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Clean PNG Files

Jerry Hogsett edited this page Jun 29, 2023 · 2 revisions

Clean PNG Files - Remove Interfering PNG Chunks

Why It's Needed

  • PNG files sometimes include optional data chunks that can interfere with use in Video Blender or video editing software
    • Examples:
    • Display color calibration data
    • Display aspect ratio data
  • When using PNG from different workflows, non-matching frames can cause confusion
    • Frames to appear not to match when using Frame Chooser
    • Frames have different shapes when using sofware such as Premiere Pro
  • PNG files are rewritten inluding only the essential RGB color data

How It Works

  1. Set PNG files path to the path on this server containing the PNG files
  2. Click Clean
  3. Each PNG file will be rewritten excluding optional data
    • Tip: As a bonus, the PNG files usually have a smaller file size
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