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Matej Pacan edited this page Aug 13, 2020 · 14 revisions

Here you can view all the permission this plugin supports. We recommend using PermissionsEx as a permission plugin, as it has proven stability over the many years of its course.

TIP: If you are an operator and would like to enable check for yourself as well, give yourself negative bypass permission like so: "-confiscate.bypass.*"

You can view the required permission directly within the error message when you attempt to execute a command you don't have access to. Permission


Permissions for plugin commands.

Permission: confiscate.command.list
Info: Access the /c list command to browse all commands of this plugin.

Permission: confiscate.command.reload
Info: Access the /c reload command to reload the configuration.

Info: Access the /c room command.

Info: Obtain the room tool that sets room's foundation.

Info: Be teleported to the chest room.

Permission: confiscate.command.inv
Info: Access the /c inv command.

Permission: confiscate.command.inv.view
Info: View inventories of other online and offline players.

Permission: confiscate.command.inv.enderview
Info: View ender chest of other online and offline players.

Permission: confiscate.command.inv.armor
Info: View armor content of other online and offline players.

Permission: confiscate.command.inv.write
Info: Permission to manipulate with the content of inventories or armor. Defaults to false,
      that means that the viewer only sees the content as it is.

Permission: confiscate.command.log
Info: Access the /c log command.

Permission: confiscate.command.log.browse
Info: Browse players' log.

Permission: confiscate.command.log.stats
Info: View stored log statistics.

Scan Bypass

Permissions to be ignored from confiscating items and scanning your inventory. Replace {inventoryType} with inventory types for here, and {material} with material names found here.

IMPORTANT: For material names, use the following names even if you are on older Minecraft version: Use lower-cased names such as "black_wool", not "BLACK_WOOL".

Permission: confiscate.bypass.container.{inventoryType}
Info: Permission to bypass scanning when opening a specified container.

Permission: confiscate.bypass.inventory
Info: Permission to bypass inventory scan, e.g. when they log in or change world.

Permission: confiscate.bypass.stacks
Info: Permission to allow items stacked unnaturally (e.g. 64x minecarts).

Permission: confiscate.bypass.potion.{potion_type}
Info: Permission to allow holding of illegal potions (infinite, killer potions etc) of specified type.
Tip: Use names from

Permission: confiscate.bypass.item.{material}
Info: Permission to allow holding of banned items of specific material.
Note: Please see the IMPORTANT note above.

Permission: confiscate.bypass.item_creative.{material}
Info: Permission to allow holding of banned items in survival of specific material.
Note: Please see the IMPORTANT note above.

Permission: confiscate.bypass.limit.{material}
Info: Permission to bypass item amount restriction for specific item.
Note: Please see the IMPORTANT note above.

Permission: confiscate.bypass.limit_newcomers.{material}
Info: Permission to bypass item amount restriction for specific item for newcomers.
Note: Please see the IMPORTANT note above.

Permission: confiscate.bypass.worldedit
Info: Permission to bypass item limit for WorldEdit operations. Since some 
operations work with thousands of items, we do not allow only certain items 
to be bypassed because of the performance impact could freeze the server.


Permissions related to getting messages when something is triggered.

Permission: confiscate.notify.confiscate
Info: Permission to be notified when something is confiscated.

Permission: confiscate.notify.commandspy
Info: Permission to receive alerts when a command is executed.

Permission: confiscate.notify.updates
Info: Permission to receive alerts on join when a new version is available.


Permissions related to the chest room.

Info: Permission to open chests in the chest room.

Info: Permission to view player logs by clicking on their sign in the chest room.

Info: Permission to use the room foundation tool.


Permissions related to bypasses not related to scanning inventory (see above).

Permission: confiscate.exempt.log.{log_type}
Info: Player will be ignored from logging. Replace {log_type} with the message type (you can find all if you type /c log view <yourname> blabla) 

Permission: confiscate.exempt.commandspy
Info: Player will be ignored from command spy.