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Releases: jfishe/panvimwiki

Release 0.9.0

24 Mar 20:46
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0.9.0 - 2024-03-24


- UltiSnips Snippets for Zettelkasten YAML:
  - `type:` Type first letter to pick: note, literature, reference, or index.
  - `status:` Type first letter to pick: Create, Process, or Reviewed.


- `:VimwikiMarkdownFormat` converts to GitHub Flavored Markdown (gfm) preferred
  by Vimwiki.
- `:VimwikiMarkdownFormat` preserves citations and does not process through
  citeproc to separate concerns from `:VimwikiReference`.
- Post-filter `reference_citation` supports pandoc v3.1.3 and v3.1.12.3
  `markdown-citations`. `pandoc --citeproc` default markdown-citations format
  changed from `:::` to `:::::` before and after citations. However, tests only
  support v3.1.12.3.
- `:VimwikiReference` defaults to link-citations=true and autowrap=auto.
- GitHub Actions updated to pandoc-version

Release v0.8.0

25 Feb 01:00
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- `Markdowlint` `YAML` configuration.
- `pre-commit` `markdownlint-cli`


- `VimwikiReference` and `expand_citeproc()` reference anchors use GitHub
  Flavored Markdown (gfm) to minimize `markdownlint` errors:
  - Fix `MD051/link-fragments`
  - Accept `MD033/no-inline-html`.
- `wikilink_markdown` filter converts pandoc tasks to `taskwiki` format.
- Preserve citations when converting `:h vimwiki-syntax-links`.
- Copyright date
- Adopt [Keep a Changelog](

Release 0.7.1 VimwikiMarkdownFormat

03 Feb 18:45
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- Add `:VimwikiMarkdownFormat` to convert `:h vimwiki-syntax-links` to markdown
  and preserve any `:h vimwiki-todo-lists`.
- Add post-filter `wikilink_markdown` to convert pandoc markdown tasks to
  Vimwiki Todo lists and markdown "wikilinks" to Vimwiki compatible links.
- Remove intermediary autoload functions. Call Python 3 functions directly from
  `:VimwikiReference` and `:VimwikiTaskLink`.

Version 0.7 (2024-01-13)

13 Jan 17:48
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- `:VimwikiReference` no longer converts to reference-links, preferring
  compatibility with pandoc conversion to `HTML`.
- DOCS: Update `:help panvimwiki`.
- DOCS: Host at