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678 lines (581 loc) · 16.9 KB

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678 lines (581 loc) · 16.9 KB


Set of rgbasm macros and constants to facilitate readability for modern programmers.

I've only just started using ASM, but like most programmers born in the 90s I've gotten used to a) Doing things in one step instead of two or three and b) camelCase.
So this is my attempt to simplify the writing and most relevantly the reading of asm code without comprimising the control over optimisation required to run gameboy software as well as it needs to run.

This is a work in progress, so more pseudo-ops will be added as I come across a case for them in the software I write.


The ops can be included with INCLUDE ""

There's also a list of hardware memory locations, with names like BackgroundScrollX that you may prefer to the traditional names such as rSCY. That's in INCLUDE ""

As well as some random utility macros you may find a use for.

You can include everything with INCLUDE " It's all macros so won't take up any cart space or cycles, but may increase compliation time in larger projects.


Thanks to DonaldHays for writing the 'jump if greather than or equal to' style ops. ISSOtm for suggesting various improvements and submitting pull requests.


List of abbreviations, as used by rgbasm in

Symbol Def
r8 Any of the 8-bit registers (A, B, C, D, E, H, L).
r16 Any of the general-purpose 16-bit registers (BC, DE, HL).
n8 8-bit integer constant.
n16 16-bit integer constant.
e8 8-bit offset (-128 to 127).
u3 3-bit unsigned integer constant (0 to 7).

The Ops

Unless otherwise specified, all ops will overwrite A, and have no other side-effects

Don't take these sizes/timings as gospel - I've added them up by hand, but haven't done any tests to make sure they are exact.


mult r8, ?r16

  • Multiplies A with register r8. Result in HL.
  • Optionally, specify BC or DE to be affected and save 8 cycles, 2 bytes
  • Cycles: Depends on value of operands.
  • Bytes: 18 if r16 supplied
  • Flags:
    • Z: 1
    • N: 1
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

mult n8, ?r16

  • Multiplies A with n8. Result in HL.
  • Optionally, specify BC or DE to be affected and save 8 cycles, 2 bytes
  • Cycles: Depends on value of operands.
  • Bytes: 20 if r16 supplied
  • Flags: As above

mult [n16], ?r16

  • Multiplies A with value at [n16]. Result in HL.
  • Optionally, specify BC or DE to be affected and save 8 cycles, 2 bytes
  • Cycles: Depends on value of operands.
  • Bytes: 22 if r16 supplied
  • Flags: As above

mult [r16], ?r16

  • Multiplies A with value at address in [r16]. Result in HL.
  • Optionally, specify BC or DE to be affected and save 8 cycles, 2 bytes
  • Cycles: Depends on value of operands.
  • Bytes: 21 if r16 supplied
  • Flags: As above


Will perform the fastest/smallest 8 bit ld it can. Prepending an address or label with # will cause the ldh pnemonic to be used when loading to/from that address. You can change this token to whatever you want by changing LDH_TOKEN in Be careful with EQUS defines. ldAny doesn't know doesn't know when it can {dereference} them to something it can process, so you'll have to do it yourself, eg ldAny LOW({PARAM_2\@}), {PARAM_2\@}.

ldAny A, 0

  • Assembles to xor A, A

ldAny [r16], 0 ldAny #[$ff00 + n8], 0

  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags
    • Z: 0
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

ldAny [n16], 0

  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags: As above

ldAny #[$ff00 + n8], r8 ldAny r8, #[$ff00 + n8]

  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags: None

ldAny #[$ff00 + n8], [r16] ldAny [r16], #[$ff00 + n8]

  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags: None

ldAny #[$ff00 + n8], #[$ff00 + n8]

  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags: None

ldAny #[$ff00 + n8], [n16] ldAny [n16], #[$ff00 + n8]

  • Cycles: 7
  • Bytes: 5
  • Flags: None

ldAny #[$ff00 + n8], n8

  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags: None

ldAny r8, [n16] ldAny [n16], r8

  • Store the value at address n16 into register r8.
  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags: None

ldAny r8, [r16] ldAny [r16], r8

  • Store the value pointed to by register r16 into register r8
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags: None

ldAny [r16], [n16] ldAny [n16], [r16]

  • Store the value at address n16 into address pointed to by register r16
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags: None

ldAny [r16], [r16]

  • Store the value pointed to by register r16 in to address pointed to by other register r16
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags: None

ldAny [n16], [n16]

  • Store the value at address n16 into other address n16
  • Cycles: 8
  • Bytes: 6
  • Flags: None

ldAny [n16], n8

  • Store value n8 to address n16
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 5
  • Flags: None


ld16 r16, r16

  • Stores the value of one 16 bit register in to another.
  • eg. ld16 HL, BC
  • Cycles: 2
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags: None

ld16 r16, [n16]

  • Stores the 16bit value at address n16 and following byte in to register r16
  • eg. ld16 HL, $c123
  • Cycles: 10
  • Bytes: 8
  • Flags: None

ld16 [n16], r16

  • Stores the value in r16 to address n16 and following address
  • eg. ld16 $c123, HL
  • Cycles: 10
  • Bytes: 8
  • Flags: None

ld16 [n16], [n16]

  • Stores the 16bit value at one address n16 (and next address) in to another address n16 and next address.
  • eg. ld16 $d321, $c123
  • Cycles: 10
  • Bytes: 8
  • Flags: None


sub16 r16, r16

  • Subtracts the value of 1 16bit register from another and stores the result into the first register.
  • eg. sub16 HL, BC
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 6
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if value in high byte is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 11, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if first r16 < second r16, reset otherwise.


ldiAny r8, [HL] lddAny r8, [HL]

  • Store value at address pointed to by HL into register r8 then increments/decrements HL
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags: None

ldiAny [r16], [HL] lddAny [r16], [HL]

  • Store value at address pointed to by HL into address pointed to by r16 then increments/decrements HL
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags: None

ldiAny [n16], [HL] lddAny [n16], [HL]

  • Store value at address pointed to by HL into address n16 then increments/decrements HL
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags: None

ldiAny [HL], r8 lddAny [HL], r8

  • Storevalue of r8 into address pointed to by HL then increments/decrements HL
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags: None

ldiAny [HL], [r16] lddAny [HL], [r16]

  • Store value at address pointed to by n16 in to address pointed to by HL then increments/decrements HL
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags: None

ldiAny [HL], [n16] lddAny [HL], [n16]

  • Store value at address n16 in to address pointed to by HL then increments/decrements HL
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags: None


orAny r8, r8

  • Bitwise OR between the values in two registers r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 2
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

orAny r8, n8

  • Bitwise or between the value in r8 and n8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

orAny r8, [HL]

  • Bitwise OR between the value in r8 and the value at address pointed to by HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

orAny [r16], r8

  • Bitwise OR between the value at address pointed to by r16 and the value in r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

orAny [r16], n8

  • Bitwise OR between the value at address pointed to by r16 and n8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

orAny [r16], [HL]

  • Bitwise OR between the value at address pointed to by r16 and the value at address pointed to by HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

orAny [n16], r8

  • Bitwise OR between the value at address n16 and the value of r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

orAny [n16], n8

  • Bitwise OR between the value at address n16 and n8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 5
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

orAny [n16], [HL]

  • Bitwise OR between the value at address n16 and the value at address pointed to by HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0


andAny r8, r8

  • Bitwise AND between two registers r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 2
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0

andAny r8, n8

  • Bitwise AND between the value in r8 and n8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0

andAny r8, [HL]

  • Bitwise AND between the value in r8 and the value at address pointed to by HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0

andAny [r16], r8

  • Bitwise AND between the value at address pointed to by r16 and the value in r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0

andAny [r16], n8

  • Bitwise AND between the value at address pointed to by r16 and n8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0

andAny [r16], [HL]

  • Bitwise AND between the value at address pointed to by r16 and the value at address pointed to by HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0

andAny [n16], r8

  • Bitwise AND between the value at address n16 and the value in r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0

andAny [n16], n8

  • Bitwise AND between the value at address pointed to by r16 and n8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 5
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0

andAny [n16], [HL]

  • Bitwise AND between the value at address pointed to by r16 and the value at address pointed to by HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 1
    • C: 0


xorAny r8, r8

  • Bitwise XOR between the value of two registers r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 2
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

xorAny r8, n8

  • Bitwise XOR between the value of r8 and n8. Result in A.
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

xorAny r8, [HL]

  • Bitwise XOR between the value of r8 and the value at address pointed to by HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

xorAny [r16], r8

  • Bitwise XOR between the value at address pointed to by r16 and the value in r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

xorAny [r16], n8

  • Bitwise XOR between the value at address pointed to by r16 and n8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

xorAny [r16], [HL]

  • Bitwise XOR between the value at address pointed to by r16 and the value at address pointed to be HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

xorAny [n16], r8

  • Bitwise XOR between the value at address n16 and the value of r8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

xorAny [n16], n8

  • Bitwise XOR between the value at address n16 and n8. Result in A
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 5
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0

xorAny [n16], [HL]

  • Bitwise XOR between the value at address n16 and the value at address pointed to by HL. Result in A
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: 0
    • C: 0


resAny u3, [n16]

  • Resets bit u3 of value at address n16
  • Cycles: 10
  • Bytes: 8
  • Flags: None

resAny u3, [r16]

  • Resets bit u3 of value at address pointed to by r16
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags: None


cpAny r8, n8

  • Subtract the n8 from the value in r8 and set flags accordingly, without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if n8 > r8, reset otherwise

cpAny r8, r8

  • Subtract the value in one register r8 from another register r8 and set flags accordingly, without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if second r8 > than first r8, reset otherwise

cpAny r8, [HL]

  • Subtract the value at address pointed to by HL from value of r8 and set flags accordingly, without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if value at [HL] > r8, reset otherwise

cpAny [r16], n8

  • Subtract n8 from value at address pointed to by r16 and set flags accordingly, without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 3* Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if n8 > value at [r16], reset otherwise

cpAny [r16], r8

  • Subtract value in r8 from value at address pointed to by r16 and set flags accordinly, without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 3
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise.
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if r8 > value at [r16], reset otherwise

cpAny [r16], [HL]

  • Subtract value at address pointed to by HL from value at address pointed to by r16 and set flags accordinly, without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 4
  • Bytes: 2
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0.
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if [HL] > [r16], reset otherwise

cpAny [n16], n8

  • Subtract n8 from value at address n16 and set flags accordinly without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 5
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise.
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if n8 > [n16], reset otherwise.

cpAny [n16], r8

  • Subtract value of r8 from value at address n16 and set flags accordinly without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise.
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if r8 > [n16], reset otherwise.

cpAny [n16], [HL]

  • Subtract value of address pointed to by HL from value at address n16 and set flags accordinly, without storing the result.
  • Cycles: 6
  • Bytes: 4
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise.
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise.
    • C: Set if [HL] > [r16], reset othwerwise.


incAny [n16]

  • Increment value in address at n16 by 1
  • Cycles: 9
  • Bytes: 7
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: Set if overflow from bit 3
    • C: Not affected

incAny [r16]

  • Increment value at address pointed to by r16 by 1
  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 0
    • H: Set if overflow from bit 3
    • C: Not affected


decAny [n16]

  • Decrement the value at address n16 by 1
  • Cycles: 9
  • Bytes: 7
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise
    • C: Not affected

decAny [r16]

  • Cycles: 5
  • Bytes: 3
  • Flags:
    • Z: Set if result is 0, reset otherwise
    • N: 1
    • H: Reset if borrow from bit 4, set otherwise
    • C: Not affected