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tenzap edited this page Mar 2, 2022 · 1 revision

SMS Advertise is a way to append ads to every outgoing messages. The ad is placed at the end of the message.

How to activate SMS ads?

SMS ads is disabled by default, to activate it, by setting the value from FALSE to TRUE in the configuration file. Search for SMS Advertise section.

$config['sms_advertise'] = FALSE;

Change it to TRUE.

How to change ads message?

Still in the same file:

$config['sms_advertise_message'] = "This is ads message";

Change it to whatever you want.

Just for a note: The longer the ads content the more SMS character will be taken.

How do I know if the option is active?

It is writtent at the bottom of the compose windows: "Ads is active".

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