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Plugin: SMS to email

tenzap edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 1 revision

If you activate this plugin, Kalkun will automatically forward every incoming SMS to the email you set in the SMS to Email plugin web page.

Available configuration:

| protocol - The mail sending protocol (mail, sendmail, or smtp)
| smtp_host - SMTP Server Address
| smtp_port - SMTP Port
| smtp_user - SMTP Username
| smtp_pass - SMTP Password
| charset - Character set (utf-8, iso-8859-1, etc.)
| wordwrap - Enable word-wrap
| mail_from - Sender Email
| mail_subject - The mail subject
$config['protocol'] = 'mail';
$config['smtp_host'] = 'localhost';
$config['smtp_port'] = '25';
$config['smtp_user'] = 'username';
$config['smtp_pass'] = 'password';
$config['charset'] = 'utf-8';
$config['wordwrap'] = TRUE;
$config['mail_from'] = '[email protected]';
$config['mail_subject'] = 'Kalkun New SMS';
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