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Covid-19 Laboratory Information System

This was a project for a class in my Masters. The original proponent did not follow through with this so I figured, everyone can just use this for their own laboratories or hospitals. No need to pay me. Besides, we need to help each other out.


  • Web application so it can be accessible by any devices in the network
  • Follows Philippines' Department of Health guidelines in case investigation (CIF v8)


  • Patient Management and Monitoring
  • Employee Management
  • Lab Inventory Management
  • Contact Tracing
  • Lab Test Management
  • Files and reports export


  • Java 11
  • Grails 4
  • MariaDB 15
  • Apache Tomcat 9 (for server deployment)


  1. Go to grails-app/conf/application.yml
    1. Change the metadata of the application by altering the values on the info -> app section
    2. Match your database credentials by changing the values in environment section (these are divided into three subsections: development, test, and production; change accordingly)
  2. If you are using a different file template for the exports, open src/main/webapp/templates
    1. For DOCX files, make sure to keep the tags <<Sample_Tag>> or else, no data will show up after export
  3. Change the logo to yours by replacing the grails-app/assets/images/logo.png and grails-app/assets/images/favicon.ico file to what you like
  4. When done, you can generate a deployable war file by: grails clean && grails compile && grails war
    1. The code separator above is for Linux; use only & for Windows
    2. You can generate a war file for other environments, e.g. test; just use grails test war
  5. Rename the generated war file, e.g. covid19lis.war


  • Move the war file to the web to CATALINA_HOME/webapps
  • Wait for Tomcat to deploy the app
    • If it failed or did not start automatically, try forcing a restart on Tomcat service
  • Open browser
  • Type :/<name_of_war_file>, e.g. localhost:8080/covid19lis