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Graphs showing number of job postings at containing certain technical terms.

  • profesia-jobs - search jobs at
  • gen-graph - generate graph from CSV file created via profesia-jobs --count
  • update-data - run profesia-jobs + gen-graph and commit and push new data (CSVs, graphs) to GitHub
  • clean-data - helper script that remove duplicate lines from CSV files

gen-graph copes with duplicate data but you might want to clean up your CSVs from time to time anyways by running clean-data


See .travis.yml for installation hints.

Use git lfs for storing large files:

Setup crontab job (check your directory paths):

# Collect and persist data...
15 23 * * * PERL5LIB=/home/reisinge/perl5/lib/perl5 /home/reisinge/github-repos/profesia-jobs/update-data


See Graphs.

Show historical Linux shops and job titles:

cat jobs.csv | \
perl -F';' -lane 'print "$F[0] ($F[3]): $F[4]" if $F[1] eq "linux"' | \
sort | uniq | less

Show current Linux shops and job titles:

./profesia-jobs linux | \
perl -F';' -lane 'print "$F[0] ($F[3]): $F[4]"' | \
sort | uniq | less

Add new search term

  1. Modify %terms in update-data accordingly
  2. Check index.hmtl in gh-pages branch - use gen-index.