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Local environment for development

You'll need:

  • PHP 8.1 or newer
  • Docker and Docker Compose (Docker Desktop is fine too, it installs both)

Create a db.env file from template and edit it:

cp db.example.env db.env

Launch Docker Compose in the background:

docker compose up -d

You are not able to use the database right now, as it has not been migrated. Migrate the database while docker compose is running in the background:

php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n

Create a user:

# normal user
php bin/console tr:user:create

# admin user
php bin/console tr:user:create -a

Start the development server:

php bin/console serve

It may ask you to add some self-signed certificates. It's necessary in order to use HTTPS locally.

Now you should be able to see the login page at http://localhost:8000

Worker process

Execute the following script:

php bin/console messenger:consume async --memory-limit=128M

This script has to be running all the time when the server is active, otherwise asynchronous feed reloading will not work. The script terminates when its memory usage exceeds 128M of memory, so it is highly recommended to use a process manager like PM2 or Supervisor to keep the worker alive.