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WordPress React starter theme

Work in progress.

Build with Inertia.js and server-side adapter for WordPress.


composer install
npm install

Build & Watch

npm run watch
npm build



  • Drink coffee
  • add/fix laravel mix and scss (moved to webpack instead of mix)
  • add wp navigation / add this to react Header component
  • add wp custom logo / add this to react Header component
  • Move index.php logic to app/Controllers
  • Add support for Yoast
  • Render all meta tag values in controllers use collectYoastMeta class, then remove them from php head
  • Check webpack build for asset files like png, svg, fonts etc.
  • Build a simple theme website to showcase theme and test theme performance
  • Need a cool theme logo :D
  • Create better webpack mini-css-extract-pluginhtml-webpack-plugin)
  • Fix autoprefixer, currently not working. (Note to self, read docs better and more often ;P)
  • Add footer


  • Login form works thanks to pr JarvicB
  • Frontend error handeling with React of wp_login_form instead of redirecting to wp-login.php
  • Add frontend password rest form
  • Add frontend Register form support
  • Add contact form 7 support (update docs)
  • Add gravity forms support (update docs)
  • Add .env for dev and production
  • Add cssnano cssnano
  • Code splitting
  • Testing, testing