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Matej edited this page Jun 19, 2024 · 12 revisions

Hello and welcome to the Winter Wikipedia!



Winter requires Bukkit 1.7.10 or newer. For 1.19+, you must use Paper or its forks. Please see BuiltByBit page for which latest versions are supported. (Sometimes it might happen that we forget to update them, in this case try looking at the changelog to see if newer version support was added.)

Winter works on Spigot or Paper, users reported it being broken on Mohist.


Simply drop Winter to your plugins/ folder and restart. Do not use PlugMan and do not /reload.


There are basic "winter.command.X" permissions for "/winter" subcommand, their names are equal to the subcommand name, such as "winter.command.snow" for "/winter snow". In addition, there are following perms:

  • - Access gift chests (see below).
  • winter.chest.dated - Access dated chests (see below).
  • winter.chest.timed - Access timed chests (see below).
  • winter.chest.admin - Break chests from other players and bypass restrictions.

Shortening commands

Please see commands.yml in your root server folder if you want to make a "/snow" command run "/winter snow" and create a shortcut there.


Gift Chests

Create lootable chests for other players. Great for leaving gifts or events.

To place a sign on a chest, place the chest, then place a sign directly on it by holding SHIFT, then right clicking.

1. Public Gift Chest

Everyone can loot the chest.

Format: Write [Gift] on the first sign line, leave other lines empty.


2. Private Gift Chest

Only the given 1-3 players can loot the chest.

Format: Write [Gift] on the first sign line, and put player names who should access the chest. Leave other lines empty if youi only wnat 1 or 2 players to access it. In the example below, "kangarko", "Secondplayer" and "Thirdplayer" can access the chest.


Dated Chests

This chest is only available during the given period. It is "infinite", so it does not lose its items when looted by players. It shows the same items for every player.

Each unique player can however loot the chest only once.

There are four ways to create a Dated Chest:

1. Accessible the entire day

Place [Dated] on the first line and then month and day in the DD.MM format on the second line. Leave other sign lines empty. This chest will only be available during the given day in the given month.


2. Accessible within a time in a day

Similar to above, but specify the time in hours and seconds in the HH:SS format, when the chest should be accessible in the given day. Leave the forth line empty.


3. Accessible between days

See 1), however place two dates here separated by "-" to make the chest accessible between the given days, including the given days. Leave 3rd and 4th lines empty.


4. Accessible between days and times

See 2) and 3). Makes chest accessible between (and including on) the given days, but only with the given time range. Leave 4th line empty.


Timed Chest

Infinite chest that can be looted over and over again, but players must wait the given duration between each opens. There are two kinds of timed chests:

1. Unlimited loot chest

Place [Timed] on the first line, then a date interval such as "60m" for 60 minutes or "20s" for 20 seconds, denoting how long the player must wait before opening the chest again. Leave 3rd and 4th lines empty.


2. Loot chest with max opens amount

This chest can only be used a limited amount of times and the player must wait the given period between each time opening it. Specify the amount of opens on the 3rd line. Leave the 4th line empty.

The example below creates a chest that can be open three times by each player, with a day's pause between each loot.
