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João M. Lourenço edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 10 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to make all the chapters start in an odd numbered page?



to file Config/5_packages.tex.

2. How to rename the List ofSomething to List of Whatever?

Since version "6.9.12", the NOVAthesis template supports the redefinition of important strings with

\ntlangsetup{LANG/MACRO=New value}

for example

\ntlangsetup{pt/contents=O Índice}
\ntlangsetup{en/listfigure=The List of Figures}
\ntlangsetup{pt/acronym=Siglas e Acrónimos}

Just find out the right name for the macro you want to redefine, and then use the commands above in file Config/5_packages.tex.

3. How to make a bibliography local to a Chapter / Appendix / Annex?

Just follow this lines…

\chapter{My Chapter}
% … chapter contents …
\printbibliography[heading=subbibliography, segment=\therefsegment, title={\bibname\ for Chapter~\thechapter}]