfully fulfilled, or rejected. It allows you to perform side effects, such as logging, without changing the outcome of the operation.

Superposition.prototype.recover<B = A, E extends Error = D>(mapper: UnaryFunction<D>, SReturnType<B, E>>, ...errors: ReadonlyArray<DeadConstructor<E>>): Superposition<B, D | E>

Executes the given mapper only when the current instance is in an unsuccessfully fulfilled state. The mapper should take in a single argument of type D and should return a value of type B without an error, or an instance of ISuperposition<B, E>, a PromiseLike<Exclude<B, Error>>, or a PromiseLike<ISuperposition<B, E>>. The return value of this method will be a Superposition<B, E> instance if the mapper is executed and returns a value or Superposition<B, E> without error, otherwise it will return a Superposition<A, E> instance if the mapper is not executed or the returned value contains an error. The overall result will be a Superposition<A | B, E> instance.

This method can be used as an alternative to Promise.prototype.catch().<string, SyntaxError>((num: number) => {
  return num.toFixed();
}, SyntaxError).map<number, SyntaxError | TypeError>((str: string) => {
  const num = Number(str);

  if (Number.isNaN(num)) {
    throw new TypeError('NaN');

  return num;
}, TypeError).recover<number, Error>((e: SyntaxError | TypeError) => {

  return 1;

Superposition.prototype.terminate(): Promise<Schrodinger<A, D>>

Terminates the asynchronous operation represented by the current Superposition instance and obtain the final state of the operation represented by a Schrodinger instance. If the Superposition is successfully fulfilled, the returned Schrodinger will be in the Alive state, containing the value of the operation. If the Superposition is unsuccessfully fulfilled, the returned Schrodinger will be in the Dead state, containing the error that caused the failure. If the Superposition is rejected, the returned Schrodinger will be in the Contradiction state, indicating that the operation has been rejected for an unknown reason.

Superposition.prototype.transform<B = A, E extends Error = D>(alive: UnaryFunction<Exclude<A, Error>, SReturnType<B, E>>, dead: UnaryFunction<D, SReturnType<B, D>>, ...errors: ReadonlyArray<DeadConstructor<E>>): Superposition<B, E>

Executes the given alive only when the current instance is in a successfully fulfilled state, and also executes the dead only when the current instance is in an unsuccessfully fulfilled state. One of these functions will be executed unless the current instance is in a rejected state. The overall result will be a Superposition<B, E> instance.

This method combines the functionality of and Superposition.prototype.recover() into one, allowing you to handle both successful and unsuccessful outcomes of the asynchronous operation in a single call.

Ünscharferelation classes

(interface) Epoque<M>

epoque.accept(valye: Exclude<M, null | undefined | void>): unknown

epoque.decline(): unknown

epoque.throw(cause: unknown): unknown


A class that handles Optional of Monad programming asynchronously. This class wraps a Heisenberg instance, which represents the outcome of an asynchronous operation, and can change its state based on the outcome of that operation.

Like Promise, the Unscharferelation class can handle multiple states, but it is more finely divided than Promise. The possible states are:

  • Successfully fulfilled: corresponds to a fulfilled state of Promise.
  • Unsuccessfully fulfilled: corresponds to a rejected state of Promise, but only for null and undefined.
  • Rejected: corresponds to a rejected state of Promise.
  • Pending: corresponds to a pending state of Promise.

Unscharferelation.all<P>(unscharferelations: Iterable<Unscharfeleration<P>>): Unscharfeleration<Array<P>>

Takes an Iterable<Unscharferelation<P>> and returns a single Unscharferelation<Array<P>>. If all unscharferelations are in the Present state, the returned instance will be successfully fulfilled with an array of the values from the unscharferelations. If at least one of unscharferelations is in the Absent state, the returned instance will be unsuccessfully fulfilled with null of undefined from the first Absent state encountered. If at least one of unscharferelations is in the Lost state, the returned instance will be rejected with the cause from the first Lost state encountered. If there are both Absent and Lost states present in the unscharferelations, the returned instance will be rejected (prioritized).

Unscharferelation.anyway<P>(unscharferelations: Iterable<Unscharferelation<P>>): Promise<Array<Heisenberg<P>>>

Retrieves the outcome of each asynchronous operation in unscharferelations by calling Unscharferelation.prototype.terminate() on each item. The resulting Heisenberg state for each Unscharferelation can be found in the documentation for Unscharferelation.prototype.terminate().

Unscharferelation.maybe<P>(value: P | PromiseLike<null | undefined | void> | PromiseLike<P> | null | undefined | void): Unscharferelation<Awaited<P>>

Creates a new Unscharferelation from the given value of type P or a PromiseLike<P>. If the value is null, undefined, or a PromiseLike that resolves to null or undefined, the resulting Unscharferelation will be unsuccessfully fulfilled. If a rejected Promise is given, the resulting Unscharferelation will be rejected.

Unscharferelation.of<P>(func: Consumer<Epoque<Awaited<P>>>): Unscharferelation<Awaited<P>>

Generates a new Unscharferelation instance by invoking the provided func argument with a Epoque object. If the epoque.accept(value) is called with a valid value of Awaited<A> type, it returns a successfully fulfilled Unscharferelation<P>. If the Epoque.prototype.decline() is called, it returns an unsuccessfully fulfilled Unscharferelation<P>. If the Epoque.prototype.throw(cause) is called with an argument of unknown type, it returns a rejected Unscharferelation<P>.

// let value is type of P or PromiseLike<P>
Unscharferelation.of<P>((epoque: Epoque<Awaited<P>>) => {
  try {
    if (value !== null) {


  catch (e: unknown) {

Unscharferelation.ofHeisenberg<P>(heisenberg: Heisenberg<Awaited<P>>): Unscharferelation<Awaited<P>>

Creates a new Unscharferelation instance from a given Heisenberg instance. If the given heisenberg is in the Present state, the resulting Unscharferelation will be successfully fulfilled. If it is in the Absent state, it will be unsuccessfully fulfilled. If it is in the Lost or Uncertain state, it will be rejected.

Unscharferelation.ofUnscharferelation<P>(unscharferelation: IUnscharferelation<P>): Unscharferelation<P>

Generates a new Unscharferelation instance from a given Unscharferelation instance.

Unscharferelation.prototype.get(): Promise<Exclude<P, null | undefined | void>>

Retrieves the outcome of the asynchronous operation as a Promise. If the instance is in the successfully fulfilled state, it will return a fulfilled Promise instance. If the instance is in the unsuccessfully fulfilled or rejected state, it will return a rejected Promise instance.

Unscharferelation.prototype.ifAbsent(consumer: Consumer<void>): this

Executes the given consumer if the asynchronous operation is going to be unsuccessfully fulfilled.

Unscharferelation.prototype.ifLost(consumer: Consumer<unknown>): this

Executes the given consumer with the internal cause value of unknown type if the asynchronous operation is going to be rejected.

Unscharferelation.prototype.ifPresent(consumer: Consumer<Exclude<P, null | undefined | void>>): this

Executes the given consumer with the non-null, non-undefined value of P type if the asynchronous operation is going to be successfully fulfilled.<Q = P>(mapper: UnaryFunction<Exclude<P, null | undefined | void>, UReturnType<Q>>): Unscharferelation<Q>

Executes the given mapper only when the current instance is in a successfully fulfilled state. The mapper should take in a single argument of type Exclude<A, null | undefined | void> and should return a value of type Q with a non-null, non-undefined, or an instance of IUnscharferelation<Q>, a PromiseLike<Exclude<Q, null | undefined | void>>, or a PromiseLike<IUnscharferelation<Q>>. The return value of this method will be a Unscharferelation<Q> instance if the mapper is executed and returns a value or Unscharferelation<Q>.

This method can be used as an alternative to Promise.prototype.then().<string>((num: number) => {
  return num.toFixed();
}).map<number>((str: string) => {
  const num = Number(str);

  if (Number.isNaN(num)) {
    throw new TypeError('NaN');

  return num;

Unscharfeleration.prototype.pass(accepted: Consumer<Exclude<P, null | undefined | void>>, declinded: Consumer<void>, thrown: Consumer<unknown>): this

Executes the given accepted with the non-null, non-undefined value of type P when the asynchronous operation is successfully fulfilled, declined when the asynchronous operation is unsuccessfully fulfilled, or thrown with the internal cause value of type unknown when the asynchronous operation is rejected.

Unscharferelation.prototype.peek(peek: Peek): this

Executes the given peek with no arguments when the asynchronous operation represented by the current unscharferelation instance is completed, regardless of whether it is successfully fulfilled, unsuccessfully fulfilled, or rejected. It allows you to perform side effects, such as logging, without changing the outcome of the operation.

Unscharferelation.prototype.recover<Q = P>(mapper: Supplier<UReturnType<Q>>): Unscharferelation<P | Q>

Executes the given mapper only when the current instance is in an unsuccessfully fulfilled state. The mapper should return a value of type Q with a non-null, non-undefined, or an instance of IUnscharferelation<Q>, a PromiseLike<Exclude<Q, null | undefined | void>>, or a PromiseLike<IUnscharferelation<Q>>. The return value of this method will be a Unscharferelation<Q> instance if the mapper is executed and returns a value or Unscharferelation<Q> without error, otherwise it will return a Superposition<P> instance if the mapper is not executed or the returned value contains an error. The overall result will be a Unscharferelation<P | Q> instance.

This method can be used as an alternative to Promise.prototype.catch().<string>((num: number) => {
  return num.toFixed();
}).map<number>((str: string) => {
  const num = Number(str);

  if (Number.isNaN(num)) {
    throw new TypeError('NaN');

  return num;
}).recover<number>(() => {
  logger.error('null or undefined given');

  return 1;

Unscharferelation.prototype.terminate(): Promise<Heisenberg<P>>

Terminates the asynchronous operation represented by the current Unscharferelation instance and obtain the final state of the operation represented by a Heisenberg instance. If the Unscharferelation is successfully fulfilled, the returned Heisenberg will be in the Present state, containing the value of the operation. If the Unscharferelation is unsuccessfully fulfilled, the returned Heisenberg will be in the Absent state, containing the error that caused the failure. If the Unscharferelation is rejected, the returned Heisenberg will be in the Lost state, indicating that the operation has been rejected for an unknown reason.
