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437 lines (338 loc) · 17.4 KB

tldextract Changelog

After upgrading, update your cache file by deleting it or via tldextract --update.

5.1.2 (2024-03-18)

  • Bugfixes
    • Remove socket.inet_pton, to fix platform-dependent IP parsing (#318)
    • Use non-capturing groups for IPv4 address detection, for a slight speed boost (#323)
  • Misc.
    • Add CI for PyPy3.9 and PyPy3.10 (#316)
    • Add script to automate package release process (#325)
    • Update LICENSE copyright years

5.1.1 (2023-11-16)

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix path join on Windows (#314)
    • Support Python 3.12

5.1.0 (2023-11-05)

  • Features
    • Allow passing in requests.Session (#311)
    • Add "-j, --json" option to support output in json format (#313)
  • Docs
    • Improve clarity of absolute path (#312)
  • Misc.
    • Extract all testing deps from tox.ini to pyproject.toml extras (#310)
    • Work around responses type union error, in tests

5.0.1 (2023-10-17)

  • Bugfixes
    • Indicate MD5 not used in a security context (FIPS compliance) (#309)
  • Misc.
    • Increase typecheck aggression

5.0.0 (2023-10-11)

  • Breaking Changes
    • Migrate ExtractResult from namedtuple to dataclass (#306)
      • This means no more iterating/indexing/slicing/unpacking the result object returned by this library. It is no longer a tuple. You must directly reference the fields you're interested in.

        For example, the following will no longer work.

        # TypeError: 'ExtractResult' object is not subscriptable

        Instead, use the following.

        ext = tldextract.extract("")
        (ext.domain, ext.suffix)
  • Bugfixes
    • Drop support for EOL Python 3.7
  • Misc.
    • Switch from pycodestyle and Pylint to Ruff (#304)
    • Consolidate config files
    • Type tests
    • Require docstrings in tests
    • Remove obsolete tests

4.0.0 (2023-10-11)

  • Breaking bugfixes
    • Always include suffix if private suffix enabled and private suffix exists (#300)
      • Add a 4th field is_private: bool, to the ExtractResult namedtuple, indicating whether the extraction came from the PSL's private domains or not.
      • This could cause issues when iterating over the tuple and assuming only 3 fields.
      • Previously, the docs promoted iteration to rejoin parts of the tuple. This is better achieved by individual access of fields of interest (e.g. ExtractResult.subdomain) or convenience properties (e.g. ExtractResult.{fqdn,registered_domain}).

This is the same content as version 3.6.0, originally released 2023-09-19, which was yanked.

3.5.0 (2023-09-06)

  • Features
    • Support IPv6 addresses (#298)
  • Bugfixes
    • Accept only 4 decimal octet IPv4 addresses (#292)
    • Support IPv4 addresses with unicode dots (#292)
    • Reject IPv4 addresses with trailing whitespaces + non-whitespaces (#293)
  • Misc.
    • Migrate to pyproject.toml (#299)

3.4.4 (2023-05-19)

  • Bugfixes
    • Honor private domains flag on self, not only when passed to __call__ (#289)

3.4.3 (2023-05-18)

  • Bugfixes
    • Speed up 10-15% over all inputs
      • Refactor suffix_index() to use a trie (#285)
  • Docs
    • Adopt PEP257 doc style

3.4.2 (2023-05-16)

  • Bugfixes
    • Speed up 10-40% on "average" inputs, and even more on pathological inputs, like long subdomains
      • Optimize suffix_index(): search from right to left (#283)
      • Optimize netloc extraction: switch from regex to if/else (#284)

3.4.1 (2023-04-26)

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix Pyright not finding tldextract public interface (#279)
    • Fix various Pyright checks
    • Use SPDX license identifier (#280)
    • Support Python 3.11
  • Docs
    • Add FAQ about private domains
  • Misc.
    • Update bundled snapshot
    • Fix lint in newer pylint

3.4.0 (2022-10-04)

  • Features
    • Add method extract_urllib to extract from a urllib.parse.{ParseResult,SplitResult} (#274)
  • Bugfixes
    • Fix internal type-var error, in newer versions of mypy (#275)

3.3.1 (2022-07-08)

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix documented types, in README and in exception message (#265)
  • Misc.
    • Format source code

3.3.0 (2022-05-04)

  • Features
    • Add CLI flag --suffix_list_url to set the suffix list URL(s) or source file(s) (#197)
    • Add CLI flag --no_fallback_to_snapshot to not fall back to the snapshot (#260)
    • Add alias --include_psl_private_domains for CLI flag --private_domains
  • Bugfixes
    • Handle more internationalized domain name dots (#253)
  • Misc.
    • Update bundled snapshot
    • Add basic CLI test coverage

3.2.1 (2022-04-11)

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix incorrect namespace used for caching function returns (#258)
    • Remove redundant encode (6e2c0e0)
    • Remove redundant lowercase (226bfc2)
    • Remove unused try/except path (#255)
    • Add types to the private API (disallow untyped calls and defs) (#256)
    • Rely on python_requires instead of runtime check (#247)
  • Docs
    • Fix docs with updated types
    • Fix link in Travis CI badge (#248)
    • Rewrite documentation intro
    • Remove unnecessary subheading
    • Unify case

3.2.0 (2022-02-20)

  • Features
    • Add types to the public API (#244)
  • Bugfixes
    • Add support for Python 3.10 (#246)
    • Drop support for EOL Python 3.6 (#246)
    • Remove py2 tag from wheel (#245)
    • Remove extra backtick in README (#240)

3.1.2 (2021-09-01)

  • Misc.
    • Only run pylint in Tox environments, i.e. CI, not by default in tests (#230)

3.1.1 (2021-08-27)

  • Bugfixes
    • Support Python 3.9
    • Drop support for EOL Python 3.5

3.1.0 (2020-11-22)

  • Features
    • Prefer to cache in XDG cache directory in user folder, vs. in Python install folder (#213)
  • Bugfixes
    • Fix AttributeError on --update (#215)

3.0.2 (2020-10-24)

  • Bugfixes
    • Catch permission error when making cache dir, as well as cache file (#211)

3.0.1 (2020-10-21)

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix tlds property AttributeError (#210)
    • Allow include_psl_private_domains in global extract too (#210)

3.0.0 (2020-10-20)

No changes since 3.0.0.rc1.

3.0.0.rc1 (2020-10-12)

This release fixes the long standing bug that public and private suffixes were generated separately and could not be switched at runtime, #66.

  • Breaking Changes
    • Rename cache_file to cache_dir as it is no longer a single file but a directory (#207)
    • Rename CLI arg also, from --cache_file to --cache_dir
    • Remove Python 2.7 support
  • Features
    • Can pass include_psl_private_domains on call, not only on construction
    • Use filelocking to support multi-processing and multithreading environments
  • Bugfixes
    • Select public or private suffixes at runtime (#66)
  • Removals
    • Do not debug log the diff during update

2.2.3 (2020-08-05)

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix concurrent access to cache file when using tldextract in multiple threads (#146)
    • Relocate version number, to avoid costly imports (#187)
    • Catch IndexError caused by upstream punycode bug (#200)
    • Drop support for EOL Python 3.4 (#186)
    • Explain warning better

2.2.2 (2019-10-15)

  • Bugfixes
    • Catch file not found
    • Use pkgutil instead of pkg_resources (#163)
    • Performance: avoid recomputes, a regex, and a partition
  • Misc.
    • Update LICENSE from GitHub template
    • Fix warning about literal comparison
    • Modernize testing (#177)
      • Use the latest pylint that works in Python 2
      • Appease pylint with the new rules
      • Support Python 3.8-dev

2.2.1 (2019-03-05)

  • Bugfixes
    • Ignore case on punycode prefix check (#133)
    • Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 (#152)
    • Improve sundry doc and README bits

2.2.0 (2017-10-26)

  • Features
    • Add cache_fetch_timeout kwarg and TLDEXTRACT_CACHE_TIMEOUT env var (#139)
  • Bugfixes
    • Work around pkg_resources missing, again (#137)
    • Always close sessions (#140)

2.1.0 (2017-05-24)

  • Features
    • Add fqdn convenience property (#129)
    • Add ipv4 convenience property (#126)

2.0.3 (2017-05-20)

  • Bugfixes
    • Switch to explicit Python version check (#124)
  • Misc.
    • Document public vs. private domains
    • Document support for Python 3.6

2.0.2 (2016-10-16)

  • Misc.
    • Release as a universal wheel (#110)
    • Consolidate test suite running with tox (#104)

2.0.1 (2016-04-25)

  • Bugfixes
    • Relax required requests version: >= 2.1 (#98)
  • Misc.
    • Include tests in release source tarball (#97)

2.0.0 (2016-04-21)

No changes since 2.0rc1.

2.0rc1 (2016-04-04)

This release focuses on shedding confusing code branches & deprecated cruft.

  • Breaking Changes
    • Renamed/changed the type of TLDExtract constructor param suffix_list_url
      • It used to take a str or iterable. Its replacement, suffix_list_urls only takes an iterable. This better communicates that it tries a sequence of URLs, in order. To only try 1 URL, pass an iterable with exactly 1 URL str.
    • Serialize the local cache of the remote PSL as JSON (no more pickle) - #81
      • This should be a transparent upgrade for most users.
      • However, if you're configured to only read from your local cache file, no other sources or fallbacks, the new version will be unable to read the old cache format, and an error will be raised.
    • Remove deprecated code
      • TLDExtract's fetch param. To disable live HTTP requests for the latest PSL, instead pass suffix_list_urls=None.
      • ExtractResult.tld property. Use ExtractResult.suffix instead.
    • Moved code
      • Split tldextract.tldextract into a few files.
        • The official public interface of this package comes via import tldextract. But if you were relying on direct import from tldextract.tldextract anyway, those imports may have moved.
        • You can run the package python -m tldextract for the same effect as the included tldextract console script. This used to be python -m tldextract.tldextract.
  • Misc.
    • Use requests instead of urllib - #89
      • As a side-effect, this fixes #93.

1.7.5 (2016-02-07)

  • Bugfixes
    • Support possible gzipped PSL response - #88

1.7.4 (2015-12-26)

  • Bugfixes
    • Fix potential for UnicodeEncodeError with info log - #85

1.7.3 (2015-12-12)

  • Bugfixes
    • Support IDNA2008 - #82
  • Misc.
    • Ease running scripts during local development

1.7.2 (2015-11-28)

  • Bugfixes
    • Domain parsing fails with trailing spaces - #75
    • Update to latest, direct PSL links - #77
  • Misc.
    • Update bundled PSL snapshot
    • Require requirements.txt for local development
    • Enforce linting via the test suite - #79
    • Switch to py.test runner - #80
    • No longer distribute tests. No mention of test_suite in CI is handled centrally now, on this project's GitHub.

1.7.1 (2015-08-22)

Fix publishing mistake with 1.7.0.

1.7.0 (2015-08-22)

  • Features
    • Can include PSL's private domains on CLI with --private_domains boolean flag
  • Bugfixes
    • Improved support for multiple Punycode (or Punycode-looking) parts of a URL
      • Mixed in/valid
      • Mixed encodings
    • Fix ExtractResult._asdict on Python 3.4. This should also save space, as __dict__ is not created for each ExtractResult instance.

1.6 (2015-03-22)

  • Features
    • Pass extra_suffixes directly to constructor
  • Bugfixes
    • Punycode URLs were returned decoded, rather than left alone
    • Things that look like Punycode to tldextract, but aren't, shouldn't raise
    • Print unified diff to debug log, rather than inconsistent stderr

1.5.1 (2014-10-13)

  • Bugfixes
    • Missing setuptools dependency
    • Avoid u'' literal for Python 3.0 - 3.2 compatibility. Tests will still fail though.

1.5 (2014-09-08)

  • Bugfixes
    • Exclude PSL's private domains by default - #19
      • This is a BREAKING bugfix if you relied on the PSL's private domains
      • Revert to old behavior by setting include_psl_private_domains=True
    • UnicodeError for inputs that looked like an IP

1.4 (2014-06-01)

  • Features
    • Support punycode inputs
  • Bugfixes
    • Fix minor Python 3 unicode errors

1.3.1 (2013-12-16)

  • Bugfixes
    • Match PSL's GitHub mirror rename, from mozilla-central to gecko-dev
    • Try Mozilla's PSL SPOT first, then the mirror

1.3 (2013-12-08)

  • Features
    • Specify your own PSL url/file with suffix_list_url kwarg
    • fallback_to_snapshot kwarg - defaults to True
  • Deprecations
    • fetch kwarg

1.2 (2013-07-07)

  • Features
    • Better CLI
    • Cache env var support
    • Python 3.3 support
    • New aliases suffix and registered_domain
  • Bugfixes
    • Fix dns root label

1.1 (2012-03-22)

  • Bugfixes
    • Reliable logger name
    • Forgotten import sys