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Library for Integration testing plugins with Spigot/Bukkit API

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This is a tool designed for adding integration tests to spigot plugins. This library is created to behave simillar to Junit so you will find a lot similarities. In order to use it every class from your plugin which contains a test should extend the abstract class SpigotTest


Example Plugin main

public final class PluginMain extends JavaPlugin implements PluginTestsSetup {

    //Example class that is passed to tests as parameter
    private CraftingManager craftingManager;

    public void onEnable() {
        // Plugin startup logic
        craftingManager = new CraftingManager();

   //Here you can configure tests and inject parameters
    public void onTestsSetup(TestsBuilder builder) {

Example Test

public class ExampleTests extends PluginTest {

    @Test(name = "crafting permission test")
    public void shouldUseCrafting() {
        Player player = addPlayer("mike");
        CraftingManager craftingManager = getParameter(CraftingManager.class);
        PermissionAttachment attachment = player.addAttachment(getPlugin());
        attachment.setPermission("crating", true);

        boolean result = craftingManager.canPlayerUseCrating(player);



    @Test(name = "teleport only player with op")
    public void shouldBeTeleported() {
        Player playerJoe = addPlayer("joe");
        Player playerMike = addPlayer("mike");

        invokeCommand(playerJoe, "teleport " + playerJoe.getName() + " 1 3 3");

        invokeCommand(playerMike, "teleport " + playerMike.getName() + " 1 2 3");

                .wasInvoked(Times.once()) //since only one player has OP event will be triggered once



Report output


  "isPassed": true,
  "reportId": "a7e47b6d-4165-4692-a286-b07404d37401",
  "createdAt": "2023-02-17 15:11:35.4724659+01",
  "serverVersion": "3638-Spigot-d90018e-7dcb59b (MC: 1.19.3)",
  "spigotVersion": "1.19.3-R0.1-SNAPSHOT",
  "spigotTesterVersion": "1.0.0-Release",
  "plugins": [
      "isPassed": true,
      "pluginVersion": "1.0.0",
      "pluginName": "ExamplePluginToTest",
      "classResults": [
          "className": "ExampleTests",
          "classPackage": "io.github.jwdeveloper.spigot.exampleplugintotest",
          "isIgnored": false,
          "isPassed": true,
          "testMethods": [
              "name": "teleport only player with op",
              "isPassed": true,
              "executionTime": 26.0652,
              "isIgnored": false,
              "errorMessage": "",
              "stackTrace": ""
              "name": "crafting permission test",
              "isPassed": true,
              "executionTime": 18.7894,
              "isIgnored": false,
              "errorMessage": "",
              "stackTrace": ""

To perform tests, put the SpigotTester plugin and your plugin in the server/plugins folder. Then, run the server. Once the server has finished starting up, SpigotTester will perform all tests and generate a report in the location server/plugins/SpigotTester/report.json.

For more flexibility you can modify some behaviors of SpigotTester in config server/plugins/SpigotTester/config.yml

#Closing server when tests are done
close-server-after-tests: false

#Display tests info in console
display-logs: true

#Generate report.html it's simple website that visualize tests result
open-report-in-website: true

#lists of plugins that constains SpigotTests but should be ignored
  - "Example"