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Math Attack!

Repository for the Math Attack! online game


  1. About
  2. Installation
  3. Features
  5. Code Examples
  6. Testing
  7. Future Goals


This is a simple online game for reviewing basic arithmetic concepts. It's written in the TypeScript dialect of JavaScript, and it uses the Vue framework for a modern user experience.


Create Local Repository

  1. Fork and clone this repository to your local computer
  2. Run npm i to install all dependencies locally (if you run into conflicts with module versions, try npm i --legacy-peer-deps)

Run App Locally

  1. Run npm run serve within your local directory
  2. View the live version of the site at http://localhost:8080

Alternatively, you may use the live version of the Math Attack! app, deployed via Netlify


  • Fully functional, playable game with win and lose conditions
  • Unlimited question bank since questions generated dynamically instead of being accessed statically
  • Score board in the header, so user can easily always view their score, strikes, and remaining time
  • Feedback for all questions to inform users of correct answers before moving on to a new question
  • Routing for separate pages to move beyond SPA basics
  • Native storage for state management via Vue's Reactivity API
  • Test suites for every major file


Home Page Home Page

Instructions Page Instructions Page

Question Page in Action Question Page in Action

Question Page with Feedback Question Page with Feedback

Error Page Error Page

Code Examples

Helper function to create a new question

function generateQuestion(
    level: number,
    type: string,
    previous?: string
): IQuestion {
    const symbol: string = selectSymbol(type)
    const pair: IPair = generatePair(level, type)
    const answer: number = generateAnswer(pair.firstNumber, pair.secondNumber, type)
    const choices: number[] = generateChoices(answer, pair.firstNumber, pair.secondNumber, type)
    const question: string = `${pair.firstNumber} ${symbol} ${pair.secondNumber}`

    let result: IQuestion = {

    if (
        previous === result.question || 
        Math.floor(answer) !== answer
    ) {
        result = generateQuestion(level, type, previous)

    return result

Store to simplify state management across app with accessor and mutators

export default reactive(<IScore>{
    value: 0,
    increment(points: number) {
        this.value += points
    decrement(points: number) {
        this.value -= points
    reset() {
        this.value = 0

Custom composable to simplify navigation

function useLandingPages(): LandingPagesComposable {
    const router: Router = useRouter()

    function goHome(): void {

    function playGame(): void {

    function readInstructions(): void {

    return {

Vue component with template to dynamically display content

        <p :class="props.styling">
            {{ feedback }}



This repository uses Jest for testing. It should be one of the dev dependencies initially installed.

  • The app features 254 passing automated tests
  • To check them, run npm run test

Future Goals

  • More tests to increase code coverage, handle edge cases, and test UI's functionality, which may require implementing Cypress for integration tests
  • Improve styling for a more enjoyable user experience