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ROS on Debian (sid as of 11/2018)

The (native) Debian packages for ROS are not fully complete. To install the full stacks some compilation from source is necessary. These .rosinstall files can be used to create a workspace for ROS development on Debian with native packages only.

In your catkin workspace do:

wstool init -j8 src {YOURSTACK}.rosinstall

wstool up -t src


Stacks so far

  • desktop-full
  • industrial-core

Why .patch files?

I wanted to stay close to the rosinstall files that the rosinstall_generator would create. Most of the repositories are coming from upstream. I could create forks, but these need to be maintained. A patch is easier and more transparent.

Debian unstable is moving fast, it's likely that most of the patches are not need in future version.


It would be helpful to see if these files would work on other installation than my own. If you work with ROS and the Debian-based packages only, please provide your rosinstall files and eventually useful patches.