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Aiohttp transport for Spyne RPC library.


  • Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11
  • Aiohttp >= 3.9.0
  • Spyne >= 2.14.0

Spyne alpha versions should also work.


Just run pip install aiohttp-spyne :)


  • Test server: python -m examples.hello_world
  • Threaded test server: python -m examples.hello_world_threads
  • Test client: python -m examples.test_client


First, initialize your spyne application as normal. Here's an example for a simple SOAP service (See spyne examples and documentation for a more complete service setup).

spyne_app = spyne.Application(

Next, wrap your Spyne application with AIOSpyne. Note that you can run your application entrypoints in a thread by setting the "threads" parameter. If you want to keep your entrypoints running in the same thread as the main application, just leave this None. If you DO run your entrypoints in threads, be aware that some signals sent by spyne will also be run in threads, and be extra careful of using your main loop!

handler = AIOSpyne(spyne_app, threads=25)

Lastly, make an aiohttp application as usual, and just bind GET and POST entrypoints from AIOSpyne to wherever. Note that both paths need to be the same.

With GET, if the request address ends ?wsdl or .wsdl, a WSDL schema is returned in a response. Otherwise, requests are redirected to spynes RPC handler.

app = web.Application()
app.router.add_get('/{tail:.*}', handler.get)
web.run_app(app, port=8080)

Chunked encoding

If you offer large result sets in your soap entrypoints, and yield the results properly, you may want to enable chunked encoding. This way the aiohttp server can stream your results and reduce memory usage.

handler = AIOSpyne(spyne_app, chunked=True)

WSDL caching

By default, aiohttp-spyne will cache WSDL documents generated by spyne. This makes it cheap to offer the WSDL documents to any clients. If for some reason you want to disable this caching, you can do so by setting the cache_wsdl argument as False.

handler = AIOSpyne(spyne_app, cache_wsdl=False)

Testing and formatting

  1. pytest
  2. mypy -p aiohttp_spyne
  3. black aiohttp_spyne/


LGPL-2.1 -- Please see LICENSE for details.