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Releases: jubako/arx


20 Feb 14:14
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  • Add in all sub-packages.
  • Improve performance of arx list (x2)
  • libarx now creates missing intermediate "directory" at arx archive creation.
  • arx dump now takes a output argument to not always dump on stdout
  • tar2arx accepts now a compressed tar as input.
  • tar2arx can now takes tar as a path to the tar and not always as stdin.
  • Add option to generate man page (all tools)
  • Add option to generate completion script (all tools)
  • arx create now takes option -o for create archive. (-f is keep for compatibility but will be removed)
  • arx extract now takes the input archive as argument (-f is keep for compatibility but will be removed)
  • Show a nice message in case of panic.
  • Better CI


06 Feb 13:46
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This release is a huge release!!
Most of the changes come from the Jubako 0.2.0 release.

Create a arx library

Arx is now split in a library and a tool part.

The arx library (libarx) can now be used by other projects.

New automount binary.

The automount binary is useless in itself. But it can be concatenated with an Arx archive to
create an automount archive.

Store unix properties in Arx

Now arx format stores file properties. The properties are:

  • owner
  • group
  • mode
  • mtime

The size is also store in the entry, which allow libarx to give the file size without searching
for content in the contentPack (this somehow prevents use to use variant contentPacks).

Do deduplication at file level.

At creation, arx maintain a cache of hash of already added content.
If a file to add has the same hash that a previously added content, we will reuse the previous ContentAddress.

Various improvement of the command line API

  • arx list now have a stable output,
  • arx extract and arx create can now take a file listing the files to extract/add
  • arx extract has a --progress option
  • arx create has an option to strip prefix from the add file name
  • arx create has an option to change current directory before creating the archive
  • arx create has options to specify if we want one file (containing all packs) or one file per packs
  • arx create has an option to configure the compression used

Add zip2arx and tar2arx

Port to Windows and MacOs

While arx compile on Windows and MacOs, it is not completely tested.

mount feature is not available on Windows.

Various and numerous performance improvements