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Video Blender Video Preview

Jerry Hogsett edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 3 revisions

Video Blender Video Preview - Preview the current movie restoration


How To Use

  1. Set Path to PNG Sequence to a directory on this server containing the PNG frames files to preview
    • This is pre-filled with the current project path if the Preview Video button is used
  2. Set Frame Rate to movie's FPS
  3. Click Render Preview
  4. A MP4 video is created and loaded into the video player


  • ffmpeg.exe must be available on the system path
  • Preview videos are rendered in the directory set by the config setting directories:working
    • The directory is NOT automatically purged


  • This tab can be used to render and watch a preview video for any directory of video frame PNG files
  • Requirements:
    • The files must be video frame PNG files with the same dimensions
    • The filenames must all confirm to the same requirements:
      • Have the same starting base filename
      • Followed by a frame index integer, all zero-filled to the same width
      • Example: FRAME001.png through FRAME420.png
      • There must be no other PNG files in the same directory
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