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Video Blender New Project

Jerry Hogsett edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

Video Blender New Project - Automated setup of a new Video Blender project


How To Use

  1. Set New Project Name to a unique name for the project
  2. Set New Project Path to a directory to contain the project files
  3. Set Frame Rate to the frame rate of the video being restored
  4. Ensure Split MP4 to PNG Frames Set is checked
  5. Set MP4 Path to a path on this server to the MP4 file
    • This step creates a set of source frames from the source video
    • Tip: other file types will work such as: .mpg, .mov, and .wmv
  6. Ensure Resynthesize Repair Frames Set is checked
    • This step creates an interpolated set of repair frames that can be used for restoring damaged frames
  7. Ensure Init Restored Set from Source is checked
    • This step creates a set of working frames that are modified by Frame Chooser and Frame Fixer
    • These frames become the final restored video
  8. Ensure Sync Frame Numbers Across Sets is checked
    • This step ensures that frame numbers shown in the Frame Chooser UI match the frame indexes of the source PNG frame files on disk
    • Also the Clean PNG Files feature is used to simplify the PNG frame files
  9. Click Create New Project
  10. When done, return to the Project Settings tab to open the new project

Progress can be tracked in the console



  • This process could be slow, perhaps many hours long!
  • Progress is shown in the console using standard progress bars
  • The browser window does NOT need to be left open


  • ffmpeg.exe must be available on the system path
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