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tenzap edited this page Mar 16, 2022 · 5 revisions

Before installing Kalkun, your system must meet all the following requirements.


Operating system

Kalkun should work on any operating system (OS), as long as the OS can run all required software below (like Apache HTTP Server, PHP, a database engine (MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite3), gammu-smsd, etc).

Known working OSs: Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, SLAX, etc), and macOS.

HTTP Server

Because Kalkun is web based, you need a HTTP server to run it. Any web server will work as long as it supports PHP.

Known working web servers: Apache httpd, Lighttpd, NGINX, and IIS.

PHP >= 5.6

Kalkun is built with PHP, so you need to install both:

  • php for your HTTP server,
  • php-cli (command line interface) for the "daemon" to work.

You also need these PHP extenions enabled: (only those that are used only by plugins are optional if you don't install the plugin)

PHP Extension CI3 Kalkun 'Core' Kalkun Plugins
ctype - Character type checking X
curl - Client URL Library X X
hash - HASH Message Digest Framework X sms_to_twitter, sms_to_xmpp
intl - Internationalization X X
json - JavaScript Object Notation X X
ldap phonebook_ldap
mbstring - Multibyte String (X) X
session - Session Handling X X
mysqli or pgsql or sqlite3 - Database extension X X X

Kalkun will check all PHP requirements (except php-cli) when you go through the installation screens.

Database server

Currently supported DB Engines:

  • MySQL version 5.5.3 or higher (for full UTF-8 support)
  • SQLite3
  • PostgreSQL version 8.x or higher

HINTS: If you don't have any of these (web server, PHP & database), you can install a bundle like XAMPP instead.


Composer (Dependency Manager for PHP). This will allow to get the third-party PHP libraries Kalkun depends on.


Gammu-smsd is the SMS engine that retrieves/delivers your messages.

Kalkun uses the database that is set up by gammu-smsd. Additionnaly it updates the database schema to build a complete SMS management system.

Modern web browser

On the client side, you need a modern web browser that supports javascript/AJAX and with cookies enabled.

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