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[HKUST] Project of CSIT6000O - Advanced Cloud Computing

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Project of CSIT6000O - Advanced Cloud Computing, 2023 Spring

Presentation PPT
Report PDF

This project is to reimplement the AWS data streaming serverless application architecture (Here), with some open-source alternatives, including Apache Kafka, OpenFaaS and MongoDB.
Then make it deployable in Docker and Kubernetes environment.

Original architecture on AWS platform AWS

Architecture after replaced with open-source alternatives Alternatives

All the services above can be deployed into Docker or Kubernetes environment, except OpenFaaS only support Kubernetes environment.

Example Streaming data

Services Introduction

All Service Docker Image Name Notes
Zookeeper bitnami/zookeeper:latest Managing Kafka
Kafka bitnami/kafka:latest Real-time data pipeline
Kafka-ui provectuslabs/kafka-ui:latest UI tool for Kafka, view topics and messages in browser
Kafka-connect johnnyip/cloud-kafka-connect:latest (1)Sync message to mongodb,
(2)Send HTTP POST request to OpenFaaS
mongodb mongo:latest Message storage
mongo-express mongo-express:latest UI tool for Mongodb, view data in browser
crawler johnnyip/cloud-crawler:latest Stream sample data (JSON) to Kafka every 10 sec
OpenFaaS johnnyip/openfaas:latest Host and available for invoke of serverless function

Services Specification

All Service Docker URL K8s External URL K8s Internal URL
Zookeeper - - -
Kafka kafka:9092 - kafka.default.svc.cluster.local:9092
Kafka-ui localhost:8080 localhost:30000 -
Kafka-connect - - -
mongodb localhost:27017 - mongodb.default.svc.cluster.local:27017
mongo-express localhost:8081 localhost:30001
crawler - - -
OpenFaaS localhost:31112 localhost:31112 gateway-external.openfaas.svc.cluster.local:8080/function/openfaas

Start in Docker

OpenFaaS may not be available in Docker only environment. If OpenFaaS is available, modify the docker-compose.yml file to include the admin login password, and the correct invoke URL.

docker compose up

Install & Start Scripts for Kubernetes

If using AWS EC2, make sure greater than 8 GB storage (Recommend: 30 GB)

Name Property
Instance Type m5.large
OS Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
Network Setting All Traffic, Anywhere
Storage 30 GB
# Install Minikube
curl -LO
sudo install minikube-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/minikube

# Install kubectl
curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

# Install Docker
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y

sudo -i
minikube start --kubernetes-version=v1.22.0 HTTP_PROXY= --extra-config=apiserver.service-node-port-range=6000-32767 disk=20000MB --vm=true --driver=none

# Install OpenFaas (For Mac)
brew install faas-cli
curl -sSL | sudo -E sh
arkade install openfaas

# Install OpenFaas (For Linux)
curl -sSL | sudo -E sh
arkade install openfaas
curl -SLsf | sudo sh
# Forward the gateway to your machine
kubectl rollout status -n openfaas deploy/gateway

# Change the port number to 31112
# export OPENFAAS_URL=http://localhost:31112

sleep 5

# FaaS gateway login
PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n openfaas basic-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.basic-auth-password}" | base64 --decode; echo)
echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login --username admin --password-stdin

# Password will be printed. Use this in the future (Access through browser)

# Pass the password environment variable to the kubernetes file
kubectl create configmap openfaas-password --from-literal=PASSWORD=${PASSWORD}

Start the services

# Download .yml
curl -fsSL -o kubernetes.yml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes.yml

curl -fsSL -o openfaas.yml
faas-cli template pull
faas-cli deploy -f openfaas.yml

Access through browser

URL Note
Kafka-ui <Public_URL>:30000
mongo-ui <Public_URL>:30001
OpenFaaS <Public_URL>:31112 Username: admin
Password: <Printed_In_Above>

Show Status

# Show ports
minikube service list

# Show ports
kubectl get svc

# Show deployment status
kubectl get po


# Remove deployment
kubectl delete -f kubernetes.yml

# Show logs
kubectl logs <pod name>


# Image preparation
faas-cli up -f openfaas.yml

# Show logs
faas-cli logs openfaas


[HKUST] Project of CSIT6000O - Advanced Cloud Computing






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