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PHP WordPress Menu

Latest Stable Version License

Versión en español

Add menu or submenu page in WordPress.


This library is supported by PHP versions 5.6 or higher and is compatible with HHVM versions 3.0 or higher.


The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.

To install WP_Menu library, simply:

composer require josantonius/wp-menu

The previous command will only install the necessary files, if you prefer to download the entire source code you can use:

composer require josantonius/wp-menu --prefer-source

You can also clone the complete repository with Git:

git clone

Or install it manually:

Download WP_Menu.php:


Available Methods

Available methods in this library:

- Add WordPress menu/submenu

WP_Menu::add($type, $data, $function, $styles, $scripts);
Atttribute Description Type Required Default
$type 'menu' or 'submenu' string Yes

Atttribute key Description Type Required Default
$data Settings array Yes
name Menu/Submenu name string Yes
slug Menu/Submenu slug string Yes
title Menu/Submenu title string No $data['name']
capability Capability required string No 'manage_options'
icon_url Only for menus - The URL to the icon to be used for this menu. Pass a base64-encoded SVG using a data URI, which will be colored to match the color scheme. This should begin with 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'. Pass the name of a Dashicons helper class to use a font icon, e.g. 'dashicons-chart-pie'. Pass 'none' to leave div.wp-menu-image empty so an icon can be added via CSS. string No ''
position Only for menus - The position in the menu order this one should appear. int No null
parent Only for submenus - The slug name for the parent menu string Yes

Atttribute Description Type Required Default
$function Function to be called to output callable No false

Atttribute Description Type Required Default
$styles Function to be called to load page styles callable No false

Atttribute Description Type Required Default
$scripts Function to be called to load page scripts callable No false

@return (boolean)

Quick Start

To use this library with Composer:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Josantonius\WP_Menu;

Or If you installed it manually, use it:

require_once __DIR__ . '/class-wp-menu.php';

use Josantonius\WP_Menu\WP_Menu;


- Set menu params

$params = [
    'slug'       => 'searchinside-options',
    'name'       => __('Search Inside', 'search-iniside'),
    'title'      => __('Search Inside', 'search-iniside'),
    'capability' => 'manage_options',
    'icon_url'   => '//searchinside-menu-admin.png',
    'position'   => 25,

- Add menu

Add menu without associated method.


Add menu with associated method for output.

    [$this, 'run_page']

Add menu with associated methods for output and styles.

    [$instance1, 'run_page'], 
    [$instance3, 'load_styles']

Add menu with associated methods for output, styles and scripts.

    [$instance1, 'run_page'], 
    [$instance3, 'load_styles'],
    [$instance3, 'load_scripts']

Add menu with associated methods for output and scripts.

    [$instance1, 'run_page'], 
    [$instance3, 'load_scripts']

- Set submenu params

$params = [
    'slug'       => 'searchinside-options',
    'parent'     => 'searchinside-options',
    'name'       => __('Options', 'search-iniside'),
    'title'      => __('Options', 'search-iniside'),
    'capability' => 'manage_options',

- Add submenu

Add submenu without associated method:


Add submenu with associated method for output.

    [$this, 'run_page']

Add submenu with associated methods for output and styles.

    [$instance1, 'run_page'], 
    [$instance3, 'load_styles']

Add submenu with associated methods for output, styles and scripts.

    [$instance1, 'run_page'], 
    [$instance3, 'load_styles'],
    [$instance3, 'load_scripts']

Add submenu with associated method for output and scripts.

    [$instance1, 'run_page'], 
    [$instance3, 'load_scripts']

- Advanced example

class Sample_Class {

    public function __construct() {

        add_action( 'wp_menu_pre_add_menu_page', [ $this, 'before_add_menu' ] );
        add_action( 'wp_menu_after_add_menu_page', [ $this, 'after_add_menu' ] );
        add_action( 'wp_menu_pre_add_submenu_page', [ $this, 'before_add_submenu' ] );
        add_action( 'wp_menu_after_add_submenu_page', [ $this, 'after_add_submenu' ] );

    public function run_page() {

        echo 'Response from run_page method';

    public function add_styles() {

        echo 'Response from add_styles method';

    public function add_scripts() {

        echo 'Response from add_scripts method';

    public function before_add_menu() {

        echo 'Response from wp_menu_pre_add_menu_page action';

    public function after_add_menu( $hook_suffix ) {

        echo 'Response from wp_menu_after_add_menu_page action';
        echo 'Hook suffix: ' . $hook_suffix;

    public function before_add_submenu() {

        echo 'Response from wp_menu_pre_add_submenu_page action';

    public function after_add_submenu( $hook_suffix ) {

        echo 'Response from wp_menu_after_add_submenu_page action';
        echo 'Hook suffix: ' . $hook_suffix;

$sample_class = new Sample_Class();

 * Add menu
$params = [
    'slug'       => 'plugin-options',
    'name'       => __( 'Plugin Name', 'plugin-slug' ),
    'title'      => __( 'Plugin Title', 'plugin-slug' ),
    'capability' => 'manage_options',
    'icon_url'   => '//searchinside-menu-admin.png',
    'position'   => 25,

    [ $sample_class, 'run_page' ],
    [ $sample_class, 'add_styles' ],
    [ $sample_class, 'add_scripts' ]

 * Add submenu
$params = [
    'slug'       => 'sub-plugin-options',
    'parent'     => 'plugin-options',
    'name'       => __( 'Plugin Name', 'plugin-slug' ),
    'title'      => __( 'Plugin Title', 'plugin-slug' ),
    'capability' => 'manage_options',

    [ $sample_class, 'run_page' ],
    [ $sample_class, 'add_styles' ],
    [ $sample_class, 'add_scripts' ]

# When do_action('admin_menu');

    // Response from wp_menu_pre_add_menu_page action
    // Response from wp_menu_pre_add_submenu_page action
    // Response from wp_menu_after_add_menu_page action
    // Response from wp_menu_after_add_submenu_page action
    // Hook suffix: load-toplevel_page_plugin-options
    // Hook suffix: plugin-name_page_sub-plugin-options
# When do_action('toplevel_page_plugin-options');
    // Executed only if access the page associated with this menu.

        // Response from run_page method
# When do_action('plugin-name_page_sub-plugin-options');
    // Executed only if access the page associated with this submenu.

        // Response from run_page method

# When do_action('load-toplevel_page_plugin-options');
    // Executed only if access the page associated with this menu.

        // Response from add_styles method
        // Response from add_scripts method
# When do_action('load-plugin-name_page_sub-plugin-options');
    // Executed only if access the page associated with this submenu.

        // Response from add_styles method
        // Response from add_scripts method

Action hooks

Action Description Parameters
wp_menu_pre_add_menu_page Before adding menu.
wp_menu_after_add_menu_page After adding menu. $page Resulting page's hook_suffix, or false.
wp_menu_pre_add_submenu_page Before adding submenu.
wp_menu_after_add_submenu_page After adding submenu. $page Resulting page's hook_suffix, or false.


To run tests you just need composer and to execute the following:

git clone

cd WP_Menu

bash bin/ wordpress_test root '' localhost latest

composer install

Run unit tests with PHPUnit:

composer phpunit

Run WordPress code standard tests with PHPCS:

composer phpcs

Run PHP Mess Detector tests to detect inconsistencies in code style:

composer phpmd

Run all previous tests:

composer tests


If this project helps you to reduce your development time, you can sponsor me to support my open source work 😊


This repository is licensed under the MIT License.

Copyright © 2017-2022, Josantonius