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Useful Links

Matej Pacan edited this page Oct 20, 2021 · 6 revisions

Here is a collection of useful web resources that will make it easier for you to maintain both your server and your copy of this plugin.

Minecraft Servers

  • Is a training I am doing on coding your own Minecraft plugin. This is a passion project I'm extremely proud of, and over 2,000 people have taken the class and coded their own amazing plugins since.
  • PaperSpigot. Paper (formerly PaperSpigot) is a Minecraft server based on Spigot, that aims to provide high grade of performance and versatility. My personal experience has been extremely satisfying, that is why I am recommending you to check it out.
  • Color Codes. A list of all available color codes that you may use within this plugin.


  • PowerNBT. Provides the ability to browse offline players' inventories and adds compatibility to many (older) Minecraft versions.
  • BungeeChatAPI. Required if you are running Minecraft 1.7.10 or older.
  • ChatControl. The ultimate chat solution, from beginners to advanced. Fight spam, caps, ads, swears and even bots on your server.

Text Editors

  • Notepad++. Powerful yet simple and clean text editor. Using it will fix lots of trouble with different encoding.
  • Atom. Another text processor of a high quality grade, fully respecting file encodings.
  • WordPad / Notepad on Windows. NOT RECOMMENDED. You may end up corrupting your configuration, because they do not respect file encodings. Use with cation!

When Having Issues

  • YAML Parser. If you are having trouble writing .yml files, this service will check your syntax and displays exactly where the error lies.
  • This is the best place to upload your errors and stack traces to. Code high-lightning is fully supported.