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Contributing JunkJam

Add new markdown file to start writing, blogging at its finest.

Click + icon on JunkJam repo to fork this project and create a new markdown file.

Create Pull Request to get merged and published your markdown file.

Blogging Basics

  • Markdown basics for writing. (Writing)

  • JunkJam basics for image. (Image)

  • Upload Images for post. (Upload)

  • Online Markdown Editor. (Editor)

Blog posts must be stored in the source/_posts directory and named according to naming conventions:

YYYY-MM-DD-post-slug.markdown. The name of the file will be used as the url slug, and the date helps with file distinction and determines the sorting order for post loops

Open a post in editor and you'll have to add a block of yaml text which tells JunkJam how to processes posts.

layout: post
title: "Junk Professionals, What the Fu**"
date: 2015-11-08 23:18:49 +0530
comments: true
categories: JunkJam

Here you can turn comments off or add categories to your post. JunkJam works on a multi-author blog, you can add author: Your Name to the metadata for proper attribution on a post. If you are working on a draft, you can add published: false to prevent it from being posted when you generate your blog.

You can add a single category or multiple categories like this.

# One category
categories: JunkJam

# Multiple categories example 1
categories: [Urban Warrior, Platform Heel, Miami Calling]

# Multiple categories example 2
- Urban Warrior
- Platform Heel
- Miami Calling
