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Book preference is a matter of taste, however, many people have similar tastes. One book may be perceived as better than another book in several ways, and in a combinations of these 10 ways (shown below). While we may be able to say one book is better than other if it is outperformed unanimously in every category, it likely makes more sense to compare books under the context of a specific criteria, for instance, its reading level or accuracy. Learn more about this direction at Open Book Genome Project.


virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
git clone
pip install -e .
cd /bestbook

Setting up the DB

First, create a user and a database for the project to use:

$ sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create user rex with password 'yourPasswordHere' login createdb;
postgres=# create database bestbooks owner rex;

Next, create a file called settings.cfg with the following contents within bestbook/configs/. Replace yourPasswordHere with the value you choose when creating your pql database. Under the [security] section, fill in a value for secret = by generating os.urandom(24) -- see: "How to generate good secret keys":

host =
port = 8080
debug = 1
cors = 1

secret =

user = rex
pw = yourPasswordHere

Creating an Tables

Once your database and user have been created, and the user has the correct permissions, run the following:

$ cd bestbook
$ ls  # confirm you're in the package root
api/ configs/ ...
$ python
>>> import api
>>> api.core.Base.metadata.create_all(api.engine)  # creates tables from sqlalchemy models inherited from api root

Configuring Logfiles

If you would like to persist the application's logs to a file, you are able to configure a rotating file handler. You can do so by adding the following options to settings.cfg, replacing the values with whatever is suitable to you:

file_name = /var/log/TheBestBookOn/output.log
log_level = DEBUG
max_bytes = 268435456
backup_count = 2

Of the above options, file_name is the only one that is required. Default values will be used for the other options if they are not present.

Run server

$ python
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)




Imagine Mek comes to and submits a Request for the best book on "Artificial Intelligence":

Mek will type in a topic into the topic-box and will see a list of topic suggestions and an option to register a new topic in the Topic table.

The Best Book team will be responsible for manually reviewing Topics and keeping them clean and up to date (which means free of duplicates, spelling mistakes, and appropriate / no spam).

Next, there are 2 cases:

  1. Aasif browses the /requests endpoint (if that's what we call it) and notices Mek has asked for the best book on "Artificial Intelligence" (i.e. this Recommendation is a response to Request).
  2. Aasif could have also independently decided they'd like to submit a Recommendation for the best book on "Artificial Intelligence"

Decision: For now, even if Aasif decides to create a Recommendation in response to a Request, there actually won't be a link in the database (between the Request and the Response). This relationship will be implied based on the Topic. Because the Request and the Recommendation both share the same Topic... Then we can show anyone who is viewing the Request page all the corresponding Recommendation for/or the same Topic. Similarly, when we're on a Recommendaion page, we can show all Requests for this Topic, as well as other Recommendations for this topic.

Interesting idea: Let's say there are 3 different Recommendations on "Artificial Intelligence". One of them is by Aasif, one of them is by Lauren, and one of them is by Mary. We could let patrons browse any one of these 3 recommendations independently, or we could infer a single best book across every recommendation on this topic (either based on how many times a book appears as a winner, or because the community upvotes a specific Recommendation).

Troubleshooting while Installation

  • If you are having troubles while installing the psycopg2, make sure you have installed the depndencies for psycopg2. This could be done by:

    $ sudo apt install python3-dev libpq-dev
    and then run
    $ pip install -r requirement.txt
  • while creating the tables, connect to the database first:

    $ sudo -U postgres psql #if you are on ubuntu 20.04

    If you run into an error that says:

    sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError) could not connect to server: Connection refused
        Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5433?

    follow these steps:

    $ git checkout -b "anyBranchName" #Just to ensure you don't mess up the master branch
    go to the file "THEBESTBOOKON.COM/bestbook/configs/" and change the
    port address to "5432"
    and also create an empty database called "skillsera"
    $ postgres=# CREATE DATABASE skillsera owner "your user name created during DB setup"
    Now you can create the tables:
    $ python3
    >> import api
    >> api.core.Base.metadata.create_all(api.engine)


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