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Douglas M Franz edited this page May 4, 2020 · 33 revisions

MCMD has built-in molecular models for easy simulations of different gases/liquids.

All of the models can be found in the source code.

They're used just like this (in your input file):
sorbate_name h2_buch

Note, you don't have to use this command. If the input file already has molecules with parameters, MCMD will just load those as the replicable molecules. They are called "prototypes" in the code.

For multi-sorbate simulation:
sorbate_name h2_bss co2_phast ch4_9site water
sorbate_fugacities 0.7 0.3 1.0 2.5

Model Description Number of sites
h2_buch The Buch model for hydrogen. Repulsion-dispersion parameters only. 1
h2_dl The Darkrim-Levesque model for hydrogen. Includes electrostatics. 3
h2_bss The Belof/Stern/Space model for hydrogen. Includes electrostatics. 5
h2_bssp The Belof/Stern/Space polarizable model for hydrogen. Includes polarization parameters. 5
Noble gases
he An RD-only model for Helium, useful for theoretical determination of pore volume. 1
he_hogan RD/polarizable model for He 1
ne_hogan RD/polarizable model for Ne 1
ar_hogan RD/polarizable model for Ar 1
kr_hogan RD/polarizable model for Kr 1
xe_hogan RD/polarizable model for Xe 1
Carbon Monoxide
co_3site 3-site LJ + ES model from Straub and Karplus, 1991. 3
Nitrogen Monoxide
no_3site 3-site LJ + ES model from Meuwly et al., 2002. 3
Carbon Dioxide
co2_phast A carbon-dioxide model developed by Cioce et al. Includes electrostatics. 5
co2_phast* Same but with polarization. 5
co2_trappe The TraPPE model for CO2. No polarization. 3
co2_becker A polarizable CO2 model built off of TraPPE, 2017. 3
co2_epm2 A non-polarizable CO2 model by Harris and Yung, 1995. 3
n2_polar A polarizable N2 model, Cioce et al. 5
n2_nonpolar A non-polarizable N2 model, Cioce et al. RD/ES only. 5
n2_mcquarrie Donald McQuarrie's RD-only nitrogen model. 1
n2_trappe The Nitrogen model from TraPPE. RD/ES only. 3
o2 TraPPE model for oxygen. RD+ES. 3
nh3 TraPPE model for Ammonia. RD+ES 5
ch4_trappe The TraPPE model for methane. Single site. 1
ch4_9site Our methane model, by Cioce et al., with ES 9
ch4_9site* Our polarizable methane model, by Cioce et al. 9
c2h2 Our acetylene model, Hogan et al. 4
c2h2* Same, polarizable. 4
c2h4 Our ethylene model, Hogan et al. 4
c2h4* Same, polarizable. 4
c2h4_trappe TraPPE model for ethylene (RD only) 2
c2h6 Our ethane model, Hogan et al. 6
c2h6* Same, polarizable. 6
c2h6_trappe TraPPE model for ethane (RD only) 2
h2o_tip3p The TIP3P water model. 3
h2o_tip4p The TIP4P water model. 3
h2o_roney Ben Roney's polarizable water model. 3
h2o_pol3 The Pol3 polarizable water model. 3
Sulfur Dioxide
so2 Model used by Peng et al. (DOI 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b01925) 3
ch3oh Franz methanol model. 6
c2h5oh Franz ethanol model. 9
c6h6 TraPPE 6-site benzene model. RD-only. 6
c6h6_9site TraPPE 9-site benzene model. RD and electrostatics. 9
c6h12 TraPPE 6-site cyclohexane model. RD-only. Warning: uses CCCBDB CSD/cc-pvDZ geometry (not TraPPE bond-angles). 6
octane TraPPE 8-site C818 model. 8
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